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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. I did this 7 days post transplant and had no issues. I only eat between 1pm and 7pm. But even if you do one meal a day I cant see this being an issue tbh. Once you get to 7 days the hairs are locked in and probably not too much different to the pre-transplant state. But i am no means medically trained, so i would run past a doctor to be safe!
  2. Thanks man. I defiently didn't appreciate how having a scalp close to your hair colour helps with the illusion density! It probably the only favourable hair characteristic I have lol, but i'll defo take it!
  3. Thank you David! I don't know sorry, i'm not really clued up when is come to densties. I know @Rolandas is very good at this stuff, i'm sure he would be able to give you a close estimate, along with other analysis!
  4. Cheers Jay! I went for the package that had Dr Sethi's involvement, I believe there is only one package for him.
  5. Five Month update So i'm actually ten days short of being five months. However, at the request of a few members, I wanted to share my latest photos. So I had to buy a hair dryer over the weekend (which I never thought would happen in this lifetime!). On the photos, I had just washed and blow dryed my hair. So far im over the moon, and Dr Sethi has informed me there is still around 40% more growth to come through, along with hair to thicken up. To say im delighted is an understatement.
  6. Thanks for the praises above! Though it's my hair growing, I guess the praise is really for Dr Sethi and his magical hands!
  7. Thanks Melvin Bro! I'm honoured for the shout out! I'm looking at this questioning if it the same person lol.
  8. Cheers Azza! Yes remember you, was great chatting to you ! Also nice to see you are here on the forum!
  9. Hey, I tried to get mine done by my GP but they refused and said I would need to do it privately. Quotes were like £400 to do the tests, so I just opted to arrive in India a couple of days earlier and have the tests with the clinic (cost like £30). I think @NARMAK was lucky and managed to get this GP to do all the blood work.
  10. You look great and shouldn't get too woried about temples. One thing I would add the design above would create a very feminine hairline.
  11. As other posters have alluded too, it all comes down to personal situation. For me I was a Norwood 7, so all my research focused around surgeons that had larger portfolios of higher Norwoods (Eugenix, Bisanga, H&W, Zarev ect). If I was Norwood 2, I would probably be focusing on other clinics. To be the best, I believe the doctor needs to be an all rounder.. so NW2 to 7 restoration, female hair restoration, temple restoration, repair work. beard restoration ect. Some doctors may be knocking out the park some some of these areas, but there are a select few who can do it all. To speak from a personal situation,some doctors mentioned on this thread told me I wasn't a candidate for a surgery. Now I was a challenging case yes.. NW7, limited donor, fine hair. Now evidently, I was a candidate for hair restoration, it was just a bit more challenging. For me in any field of work, to be the best you have to challenge the status quo!
  12. Cheers Adam!! See you in October… Soon be handing the hair transformation baton over to you!
  13. Cheers Melvin! Absolutely mental indeed. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this much hair at four months.
  14. Month 4 Update Lots of new growth seems to have happened over the past few weeks! Feels like it is really starting to take shape now. Scalp pinkness is starting to fade too.
  15. I tried to get my done at my GP (who refused), private companies wanted £400 to do the tests, I therefore arrived a couple of days early and Eugenix sent someone to my hotel room to do the tests, at a cost of around £30.
  16. Cheers for the update Tony! Was great to see you on the podcast other week. Everything looks right on track!
  17. Looking forward to seeing your journey, everything looks nice and clean. 6744 grafts into that area, is going to make a huge difference!
  18. Very good coverage for the amount of grafts used. Excellent result for the patient, even more so that that he has fine hair too.
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