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Everything posted by BaldReaper

  1. I dont think SMP works if you dont 0 guard your head with clipers every day or every second day and the reason is that after 2 days there is an obvious contrast between the 2D ink dots and the 3D grown hair. You can find countless examples of that (HT+0 guard shave+ SMP)in famous SMP artists' instagram pages
  2. @Aslitarcan sucks Look great man, wish you the best, you are low NW so your good results will last long term, any idea how many grafts were removed from the temples and if Dr Mwamba left some of them behind to not leave scaring because of their proximity to each other?
  3. Honestly I fail to understand how stitching works and why Dr Mwamba used that? Is it that because he removes a lot of grafts close to each other?Or would he stitch them anyway?
  4. there are countless examples in youtube
  5. With manual extraction and small punch you can be good with 1 guard
  6. If its a reputed surgeon from the US or Canada you have nothing to worry about in your case,no progressive alopecia or diffuse thining, I wish you good luck and keep us updated
  7. wasnt this post about a shaved fue result?
  8. he has really aggressive hairloss and made a lot of effort to reach this point, he looks good to be honest even while he uses fibers, I believe he will manage to maintain his crown for a while with medication and whats left from his donor but in 10-15 years he will have to shave everything and do SMP probably.
  9. Like I told you, Dr Mwamba has a lot of experience and is a decent surgeon, your decision about surgery however shouldnt be based just on forum reviews by random accounts but by your own judgement as well, talk to many doctors ,get their opinion, see which one matches your case and make your decision
  10. Don't consider anything without pictures real and consider that a picture differs a lot from real life view, Mwamba is a decent doctor though
  11. thats quite a lot, you could find good solutions in Europe too and much more affordable
  12. I think the transplant will make it look more natural to be honest, also think of a combination between 2 and 3, remove only the most pluggy ones and have SMP, also put some BHT to the most problematic donor area
  13. trying to hide something and failing makes it look even more visible
  14. Thanks for documenting your journey and honestly it looks really good so far 1. I cant see any significant scaring from all the extractions you did and getting rid of 70% of the hair is actually a good achievement, is the scaring as it looks in the pictures or it looks worse in real light? 2.You think you managed to remove more with laser or electrolysis? 3. FUE extraction, laser or electrolysis leaves the least amount of scaring?
  15. Have been browsing SMP results and what I noticed is that most of the clinics are based in the US. Which would be the best SMP clinics in Europe? Including hair transplant clinics of course.
  16. Not all the tissue will be white scar, only where the removal is, you could probbaly SMP around but only a specialist can clarify this anyway Well when you will be 80 idk if you will care about your hair
  17. Do you have examples of this that you can share? @ciaus
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