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Everything posted by NickJ

  1. Thanks for the feedback man. I know that's it's supposed to start growing around this time, but when you compare to others in the same timeframe it can be frustrating to see you're not having the same results and having people "hey X at 2 months and a half had hair, are you sure your procedure worked?"
  2. This was at day 25, not much had fallen as you can see with the pre-op picture
  3. Hey guys, Went to get my 1st HT 3 months ago tomorrow (with a Dr. approved by this forum) and I have to say not much is happening. 10% of the transplanted hair did not fall but besides that I can't say that I see daily improvements. Like if I did a video of my hair these last 2 weeks, there wouldn't be any difference. And people are starting to ask if the procedure failed, and how long it's taking. I know 3 months is when it's supposed to start growing but when I see the 4 months results from other people it's hard to imagine that all these hair could grow in 1 months. I heard people saying that when it starts it's really an "explosion" of hair and it can go really fast but yeah heard to believe right now
  4. Same for me on the effects it's not life changing but it's a good boost. I'm definitely not elite but I workout 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week (us football or running when off season). So yeah it's a big part of my life, as much as my hair. The DHT elevation comes from it's effects on 5 alpha reductase if I am not mistaking
  5. I was taking this into consideration, I can assure you my friend with NW1 don't know about this forum haha So this question was aimed at people with Alopecia Yeah I'm 28 but I'm on fin since 1 year (I did stabilise my hair loss NW3) and I wouldn't be happy with creatine having an affect on it But as we can see in this thread consensus is really hard to reach.
  6. Yes, on performances the gain is not that big but in the recovery it does help a lot, also for Football (the US one). But it works more on some people than others, some people have no benefits at all from it. Not using it anymore would be a loss but it wouldn't be dramatic tho
  7. Hey Melvin, I know you also work did you stop it completely? Because some say that the study was done on 18/19 years old and so it's normal that hair-loss would progress on guys that are destined to lose their hair But you and Dr Yaman definitely didn't recommend it
  8. Hey guys, I had my HT 10 weeks ago and didn' take creatine since then because you know the rumours about it and hair loss. Since I saw benefits in the Gym (and for sports in general) I'm wondering when you would start taking it back (or if you would at all)? I looked in the different topics about but there doesn't seem to be a consensus .Some say they wouldn't risk it (if we are on this forum we are afflicted by genetic hair-loss) .Some say it's totally fine
  9. I thought I was a lucky one but started shedding at week 5, I think it's part of the process. You have to accept that you won't look great for 2 months
  10. between week 4 and 8 it is hard too see a lot of hair fall and the stabilisation the few weeks after too, also the stress that something is going wrong is present But around week 10 you can start seeing small improvements and it really boosts you It's kind like when you started at the gym and you see your first results, it pushes you to go hard and you get in a virtuous cycle. Except here you just have to wait !
  11. So to keep people updated and who could have made the same mistake as I did The reason I had so much dandruff is simply that I was way to cautious when washing my hair, I kept cleaning it like this till week 6 after HT Using Nizoral twice a week and Head & shoulders and washing normally it went away, I did lose a little bit more hair but I guess you can't avoid it since I am at the 2 months mark
  12. still shedding dead skin /dandruff with multi's attached (nearly week 7)
  13. It seems to be normal, I have the exact same thing at week 6
  14. I have the same at day 36 (dandruff, dryness) I guess that's normal at this stage but I heard Nizoral would help
  15. Yes we do have very similar hair ! Thanks for your input
  16. Thanks man, that's what I thought I just wanted to be sure
  17. Hey guys, I've had my HT 5 weeks ago today and since one week I hava a sort of dandruff/dried skin containing hairs (sometimes 5-6 ) on the scalp that fall off after showering Is this normal? My receiving area is still pretty red too
  18. I knew about it since a long time it's just that it's not a small treatment so it took myself a while to talk myself into it I still got a lot of hair, I was Norwood 2,5 before the transplant with no sings of thinning on the crown. I just wanted to have my hairline done and then start Fin. I know that's not what most of the forum advises
  19. Hey guys, Little timing question. Just had a HT 4 weeks ago. I knew I was going to take fin after it because my vertex wasn't touched by alopecia yet. I didn't start taking it right away after the HT because I didn't want to have my head and balls hurting at the same time haha Would now 1 month after the procedure be a good time to start it or will I shed a lot of hair which could delay the first results of my HT? Thanks for your imput
  20. Hey guys, I was making a list of the Doctors I was considering for my hair transplant (I'm 28), I already requested quotes from Dr Bicer & Dr Resul Yaman. But I saw that E&S Tetik also had a good rep on this forum, would you put them in the same quality range as the 2 Drs above (even though they are nurses) or is it more a low cost option for people with limited budget? I have a budget of 5k and I am from Belgium (I know there are great Doctors here but I find them really expensive) so if you have other options I'm open to it.
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