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Posts posted by davidn

  1. I had a good result with this clinic, but everything other than that was awful. I guess they can be a good clinic in the op room itself, but it is very clear that they don't give a single shi* about you as an individual. They don't really respond to messages, nor to email. They operate on very young guys. And I think the ht aftercare is EXTREMELY important, it is like a patient-doc relationship, they need to have a game plan for you and not take your money and ignore you forever. There is absolutely no point in my opinion to go there if you can save up a bit more and go to someone like Ferreira who is better in the op room AND seems to be a very ethical doc. 

    • Like 3
  2. 12 minutes ago, sukh123 said:


    Ferreira a pad wan lol I want  a master lol 

    I think his results are amazing, he is doing hair transplants for over 10 years, every surgeon has to learn from another surgeon, Bisanga learned from Cole, is Bisanga a pad wan too? Of course not. Also he is at a point in his career where he cares about reputation unlike Lorenzo/Erdogan who became mills.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, NEVER GET TRANSPLANT said:

    Back in the day, Dr. Umar and Hasson & Wong were probably considered the best in the world for Norwood 7. 

    Today Zarev followed by Sethi.

    Pitella is also close. 

    Zarev is probably the best (at least based on available results...) 

    the thing with Zarev is that I see one case review online. I think Zarev, Hattingen, Sethi, Pitella, Hasson Wong  are great for mega sessions but I agree with @MachoVatothat with sufficient donor, most excellent surgeons can get it done in 2-3 sessions, like Ferreira, Pinto etc. Only thing Eugenix does that the others don't is that they incoperate beard hair a lot, question is why others dont. They should be definetely capable of doing so.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Hope n reality said:

    @davidn @RTC

    Thanks a lot for the answers and Sorry for my late response, as I'm emotionally damaged, and my hands cant handle to write when i'm in this situation. 

    Also I was trying to find a solution for my burning sensation and discomfort on the recipient area and the skin texture issue which I thought it will be gone after the first 6 month.

    1- I looked for repair cases as you suggested but couldn't find someone with the same hair type and skin, so I don't know if that will apply to me.

    2- I really dont know if I have cobblestoning or ridging or pitting or whatever I have!!, can anyone tell me from the photos which i shared?!

    3- yes the photos are true to the reality, later I can post another ones. My recipient area is on my first forehead muscle and it is tooo straight with multi and pluggy grafts, and the right side corner where I wanted to fill it up as the idea of my HT, is the most place which doesnt have hair! and for the donor area, the right side is really depleted more than the left side but I didn't shave my hair down to 1 or 0, thats why it is not that obvious here.

    4- anyone knows if we FUE out the grafts would that let the skin goes back close to normality or even gets significantly better? as the the skin looks pale and also a bit pumped. I'm taking now Vitamen B complex 300, zink, vitamen E, omega 3 to check if that can bring any benefits to my skin texture.

    5- does anyone tried laser co2, microneedling, mesotherapie, dermapen or dermaroller, and the skin went back close to normality? 

    Valuable inputs will be quite appreciated..

    1- I can send the threads if you dm me.

    2- your hair is too long, cant see the skin well enough.

    3 - this is unfortunate. Good news is that you don't have so much hair loss.

    4 - with an excellent doc you can significantly improve the situation often.

    Feel free to reach out if you feel like talking about this Bro. You are not alone and you will find a way to get through this!








  5. 17 minutes ago, MaximumMM said:

    Thanks for the advice mate, duly noted.

    On the price issue, it's that Dr Turan would cost around 4/5k for the first op (then more for a second obviously). 

    The next level up in Turkey seems to be HLC, which would be around triple that according to my research. And then double that for a second. I e. 25k or more.

    That's a huge difference. And even more to go to a top European clinic, that's money I just don't have.

    Dr Turan has really good reviews, legitimacy and results from what I can see, so I'm struggling to see a reason to go with a more expensive option.

    Am I missing something?

    For me it's not just what I can afford - I *could* afford 15k. But the equation of whether I could justify that considering what else it could go towards (family) changes quite strongly when I get to those amounts.

    Makes sense. Sorry I was a bit too quick and I absolutely don't wanna dismiss the other responsibilities you have in life, which are obviously far more important. To be blunt, I am not familiar with this docs work, but if I recall correctly, he has a good reputation and is even forum recommended. I wish you best luck in your hair journey if you go for it and with the family obviously!



  6. You're in a good position. You donor looks solid, you have a good age, but you need an in-person evaluation from an experienced doctor. Hair loss is progressive. You should at least consider medication. You said you are happy with smp. Hair transplants are risky, are only an illusion of density, lead to scars and are not guaranteed. But if done right on the right candidate they are amazing. One thing tho, you should, if necessary, save money for the surgeon you like based on results. Everyone is on a budget, but its sort of a unique situation. You have a very limited amount of hair in your donor region which should be used up very wisely. Think about it, you invest in yourself, why not do it excellent. You might lack money, but you can save money. As @Melvin- Moderatorusually says "you're balding for decades, what is a year in the grand scheme?", which is especially true in your case because you are already satisfied  right now, so there is zero time pressure. All the best!

  7. 1- Any suggestions or similar cases where someone can advise?

    Plenty unfortunately. Fue is marketed as scarless which is just not true. Its insane that your donor looks like that for the little resession you had.

    2- Is it possible to fulfill the scares of the donor area with my body hair? SMP is my laaaast option.

    That is possible. Use the search function for "my fue scars repair", a Thread by @mustang.

    3- Is it possible to extract the hair from the front and put it back again? does leave any noticeable scares if I do all the aftercare?

    Of course it is technically possible, but there is a risk of scars. There were some cases on this Forum (@Davy) in which it looked very decent though.

    4- Did you face any pink color on the recipient area (Beard or scalp) till now? and how did you treat it? if I take out the hair, would it be gone and the skin texture will be normal again?

    The skin Texture is not the same anymore. When implanting, slits were created, which of course caused micro scarring. But scarring in the recipient is negligible in good Hands. There are some problems which can occur though like ridging/cobblestoning which happen when grafts are inserted too deep/too shallow.

    5- Stem cells can do any improvements?


    Now after hearing the cold truth, your donor could have been handled much better, but there is hope. Smp/Body Hair are good options.

  8. 6 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I don't really think a 6 sentence post is a lecture but ok mate

    Do whatever you want. Just know that messing with your endocrine system is tricky business and something that a lot of people are very brazen about thanks to some uneducated reading of peer reviewed studies. Their is likely a genetic component to who gets very bad fin side effects so in a way it is a bit of Russian Roulette. But if the risk is worth it to you by all means go ahead because their are plenty of people who take it with no problems too. 

    All good. I understand your decision too for sure. I would lie if I told you that I love the drug. I just meant that it might be worth trying. It all depends on pattern and donor at the end of the day. There are two drugs in advanced clinical trials as well which might help with maintenance, Breezula and Pyrilutamide.



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  9. 14 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I would not take FDA approval as indicative of much (I say this as a biology major who also works in the pharma industry, although not directly in a bio related role). 5% is also a fairly high rate considering what the potential side effect is here - it's not like we're talking about a side effect like it makes your feet swell up or your hands a little sweaty. I would also just add that for a variety of reasons peer reviewed studies are not as reliable as one would hope (Google "peer review replication crisis"). Anecdotal evidence is important in making decisions for yourself. There are plenty of people on here who reported side effects on Fin so for me it's been enough to scare me off of it. I am hopefuly however about the new Hasson topical coming out. 

    Thanks for the lecture, did not have to google it. As a statistics major, I mentioned that countless studies have found the same incidence for side effects and you reference a replication crisis? This does not make any sense, I just mentioned that it was replicated over and over. Nothing wrong with anecdotal evidence, but if you talk about skewed data. We do not have anything close to a random sample nor a control group by reading reports on the internet and especially a hair transplant forum. This introduces various data biases, first and foremost selection bias.  I leave it here, but I would rather trust the FDA decision which is rather thorough in evaluating drugs, especially in dermatology/aesthethics than reports on the internet. But I genuinely wish you the best, I think it can work out with multiple hair transplants, I just think it is worth trying.

  10. 9 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Bruh, imagine thinking that testosterone is the only important hormone for your manhood. 

    You're right we don't need to into this, but just in regards to your last line I think it's overstated how necessary fin is as long as you are ok with getting 2 or possibly even 3 transplants. Of course a lot of this depends on your donor area and how aggressive your loss pattern is, but I do find people are very heavy handed in thinking that fin is some absolutely necessity given the potential for side effects. 

    But wny not try it? The drug is fda-approved. There are countless and countless placebo controlled double-blind studies all finding the incidence to be lower than 5%. I just don't think there is anything to lose by trying. If you get side effects, stop. Look at your Family History. Look at your donor. Does it work out? Your recipient will grow, your donor will shrink. If no side effects, great. You save money. You might even avoid transplants altogether. I have zero incentive to convince you of the drug. But I think trying it doesnt hurt.


  11. 5 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I mean I dunno... I am very curious about FUE scarring but looking at Mister Rolanadas video's of what is supposedly "very bad" FUE scarring it really isn't that noticeable

    I think they are pretty noticable. I wouldn't feel comfortable like that in public (I mean when he did a 0 Guard, his transplant looks amazing otherwise). But its all subjective. If you would, thats good. Statistically speaking chances are your scarring will look better, as he had almost 7000 grafts, a large skin hair contrast and almost keloid scarring. 

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