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Otis james

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Posts posted by Otis james

  1. 20 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Can you draw where you want your hairline? It would have to be enough to match your native density which is quite high.

    Melvin, I’m hoping to be guided by the surgeon, to be honest. I really don’t know what the best thing to do is..
    I’ve just received details from HDC, in Cyprus, who have suggested this….  2000-2500… 



  2. 17 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    honestly, it’s not surprising that you’ve gotten varying graft estimates from multiple surgeons. There is no exact science to determining exactly how many graphs a patient needs and it’s even more far removed if consuls are being done by video and not in person today a surgeon can give you a more accurate assessment of what they would do at their clinic by seeing you in person so they can actually come to your hair and look at your scalp under magnification.

    But in addition to those variables, each surgeon has a unique philosophy and some feel that there’s no need to use more grafts when they can accomplish the same with less. Other surgeons prefer to use a larger number of follicular units if they feel it’s appropriate as in, there is enough available donor hair for future work as needed.  

    So instead of worrying about the different number of graft estimates, the best course  of action is to select a surgeon that you are most impressed with by looking at a multitude of the results posted by patients and the clinic. If you’re impressed with the results, then you can trust their graft  estimates. It’s easier to do it that way then reverse.

    I hope this helps.

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    Such a tough decision! First you research to find who is good. Then you research to find who is great, and within your budget. Then you research who does the kind of work most suited to you…. Then you bang your head on the table!! 
    seriously though, it seems if I go abroad, they do more dense hairlines, but in the UK they are more “conservative”…. 
    Would Dr Ball’s estimate of 1100 would be way too low? 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Marko7t4 said:

    Just Googled the clinic. Looks like they have about 6 years HT experience, and the only results I can actually find are either on their website, or Trust Pilot reviews. Seems a bit strange that no other member has any experience with the clinic, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a good clinic. 

    Yeah, I agree! Do you know that chap  JT(how odd! Won’t let me type is name! J*e Tillm*n!)? I was speaking to him about him, on Instagram! He’s only heard of him recently too. Says he’s surprised to see a young dr offering FUT…. 
    would love to hear from more people about him! 

  4. 10 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    This is the second thread bringing up this doctor. I’ve never heard of him. Hard to judge his results from instagram. Was he trained under a specific doctor?

    I think we are hoping that some of the more “connected” members of the forum could find out sone more info! Having had a consultation with him, he seemed really nice and I think he looks good at what he does. But I’m fully aware that o don’t know much about hair transplants! 

  5. 11 hours ago, Marko7t4 said:

    Which clinic is Dr Miln based in mate? I’m in the UK but have never heard him mentioned before. 

    He’s based at HQ Hair transplants, in Cardiff. I’be also had a consult and liked him a lot. Work looks good, but I’m not terribly experienced in clocking the bad stuff! 


  6. 25 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

    Judging by their Instagrams, they're all capable of producing naturalness.

    The only one I have detail on is Dr Ball. He's established, experienced and quality. But expensive.

    Miln seems very good value for money. How expensive is he per graft?

    Ted Miln has told me it would be £5600…. 
    may have been £5800 actually..! Can’t remember. Does that sound reasonable to you? 

  7. Hello lads. 
    after quite a while of deliberating, I’ve decided I’m going to book myself a hair transplant! For reason I’d rather not go into, I’ve chosen to stay in the UK. I know, I know, better can be had abroad!! 

    I’ve narrowed it down to three doctors

    Edward Ball, Ted Miln And Mani Mittal. They’ve all estimated I need between 1500- 2200 grafts. Ted Miln is the cheapest, followed by Mani Mittal. Ted seems to be the least well known but really does care about his craft and results look good to me. I’d love to hear your opinions and advice. 

    links to profiles are below… 

    Miln -  


  8. On 1/22/2023 at 3:43 PM, J2023 said:

    Hi all, 

    Been researching and prepping for my HT for quite some time but really wanting to make sure i am picking the right surgeon and am now ready to bite the bullet and go for it. 

    I am currently waiting for Dr Bisanga and Mwamba in Belgium, Dr de Freitas in Spain as well as Dr Farjo and Dr Reddy in the UK to get back to me re in person consultations and have had a few consultations  the UK already. Wimpole gave me hair farm vibes so they instantly got scrapped, and HS Hair Clinics Dr Vida barely gave me the time of day so again didn't fill me with confidence. One Dr who did give me really good vibes was Dr Edward Miln at the Westminster Medical Group. He asked the right questions and answered all my queries with confidence and really made me feel comfortble. Trouble is searching for him within this forum has come up with blanks so i am really wondering if anyone has any experience using him and what his results have been like density and hairline wise. His instagram shows good results but we know Dr's handpick their best work for their social media / examples and wanted to know if there were any real life examples in here. I am also being put off by a pretty low price which i might be over thinking (£7500 for 3500 grafts...)


    Thanks in advance for any help! 


    Hi mate… just wondering if you pursued Ted Miln any more? I’ve spoken to him as well and liked him a lot… did you make a decision? 

  9. Hi guys!

    I first started worrying about my hairline 4 years ago. I’ve been on finasteride ever since and I’m just trying to gauge how much worse off I am now…

    Lifting is different and my hair is a lot longer. I never seem to loose hair when washing or combing… 

    First two are from 4 years ago…

    cheers all 






  10. Hello everyone! 

    just letting you know, I’ve still not had anything done! Still on finasteride, and still have the same hairline! Hair is quite a bit longer now, and off my face, which is making me notice it even more. 
    still researching and thinking what the best thing to do is…. 
    move moved house since my original post and life has been busy but I do keep coming back to my barnet!! 

    As stated before, it’s not bad at all, but I do dislike it especially when my hair is long! 



  11. 1 hour ago, NARMAK said:

    I would say if you look at their YouTube videos, it will give you an instant contrast and give you a potential idea of density. 

    The general rule is 50% of the original density and i think with Dr Ball, your hairline would be of a very conservative hairline design. So for example, temporal corners might be kept a touch higher and the hairline not brought down very much at all if any. 

    I think personally of the two, Dr Bisanga would be my choice. He's got an amazing set of results and large body of results to review even on a site like this  

    Another thing…. My hair is quite fine, apparently. So would I be right in thinking I’d need more grafts to get density, than someone with thicker, coarser hair? Know what I mean? 

  12. On 6/25/2022 at 12:55 AM, NARMAK said:

    I mean in that if you are a younger patient, he usually tends to not take them on unless they agree to usually reinforcing usually a more mature looking hairline and not going almost lower under 95% or circumstances from what i hear. 

    He does sound like a very solid ad ethical guy as well as very capable when it comes to the UK choices, but in terms of an aesthetic change, i think he's much more rigid even if you maybe present yourself as a suitable candidate for it in the eyes of other doctors for example. 

    Like myself for example, aged 32 with a circa Norwood 2, i don't think Dr Ball would ever have agreed to do the hairline design i got. He would have considered it way too aggressive and likely said my expectations were unrealistic and to be much more conservative. 

    That’s interesting, thank you. I’ve a zoom consultation with a chap. Asked David, who works for Dr Ball, tomorrow. 
    Do you think, with such a small number of grafts, there’s a chance my hairline woukd still look thin? As I said previously, I’m not after a perfectly dense hairline. Just a bit fuller! 
    Also, sorry to be a pain, but Coukd you possibly post examples of the differences between what Dr Ball would do vs someone like Bisanga? I’d really appreciate that… 

  13. 2 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    Every doctor will evaluate you under their own parameters and what they feel is best needed under their own skillset. 

    Dr Ball to give you a heads up is very conservative with his hairlines, whereas Dr Bisanga is a master of dense packing and likely why his quoted grafts are higher. 

    Ultimately don't feel overwhelmed, just keep doing your researching. 

    What exactly do you mean by “conservative hairline”? You mean he wouldn’t alter it much? That sounds like what I’m after though, really… 🤷🏻‍♂️

  14. 23 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    The risk vs. rewards isn’t very good. That said, with a quality doctor I’m sure you can get a great result. That said, what are your expectations? That’s what may make you a bad candidate. Realize that surgery isn’t perfect, and you WILL NOT have native density in one round. You may need more surgeries to achieve the density you want. If these are issues, don’t get surgery. 

    Honestly, my expectations are to leave the hairline where it is, but make it fuller! Less see through. I don’t want a lower, or straighter hairline. Just a bit more fair where my hairline already sits. But it’s obviously not straight Forward… 

    So you think there’s too much risk involved? 

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