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Everything posted by RTC

  1. Favorite Five HT Doctors* (no particular order) 1) Bisanga 2) Pinto 3) Couto (for hairlines) 4) De Freitas 5) Sethi Worst 1) Dr 'Mani' Mittal (mainly because all his reviews are clearly rehearsed and pre-written). His work is average or decent. Most Overrated 1) Hasson & Wong (I hate pretty much all their work, and their temples are hideous. Plus they always seem to use a sh*t-tonne of grafts). Could never bring myself to pay them the amount they charge. Most Underrated 1) Laorwong Best Value 1) Laorwong / Pekiner (both of these guys have great prices and do excellent and professional work)
  2. I see, I think your point about how vertical the graft is placed is a very good one.
  3. So what direction should those grafts be facing? This photo is a bit unclear My hair generally sweeps from left to right, which I think is the case for most men
  4. He mentioned some grafts could be removed, but obviously not too many otherwise the operation now becomes two steps
  5. Dr Laorwong said this this initially: 'Look from the pictures, the direction are not bad, if they are alot of grafts, may be I have to follow them, otherwise it might cut the root of existing hair.' But once he saw these photos he said it will be difficult to correct.
  6. This is what I'm referring to Ideally, this is how I want the angles to look
  7. One of the best results I've ever seen. I do feel temples would make this phenomenal
  8. 0.1mg Finasteride how many days a week?
  9. The left side of my hair line has a lot of grafts that almost stand up on end in a 90 degree fashion. I plan to have more grafts implanted over those grafts to camouflage without doing a whole Feriduni-style hairline removal first. Will this pose a problem to the growth of the new grafts if they don't respect the angle of the old ones? Because I certainly wouldn't want more of these straight up 90 degree hairs implanted to appease the old ones
  10. Main thing with me is that I need as many grafts as I can get. So I have to recycle those grafts that are pointing up at 90 degrees. Plus, how long after laser can new grafts be planted? I'm going to get approx 200 beard grafts planted in my donor. May look at SMP later, but what's the point of something that fades every few years
  11. Very misleading, and the left side of my hairline especially has hairs that stick directly up and show just how thin and pathetic the hairline is. In reality i should have those hairs extracted, re-implanted, and then do another surgery to reconstruct a new hairline. But staying on one year waiting lists for consultations, having an interim NW3 hairline for months, and doing multiple hair transplants is just unfeasible and a horrible prospect. I am neither rich nor patient enough to wait years to fix this.
  12. How can anyone trust in a procedure where they don't know who the specific doctor is though?
  13. Do people actually think this sounds like an actual person writing it? Or is it a sales script? Dr Mittal may very well do great work, but things like this bug me and put me off ever going to that surgeon
  14. I am not sure to be honest bro. Asli Suckjan definitely gave me some, but I can't really notice it anymore as Mwamba removed some grafts. But the skin in the left side of my hairline on the left looks a bit 'cobbly' sometimes, but don't know if that's cobblestoning, and if it is, it's not noticeable.
  15. Sorry to see this bro Sadly, repairs are not always straightforward, but it hurts more when you do your research, go to a 'top' doctor, and don't get a result. I would say it's defo not the worst ever and most people won't detect it, but it's very similar to my case, and I know it bugs me. So go to someone legit who does ALL the extractions and incisions (and at least some of the implantation themselves). And put this to rest for good.
  16. I totally understand you, you got the most important part sorted anyway now
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