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Everything posted by BaldReaper

  1. For what I can see the hairline looks fine, however I would like you to upload a picture of your donor 1 week after the procedure because what I see is a bit worrisome.
  2. Have you tried topical? I also get sides from oral and I will start topical
  3. Lol, this is definitely not PFS, sounds like you try to persuade yourself you have PFS, like I said, go on with your life as a confident bald man
  4. NW6 or NW7 is basically the same lol, you are bald in both cases, quit fin and go on with your life, take care of your health, of your diet and enjoy your life mate.
  5. Your hair looks great for your age but if you want an ht I think Freitas is the best choice
  6. The hairline isnt visible in any of these results, can you upload a picture where the hairline is visible?
  7. I would personlly go to either Konior or Lorenzo, Couto is a great surgeon but he lacks a lot of independant reviews
  8. 3 possible scenarios 1. You had native hair mixed with your transplanted ones, that is the hair that is falling 2. Your hair is just entering telogen phase before it grows out again(anagen phase) 3. Hair was either extracted from unsafe donor area or you have DUPA
  9. 1.The height of your hairline should be above all dependent on your donor 2. They usually count based on the second picture My question is where is the glabela? Is it the middle point of the middle of the brows or the middle point of the top of the brows?
  10. a couple of pimples is a different thing that foliculitis
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