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Everything posted by Viney

  1. This. I'm located in Adelaide and yet to see consistently good hair transplant results from anyone within Australia. If you are not yet on oral minox and dut get on it and give yourself a year on the meds to assess if you can stop further hairloss, or even potentially improve your hair a bit. You're young enough that you might be able to get some considerable gains from medication only. It's also worthwhile doing it to see if you can tolerate hairloss medication for an extended period prior to getting a hair transplant. Ps if you want access to what I think is the best range of hairloss medication consider getting a consult at Sinclair Dermatology East Melbourne. I fly there for my dermatology appointments. They'll do a great job of tracking your progress on medication and tailoring it to something that works for you.
  2. I think you need to try both finasteride and minoxidil. I feel like your hair is not too dissimilar how mine was when I recommenced medication in January 2021 (albeit I was 29 at the time). If you are a good responder to minox you could recover some hair.
  3. Look up Sinclair Dermatology East Melbourne and you should be able to find contact information online. In my personal experience they had me first get a referral from my GP then they called me to arrange an appointment which they said the first one had to be done in person and not over video call. Just trying to set your expectations as I think you might struggle but it doesn't hurt asking.
  4. I mentioned earlier in this thread but it was actually a result of a miscommunication between my dermatologist and I. He thought I had been on Fin for about 5 years and hadn't seen results but in fact I had been taking fin on and off for 5 years. He knew I was eager to try to save my hair so immediately put me on something stronger. We only realised this miscommunication as I was leaving my appointment after he had written my script. In terms of cycles, I can't recall having a shed on fin or dut at any point, so I might have gotten out of it pretty lucky. Since my previous experience with fin didn't really yield any results I was happy to stick with dut given my side effects are minimal.
  5. Hey, yes I stopped fin and have only been on dut and min since March 2022. Sublingual min is likely only available here in Australia and oral and or sublingual min is only available with a prescription. Sorry but I'm not sure if they would provide it overseas. I think it would be unlikely to get a perscription without first having an in person appointment. I'm considering moving overseas so I will ask about this in my next appointment in September.
  6. Honestly from the start I wouldn't even know that I'm taking it. I got no sides. It's a shame sublingual delivery doesn't seem to be able to prevent side effects in your case. Consider reaching out to your derm and most importantly look after your health.
  7. Hey thanks for the words. How long have you been on minoxidil for? I imagine they are starting you on a low dose to monitor side effects and will slowly aim to build you up to something higher if you can tolerate it like they did with me. In terms of things getting worse I think I was extremely lucky and didn't notice a shed. I have some progress pics in another thread here where you'll see it was fairly linear improvement over time: Personally I think the minox is what caused the visual improvement given I had used fin previously and didn't notice any changes. My dermatologist at Sinclair's clinic also said in his experience it's adding minoxidil which seems to cause the big visual improvements. I think it thickened a lot of my previously thinning hairs which has made me scalp look much thicker than before.
  8. Yeah although I also think the hairline is pretty seethrough in parts. In saying that it's still only 6 months.
  9. Six month update Original video in this thread was taken down but I've found a replacement on Facebook for anyone new to this thread: https://www.facebook.com/LADbible/videos/my-head-blew-up-after-i-had-a-hair-transplant/1238542230078888/
  10. It's easy, quick and efficient. It's really not as uncommon or unknown as the guy in that video makes it out to be: https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/oral-minoxidil-to-treat-hair-loss/
  11. Your hair transplant is incredible. Great job on the pictures too, taken with a lot of care and thought.
  12. Hey Melvin, I'm okay with some of this being shared as I really appreciate what you do and the information you provide. I might also be able to give you more info on certain things if you'd like. If you're sharing the donor density data please make this part really clear in one way or another, as my Dermatologist made this very clear to me and I don't want to give false expectations or information to the community which might reflect bad on my dermatologist or his clinic. Some other reputable dermatologists and hair transplant surgeons will tell you it's literally impossible to increase donor density hair count through medication (as donor hair is not prone to MBP) so you could experience some kick back on this. Personally I think there needs to be more published research and data.
  13. Here's some updated pictures @ThePerseverantWarrior. It's impossible to recreate the exact same photo, I have a new phone, the lighting although in the same place at a similar time of day is still different and I can't easily recreate the same angles but nonetheless here you go. These are comparing December 2021 with May 2023. Medical regime over this period: 15 January 2022 - 16 March 2022 - 1mg Oral Finasteride daily. 17 March 2022 - 24 July 2022 - 0.5mg Oral Dutasteride daily, 0.9mg Sublingual Minoxidil daily 25 July 2022 - 7 February 2023 - 0.5mg Oral Dutasteride daily, 1.8mg Sublingual Minoxidil daily 8 February 2023 onwards - 0.5mg Oral Dutasteride daily, 2.7mg Sublingual Minoxidil daily
  14. Hey, it's all going well. Still on 0.5mg Dut and 2.7mg Min. I'll try post a proper update over the weekend with pictures. I know you asked in another thread but I was age 29 when commencing dut&min and NW3-4.
  15. I take 0.5mg Dut daily and it's working for me (that and/or oral Minoxidil). It's been about 14 months now. This was by recommendation of my Dermatologist. I feel better taking dut than when I was on 1mg fin, but I've had no severe side effects on either. Adding minoxidil at the same time as switching to Dut appears to be the big kicker in improving my hair but I'm sure Dut is helping retain it.
  16. Brilliant progress. Is your head tilted down enough in this photo, I feel like we can't see all of your crown? Apologies, it's hard to tell with your long hair! 😅 Regardless there's definitely significant improvement. Well done.
  17. This popped up in my Facebook feed today😬 Edit: here's a recent update from his TikTok... that donor 🙁
  18. I mean if someone has been posting for years, posts about their hair transplant in a lot of detail. Provides regular pictures with monthly/frequent updates then I think it's pretty evident that it's a real review. But you're entitled to be sceptical and think otherwise, in fact I encourage it.
  19. I doubt it would dissolve, maybe if you crushed it up beforehand it might... This seems like a question for a dermatologist or compounding pharmacist. I would hesitate to ingest medication in a way that doesn't follow the way it's intended to without talking to someone knowledgeable first.
  20. The Sublingual minoxidil issued Sinclair is not strips but a tablet which dissolves below the tongue. I posted a picture of one in a thread here: If you're not going to his clinic for a Dermatology appointment I'm not sure you'll be able to access them but you can ask. You'd need a compounding script. I imagine they would start you on 0.9mg. If you start on oral min that should be fine, you could start on 1mg to monitor side effects then after a few months increase if you're fine. I didn't notice a change in my body hair apart from maybe my eye brows being a bit darker. Consider easing yourself off topical by still doing it every few days then eventually cut it out completely while simultaneously taking oral minox. Personally I experienced no weight gain, no sides and I can't comment on the shedding. Everyone is different.
  21. Might not be the popular opinion here but I think you should push through provided it's tolerable and you can still perform when you need to. I think the body takes some time to adjust. Re evaluate in a couple of weeks.
  22. I know this is not be the same for everyone but I got minor hairline gains while hopping on oral dut. I did commence this at the exact same time as I introduced minoxidil so that is more than likely the reason for the minor gains but at least dutasteride didn't "nuke" my hairline as some people warn it might. It's been about 10 months and smooth sailing so far. No sides. Had minor sides on fin but nothing worth stopping over. Switching to dut I've felt even better.
  23. I saw a news story about this on this on TV this week. It looks like Rodney Sinclair's clinic in Melbourne is currently doing trials on topical Latanaprost. I'm not sure when they'll publish their results. Here's a link to the news story: https://www.9news.com.au/national/sinclair-dermatology-trial-underway-to-see-if-eyedrop-medication-can-help-regrow-hair/53308555-516e-441b-a6ce-83243dbe9b67
  24. That's a lot of grafts at your age. Do your due diligence and spend a lot of time researching clinics, understanding the hair transplant process and medication for hairloss if you havent already. I don't advise rushing into anything. Your donor hair is a finite resource, don't waste it.
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