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Posts posted by HairMe

  1. 10 hours ago, JC71 said:

    Dr Demirsoy could also be a option for you. But if not then just save or spend more on a better Dr/Clinic. See the chart above for some decent/reliable choices. 

    @JC71Thanks for the tips and sharing the chart -- very helpful!  I reached out to both Dr. Demirsoy and HLC a month ago and they never got back.  Any idea how to reach Dr. Pekiner?  He seems to have disappeared from the internet.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/11/2019 at 2:25 PM, Highlander99 said:

    Thanks for the words of advice.

    Dr Arslan advises that they do one surgery per day and he does the work himself with the help of 2 technicians,  all the technical work is done by him. Given most clinics in Turkey use technicians and rarely a doctor that led me to find out more about this guy so hopefully someone on here can give that input?

    both are on the ISHRS and appear to do most of the work  so I would assume that should hold weight? 

    @Highlander99 Who did you end up going with in the end?  How was it overall?

  3. On 2/14/2020 at 7:44 AM, Linesman12 said:

    First i would like to say that i have no bad intension with posting this article. I would just like to show my experience & result of my hair transplant. I hope i can help those who are still deciding whether to go through this procedure, which clinic/doctor to choose,…

    Little bit about myself: 30y old, male, coming from EU. Dealing with hairloss for about 3 years now – on BIG 3. Healthy lifestyle.Right now i am 10 months after FUE – result haven't changed since i was at 7 months's mark so i think this is final result. As NW3 i wanted to restore temples and hairline.


    About HAIRMEDICO - Istanbul: Reasons I decided to choose this ''clinic'':

    -          Doctor's 14 years experience (highly doubt this info which i found on their web page is realistic),

    -          They promise that doctor does all/most of the work (there were 2 techicians that did most of the work; one of them was a total beginner. Didn't even know how to wash my hair after procedure.),

    -          HAIR TRANSPLANT CENTER ( well at least they advertise it like that. In reality they just rent a room in some center where all other plastic surgeries are done),

    -          They estimated transplantation of around 2000-2500 grafts for reasonable price (they actually only transplanted around 800-1000 grafts),

    -          Higher class acomodation (when i already booked a flight they send me a message that this hotel is already ful. Then i got a cheap room in an old hotel).


    I'd like to apologise because my photos are pretty bad but still i think they're good enough to see the result of the procedure. I have to say i am very disappointed  with that result and specialy with the service of this ''clinic''. Maybe a month ago i contacted them and sent photos but the contact person just said that she will inform doctor about it. I didn't get any reply from her.

    I think it's pretty sad how some people treat their customers. It took me a lot of time to arange everything, i had to take 3 weeks off, spend a lot of money and time and now i can't get rid of this feeling of being totaly scamed/ripped off.  Sadly i will have to give more money and ever worse – time to repair the damage this clinic has done to me.

    Personaly i would not recommend this clinic/dr. to anyone. But once again i would like to emphasize that this is just my experience. And maybe my fault of choosing the ''wrong'' clinic.

    If anyone has any question please fell free to ask.


    PHOTOS: Photo collage is before HT. All other photos are cca. 9-10 months after FUE procedure.







    @Linesman12 How's it coming along? Any update on your results?

  4. 18 hours ago, JC71 said:

    Dr Bicer is €2 per graft and would be the best choice IMO. You could choose either Dr Demirsoy or Dr Yaman, but they have the occasional not so good result.

    Looking at your list I would say your looking at the cheaper clinics, but it’s better to save up than take any risks.

    If you search harder for Hairmedico you will see they are not a good choice. I can’t link anything here on the forum but it’s not difficult to find. 

    Spoke with Dr. Bicer's rep, she's taking appointments for November & December at this point :S

    Dr. Yaman's results are a tossup, imo. And he seems to be taking on more than 2 patients a day which is a red flag for me.

    Thanks for the tips.

    • Like 1
  5. @JC71 I might have to reconsider looking more into Dr. Gur and Dr. Bicer -- she seems to be quite popular on here. 

    Still a bit surprised there aren't many posts about Dr. Arslan Musbeh from Hairmedico. He seems to checkoff on all the things to look out for with a proper HT surgeon in Turkey (Well-qualified, good/natural results, directly involved with each surgery, 1-2 patients/day, good reviews overall, etc.) o.O

    Are there any other surgeons you'd recommend from Turkey?

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/9/2022 at 4:36 AM, Gatsby said:

    Welcome to the forum @HairMe. I don't know why you have isolated one country for the best surgeon who is the best choice for your hair needs? I would be looking at Dr Bicer but if money is a problem you are far better off saving up until you can afford a hair transplant. All the best!

    Thanks for the welcome, @Gatsby.  Turkey seems to be the trending hair transplant hot spot producing quality results, even with the "hair mills" dragging it down. I've looked into Portugal, Spain, England and the U.S. (my home turf), but the results overall aren't that much better in comparison to their price points.

    I know Dr. Bicer's one of the best out of Turkey for HTs but her graft estimate was on the higher side and I'm a bit concerned about over harvesting. Plus she recommends a 2nd session and frankly, I don't think my donor area could sustain a viable 2nd session without over harvesting.

    If you have any other reputable surgeon recommendations in Turkey outside of my list I'd love to hear it.  Thanks in advance!

  7. @digi23 I agree, Dr. Gur is one of the better of the bunch but I can't really find many recent before and after results. Any suggestions of where to look?

    What do you think about Dr. Civas from Civas Hair Transplant in Ankara?  His credentials are stellar in comparison to the other surgeons in Turkey, bar none (ie. FISHRS, ABHRS, IAHRS, EHRS, AAHRS)

  8. Hi All,

    First post on the forum. I've been looking into hair transplants in Turkey and after much research (going down the rabbit hole, that is) have narrowed it down to Dr. Arslan Musbeh from Hairmedico in Istanbul. His experience, work/results (natural hairlines/no over harvesting) and credentials seem legit + sees 1-2 patients a day -- which is ideal.  With his VIP package, he does all the extractions and incisions, supervises his trained assistants during implantation. 

    TL;DR: Basically, wanted to see if anyone had recently had their hair transplant at his clinic (in 2021 or even 2022) or had any thoughts/experience/feedback on him and Hairmedico overall.

    Below are my shortlisted surgeons who take on 1 (max 2) patient(s) per day:

    • Dr. Ekrem Civas from Civas Hair Transplant in Ankara
    • Dr. Karadeniz from AEK in Istanbul
    • Dr. Gur from FUE Capilar/Gur Hair Transplant
    • Dr. Ilker Apaydin from Istanbul

    Would you recommend any of them over Dr. Arslan? If so, why?

    Thanks in advance! :D


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