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Posts posted by davidn

  1. Dr Couto himself had told me that after a while the meds will weaken, hair will get thinner, so hair loss will progress even when on med (in the long term). And now it seems like I am heading for a situation of having a crown-hat. 

    Wtf? "I have news for you so due to the surgery I just performed in the long-term you will look pretty weird, good way home, nice working with you". This is unacceptable.

    So he urged me to take oral minox and add dutasteride (currently on Fin), otherwise I will end up with an island in the long term.

    So yeah the only solution is to start taking stronger medications, I never asked you if you feel comfortable with that? Oh well.. 

    I have to say that in general I really think that all doctors should do the exact measurements you were talking about (density, minituarization, donor surface area, hair groupings). This should be the standard, at least among top docs. I think the hair transplant industry as of 2022 is way too much guesswork still. I think mapping donor and recipient and doing it data-driven like the doctor you now want to consult with should be the norm, to make it at least somewhat objective.

    I can absolutely emphasize with your situation. I think it's odd that an "elite doc" agrees to do a surgery on you, takes your money and then tells you mid-surgery that you're forced now to take stronger medication otherwise you're screwed due to the surgery he just performed on you (and you paid for?). Man this industry has a lot to improve.

    That being said, OP at least you have great body hair for fit farming. SMP can help too.. You will find a way to be happy and confident! 


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  2. Everything I have seen so far is good. I really like that he uses so little grafts to accomplish great aesthetic improvements. Gives me Konior vibes. I first noticed him as for the crown results, can honestly say I have never never seen better crown results. Crowns are his strong suit imo. Also doesn't harm that he is located in Western Europe :P

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  3. 9 hours ago, general-etwan said:

    One day down, one to go. Chilling at the hotel. Just to state, I'm not one to spend a lot of time sharing stuff but I will try to share a little bit of some pics/info soon. 

    Day 1 was very exhausting but I've been so impressed by the entire team. I only expect be treated like any other person, but they really do treat you like a god here. Dr. Das spent about 30 minutes with me explaining what the plan was going to be. Unfortunately, my donor area is not as strong as anyone would hope, so Dr. Das explained that the total graft outcome might be revised downward from 6500 to more around 5000 total. We went with a conservative hairline, as I expected, somewhere between the two lines I had drawn on my pictures. No temple work; we agreed my temples are OK and it would not be a good idea to spend grafts there. The entire first day involved taking donor from the back left and right sides of my head and relocating them to the hairline all the way to the mid-scalp area. I think we've done just over 3,000 total there. Dr. Das made all the incisions and then the senior techs began all their work. Day 2 will be taking from the center back of the head and relocating to the crown area, with the beard hair I expect too. I did suffer some amount of pain and they had to keep giving me more local anesthetic. I also toughed it up and tried to push through some of the pain, to which they made sure I understood that I should tell them immediately when I feel pain and that it was not a burden. Mainly, I just felt this massive pressure all across my head for the several hours they were working on it. Dr. Das looked over all the work from day 1 and said I have a good density and she's very happy with how it's going so far despite my concerning donor quality.

    All the best. Post pictures when you're done!

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  4. ^ I agree with Adrian. Especially as a high norwood we are not in a position in which we can "choose" to make the procedures more complicated than they are already, as they will have to mix beard and scalp donor to make it blend, work with density gradients etc etc to create an illusion of density and coverage already. So, imo we are not a position to have extra wishes, even though I can totally understand that you loved your cow lick end emphasize that you want it back.

  5. All depends on serum concentration of the drug to cause or not cause side effects. I don't completely trust this company as there have been multiple issues with their COVID drug.

    I think it would be beneficial to stack with Finasteride, I believe this would increase the hair count on your scalp, hopefully even synergistic. However, keep in mind, even castrating males who are completely bald doesnt regrow all their hair. 

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