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Everything posted by mr_peanutbutter

  1. quick explanation to what HMI-115 PRLR antibody treatment is: „HMI-115 is a monoclonal antibody for the PRLR(prolactin receptor). It was licensed by Bayer to Hopemed Inc. It is currently in clinical trials for endometriosis and androgenetic alopecia. In early 2022 the company received FDA approval to conduct a phase II trial in the US for Androgenetic Alopecia, and soon after they received approval to begin a 6 month phase I trial in Australia that should demonstrate efficacy. The Australian trial is currently recruiting. The company has said that they hope to have it on the market by 2024, but that will be a difficult target to meet. They originally planned to move straight into a phase II trial for Androgenetic Alopecia since they had already completed a phase I for endometriosis. The FDA approved that, but Australia did not. The phase II trial now appears to be on hold until the Phase I in Australia is completed. They are currently conducting a phase II in endometriosis.Most of the information we have about the treatment comes from this patent. The patent details a trial conducted in stumptailed macaques. This is the best available model for human male pattern baldness. Stumptailed macaques have androgenetic alopecia like humans. They go bald when they hit puberty, and finasteride prevents this. All treatments that have been tested on both humans and macaques have similar efficacy in both, so that's a very good sign that this drug will work in humans too. What makes this treatment so promising is the amount of hair that the macaques regrew in this trial, and the quality of that hair. No other treatment has come close to growing this much hair in stumptailed macaques. Not even the combination of finasteride and minoxidil could come close. Additionally, the results last longer than other treatments. The macaques were injected subcutaneously with the antibody once every two weeks for 28 weeks, after which they had nearly full regrowth. Even after 4 years without treatment the macaques were still well above baseline. Other trials measure hair weight or the number of vellus hairs regrown. These measurements on the graphs below represent "thick terminal hairs", and you can see by the trichoscope image that miniaturized hairs returned to full thickness. Additionally, results did not plateau during the treatment period, so if treatment were continued for longer than 6 months they very likely would have had even more regrowth.“ from „pegasus2“ from a competetive forum my question is: if the medication leads to full rewgroth what would happen to the transplanted hairs? would there be inflammation etc?
  2. if cavill balds beyond norwood 3 it will be different though a fair comparison would be affleck vs jude law
  3. the only thing that is not so easy to recover is gyno where you need surgery thats my biggest concern
  4. norwood 4 with a semi intact hairline https://www-thesun-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/d5ad4e8a-66dd-40bc-9bb5-c83bf0fb95e8.jpg?strip=all&w=782
  5. insane result judging where he comes from however the hairline starts very high and the crown is still spare. really shows that prevention is the key if you are destinied to go past norwood 4…or you need to adjust your expectations
  6. also i heard once you start with minoxidil you kinda have to stick to it because the hair gets "addicted" to it and i like to keep my option open and i also dont want any minoxidil sheet and i heard 2% is so low it doesnt really affect the hair in any way thats why either go with stemoxydine or minoxidil 2%
  7. i know people use 5% minoxidil or 5% stemoxydine ...2% is cheaper then both of them, should be no problem if i use it as carrier no?
  8. what are your expectations? fullhead with no sign of crown thinning?
  9. considering you are balding at the crown i wouldnt go to aggressive with the hairline maybr finasteride will stop working or you get sides and then you will bald to norwood 5/6 with a teenage hairline
  10. maybe bicer has time other than that: turkey is a wonderful country, instanbul always worth a visit
  11. cyprus or lebanon are not really that more far away from turkey..so id consider the doctor there too..they are listed here
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