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Everything posted by AA1989

  1. Looking at it objectivily, there's a definite improvement. The issue I see is your pre-surgery position was still strong. You have a robust forelock and modest crown loss. This raises the bar somewhat on the final result expectation. As of 8 months, I would say it looks disappointing by the standards of some of the other presentations. Will it improve? perhaps, but we can only pass judgement on what we see now. I think the brushed up style highlights the lack of density, especially on the left temple. I would like to see a comparison with shorter hair, recreating the style shown in the 'before' photos. Just like my old school reports, not terrible but room for improvement😊
  2. As Dr Bisanga says 'You dont need to take the meds forever, just as long as you want to keep your hair' 😊
  3. When you say team - did you have one person exclusively working on your head or multiple people?
  4. Did the same Dr/Tech work on both sides? Different people can sometimes yield different results.
  5. This is sensible advice. With the cheaper packages, who carries out the procedure? The spotlight is on the founders, but we have seen problems in the past when clinics cash in and scale their operation. Lets have the spotlight on the dr's and tech's carrying out the lower-cost packages, and then we can start to draw conclusions on the consistency of their result.
  6. But that's the problem with hair mills - you can't even guarantee a fail rate of 30% of the grafts. Transection is only one way a graft can get damaged. Survival depends on how the graft is preserved after extraction. As others have detailed, a HT can fail in many other ways too.
  7. I'm glad your'e not my accountant😊 100% represents a perfect yield. For example. If the estimate of grafts required is 3000 and you get 70% yield. 3000 X 70% = 2100 Short by 900 To get those 900 grafts at a yield of 70%, you'd need an additional 1285 grafts. So you'd pay for 4285 grafts to yield 3000. Where did you get your 70% from? As others have pointed out, the cost may be much greater than financial. A doctor with the skill and protocols in place will produce 90%+ yields consistently. Hair mills are defined by their inconsistent results.
  8. The problem is DHT resistance is a moving target. It changes with age and environmental factors, such as smoking, stress, diet and hormonal changes. We can only do our best to lead a healthy lifestyle and reduce DHT at source (meds).
  9. In many ways the redness is a good sign. The body is repairing itself by bringing nutrient rich, oxygenated blood to the injured site. It’s the normal part of the healing process. Perhaps a light moisturizer would help but always take care when applying an untested product to the area. Try a small patch test first to ensure you don’t have a reaction. Otherwise, a healthy diet will help your body do its job and the redness will soon be a distant memory.
  10. Is this a rational concern? Do you have examples of patients reporting long-term marks and hyperpigmentation from the injections? Facial Botox is delivered by injection on the forehead and around the eyes. I'm sure we would have heard of issues with botox injections if they were causing problems.
  11. 2. I would look at your grandfathers and dad as a direction of travel for your hair loss. Did your dad have a similar pattern of hair loss at your age? What is his Norwood? (these are questions you need to ask yourself to get a handle on your hair loss progression). 4. Get an eyeliner pencil and draw on where you want your new hairline( it may take a few attempts to get it right). Take some photos. It's much easier to be objective looking at a photo rather than in the mirror. Try to avoid raising your eyebrows. We instinctively do it to minimise the size of our forehead. Let your doctor see where you would like your hairline. He will guide you on the costings both financially and graft countwise.
  12. There appears a mismatch in your expectations and the procedure the doctor is proposing (based on the number of grafts) How old are you? What is your family history of hair loss? When did your hair loss start, and how has it progressed over time? Regarding the glabella measurement, where would you like your new hairline to start? Have you noticed improvements during the time you have been on finasteride? Which doctor have you chosen? Have you seen independent reviews, where the doctor has performed temple point reconstruction? (It's tricky to get right and easy to get wrong!)
  13. Useful reading: Hair design paper What is the distance between your glabella (blue line on image) and the start of your current hairline?
  14. Perhaps you could explain away the redness by saying you went for a buzz cut before a short holiday and caught some sun.
  15. As you have found, with references to your previous thread, you might be better served for continuity to update your original thread, which is essentially your search for a surgeon to carry out a repair. You mention the characteristics of your donor hair is curly and coarse. Have the doctors you consulted explained how they will achieve a different appearance when your hairline is lowered? (bearing in mind they will collect donor hair from the same location) Have you got some metrics on how much you want your hairline lowered( distance from the glabella, area to cover in cm2, expected density)? Photos of where you want your new hairline? ‘Lowered hairline’ may be open to interpretation, hence the different graft quotes.
  16. This is a mistake. You mention your desire for an elite surgeon to carry out the remedial work. Your 1st attempt has rejected you. As much as you are selecting a surgeon, they are selecting patients. You have specific requirements which need to be discussed face to face. An email of requirements can appear uncompromising. In a face-to-face meeting, you can weigh your priority and find a compromise, at least to the degree the doctor will feel he can provide a desirable outcome. If you are unhappy with previous results, you can't afford more disappointment. You'd get on a plane for a vacation, and this is FAR more important for your physical & mental well-being.
  17. All set for the next 4 months of growth👍 Hows the donor looking? Any pics?
  18. Great result! And more time for your HT to mature. I think it's OK to look for improvements but not to over obsess (easy for me to say I know😊). The hair/skin contrast is a factor. To put it all in perspective, have a look at pics when you were a kid. I'm guessing to some degree, the contrast factor was even evident then, before any hair loss.
  19. It's all good - The thread documents your journey. That includes the ups down and everything inbetween.
  20. I thought this talk by Dr Konior was very interesting. He seems like a straight shooter and debunks the idea that patients can screw up their procedure post-op (short of bashing their head soon after the op). Essentially, what he says is success or failure comes down to the surgeon and their protocols. Listen from 54.40 for his views on post-care, but otherwise, the whole chat with Melvin is excellent. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSR_rTnl6Sf/
  21. You are probably better placed to comment but reading your experience. It appears he enjoys providing a one to one service. He is making a good living, working with happy staff and building a portfolio of satisfied patients. I am sure he is still refining his procedures monitoring how the changes he makes affect the outcome. Working for Dr Lorenzo, he experienced a busy practice where multiple patients are treated each day. That may be the future business model, but for now, it is about building a solid reputation. This was a result that stood out for me.
  22. I'm going to follow your progress with interest. All the signs are good. Addressing the issue of lack of posted results on his website. This can only be by design. He doesn't even show his poster boy @Rolandas😄 I don't have any inside knowledge, so take this as you will. I think he is building his business in the meticulous way he does his surgery. He wants to manage every step of the process. We have seen criticism of the perceived slow response to online consultations. While at the same time praise for his personalised consultation. Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways.The reason many people have shortlist Dr Ferreira is he doesn't delegate responsibility (medical related). You deal with the person that will be working on your head. Driving up the marketing when you are already fully booked is counterproductive. You will generate a lot of unfulfilled demand. Anyways exciting times ahead for you!
  23. When you click on the photo it's all good, you get a much more accurate view of your forehead .... I was booking you in for forehead reduction surgery😄
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