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Otis james

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Posts posted by Otis james

  1. 2 hours ago, Anon94 said:

    Don't overthink it. As long as you aren't unreasonably aggressive and keep the area clean it really doesn't make much of a difference. 

    I was washing the recipient starting on day 1 after surgery. (First time at the clinic, by myself after that).

    You don't need to rub, but from the little that exists for studies it seems that the hair is already quite secure by day 4. Mind you, this was with older surgical methods (bigger punches and incisions than today) that caused more trauma and likely took longer to heal. But with that they found that by day 4 pulling on hair didn't cause the graft to get lost, but pulling on the scab did until day 6. 

    It's likely that with the methods someone like Dr. Nader uses (small punch for extraction, cutting the channel not log before implantation, and implanting with a dull implanter pen) will have you healing enough sooner than that. 

    So light rubbing by day 3 and more aggressive rubbing after about a week seems safe. You don't want scabs to be present any longer than needed for optimal results anyway. 

    Rubbing grafts on day 3? Not sure any doc would recommend that….

  2. Good morning folks. It’s been 6 days since my op with Bruno Pinto.

    i feel like everything is going well! Donor is itching when I go to bed though and every now and then I get the odd shooting pain (2 out of 10!) in both donor and recipient area. 
    truth be told, it all feels a bit of a breeze at the moment. Granted, it was only a small surgery. 
    I’ve attached a video (you might want to increase the quality to see it clearer) and a few pics of my donor. 
    im back to work on Monday. I’m a roofer but will be careful not to hurt anything. Am I out of the danger zone, in terms of knocking the grafts out? 






  3. On 1/11/2024 at 2:02 PM, GeneralNorwood said:

    I would elaborate on that. 

    Pitella and Zarev have cases above 10000 grafts in total. What does dr Pinto thinks about this expansion of the safezone, aka individual approach to the safezone? What stops him from doing this?


    and related question : What punch size does he use? 

    Can’t answer the first question but this might help answer your second one! Although I have no idea what it actually means!


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  4. Morning lads! 

    while this is ruling my life, I thought I’d do a few videos. It won’t be every day, don’t worry! 
    anyway, all feels well. Still a bit swollen. Antibiotics are giving me the trots a little too! Not really sure what else to say at this point! 

    if you click on the little cog symbol, you can increase the video quality…


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  5. This is a sad thing to read. @Berba11 has made some excellent points. I get that it’s hard for you to hear though. 
    Women are not as shallow as you think and you seem to see yourself as “ugly”… I think that is the bigger problem here. How you see yourself. You will have lots to offer a girl. I can not emphasise enough how different you will feel in a few years. Keep an eye on your hair and continue with medication but, most of all, be kinder to yourself. Your hair looks good to me! You have a hairline. What does it look like grown out a bit?

    Hope you’re well, mate. ✌️

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  6. 19 minutes ago, Gustavo said:

    Hi guys ,can any of you advice me on how to kick away my panic from anesthesia injections ,it’s not fear of needles or pain 

    MY pannicknarises after I read how heart beat faster for a while after big quantities of adrenaline get inside your scap

    any suggestions please to stop this paralyzing feeling that is not letting me book a surgery 


    Honestly, they don’t even hurt. In the hands of the right surgeon, you won’t be panicking. I was before I got to the clinic, but I soon settled once we started talking. The whole procedure is very relaxing. 

  7. Hi lads. I’ve just arrived back from 2 days in Porto. I won’t go on too much! Porto is really easy to get to and those thinking of staying in England, for convenience, really should consider Portugal! 
    I was a small case, but Bruno completely understood my issues. “You don’t really have a hairline”! He was amazing. Such a lovely guy, with an incredible amount of enthusiasm for hair restoration and life! 
    I’m nearly 40, have very fine hair, with a decent donor. My hair has been long for years so the shaved head has shocked me, but I quite like it! 
    anyway, all pics are from today, the day after surgery. I’m not very technical but I think he said 65 grafts per cm2. 
    I plan on ignoring my hair and just let it do its thing… time will tell! 

    I owe you all a huge thank you for opening my eyes to good surgeons. I know I went with someone who isn’t recommended, but I’m chuffed with my decision. 

    Bruno did every step of the surgery. ✌️








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