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Posts posted by Grouse

  1. You still have a lot of coverage up top. If you’re on dut and don’t get sides you may be able to regrow quite a bit. 

    Your back donor looks strong. I think if you go to a top surgeon and use beard hair you can get incredible coverage tbh. Go ask a doc directly before making up your mind. Pittella or Sethi should be perf. 

    Did SMP help with the whole hairloss thing? I’m considering doing the same but concerned it won’t really make me feel better about being bald lol

  2. Pittella uses beard hair and uses a 0.8 - 0.9mm punch I believe. Zarev seems in a league of his own, using punches half as small to extract more hair from the scalp. 

    If money or time is a constraint I’d go Pittella. He’s had incredible top tier results on here. However If you, like me, have terrible donor I think Zarev is the way to go. Money really shouldn’t be a driving factor in a permanent surgery (at least the scars are permanent anyway). 

    • Like 1
  3. I had a consult in 2026 too but can’t wait another 3 years for surgery just to save a bit of $$$, 9 euros still feels more than reasonable for his results.


    I bet he’d be booked for years even if he charged 20 euros per graft tbh, hope I get in before prices go up. There’s a lot of bald guys with tens to hundreds of millions in net worth that would pay any price for a full head of hair without meds. 

  4. Man, really appreciate you posting your journey @track_rat. I admire your mental toughness to get through this with such a great attitude to boot! I think the post-op pictures from Konior look pretty darn good. Have you thought about SMP to help enhance (if you're concerned about density / scalp see through)? Wouldn't help with the hair direction of course, but could make things less noticeable.


    For what it's worth, I wouldn't give you a second look walking by or in an office setting as-is.


    This is the second poor result / communication I've seen from Eugenix now. Seems like their default is to say "just wait for more regrowth" forever... Will definitely not be choosing them - appreciate your candidness.


    Please keep us updated! Look forward to seeing where you go from here.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Seems like the general consensus here is transplanted hair is sensitive to DHT and is not permanent, thinning out like normal hair over time.


    I also see that some of the most highly rated surgeons on HRN (Pittella, Zarev, etc.) don't require fin / dut.


    Interested in everyone's opinions on this discrepancy. If one were to do a procedure with these surgeons without fin, would their transplant fail in ~5 years? What do you even do if your transplant fails after a period of time - can't you not shave due to scarring?

  6. I'm curious why everyone is doing a hair transplant here? I know most people say confidence, but curious what that means for everyone.


    Me personally, I'm doing this to improve my dating life - which is primarily online due to a demanding career. Bald + OLD do not mix, so I'm looking into other options. How about everyone else?

  7. @RecycleBin thanks for posting! Did you get side effects from fin or any other treatments in the past? I agree, I'm hesitant of the megadose too.

    Hard to say without your baseline, but 38 seems kind of low - I was at 80 before starting a different version of dut. Mine went down to 50 - 60 from once a week application. As long as you don't feel sides that's what matters tho!

  8. Thanks all. I agree it looks thin, and I’m very hesitant to move forward, even with top docs. Maybe I’ll take a chill pill and just see how dut meso works.


    @Melvin- Moderator no prior surgery. Docs (Eugenix, Pittella, Fierra, etc) have said I’m a candidate so far based on pictures (no in person consult yet) but it just looks so thin I’m doubtful. Donor looks a lot better longer but short it’s no bueno. 

  9. Hey guys, been spending a lot of time thinking about a "worst case scenario" if a HT thins out in 10+ years. Being left with unsightly FUE scars forever makes me really nervous... Shaved my head recently and didn't hate it, would be open to shaving + SMP when I'm a bit older tbh. Had 2 questions I can't seem to find an answer to:


    1. How does SMP look when done on top of FUE scars? I know scar tissue is different - does SMP look natural on FUE scars when shaved down?
    2. Can SMP be removed from FUE scar tissue?

    Been learning so much the last few months, appreciate all the knowledge here!

  10. 2 hours ago, Turkhair said:

    Try riding out fin sides? There’s so many reports where even the people who get sides from fin get better with time as their body adjusts. 

    Also are you trying generic or Propecia? I had this ugly brain fog type of side from generics I used a very low 0.30mg dose every other day. It wasn’t that bad so I could use it but taking fin wasn’t fun time for the first few hours. Switched to Propecia and I don’t feel a thing except increased libido. 

    If they’re not an option then use Minoxidil. It will slow down hair loss if not completely halt it. Your donor seems to have DUPA 

    I tried riding out fin at first, but sides were just too intense and involved early signs of peyronie's (confirmed by my urologist) so I had to stop. I then tried topical dut, but got some brain fog and insomnia... Hoping mesotherapy works, maybe RU or CB or something that doesn't impact DHT levels could work too.

    My donor does look really thin, but Dr. Sethi and a few others have said it is not DUPA but just thin caliber hair. Still need to find someone in person to go to.

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