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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. As I said before, there are food alergies that can literally kill you from eating them. Analogy or not this is a fact, yet I dont see people concearned with either of that. There are also chemicals in several food products people buy to eat and they dont seem to care either, lots of them can cause things worser then Finasteride. There is very little evidence on DHT being an important hormone in adulthood and it is known to cause more harm then good. Enlarged Prostate, Prostate Cancer, Acne and Hair Loss just to name a few. This is why for the majority of people its safe to block it, same way for the majority of people its safe to eat foods that others arent able to tolerate. Look i'm not saying that 100% of people are candidates to take Fin, but the majority of people absoutely are and there is enough data to prove it which is why it was FDA approved for treating AGA.
  2. How so? People talk about messing with hormonal profile, I am merely arguing that you do that everyday without even noticing. Its literally impossible to be alive and not "mess with hormones" regardless on being in meds or not. The "messing with hormones" is simply a poor excuse i'm sorry. I know because I once thought the same and that caused me to enter this mental hellhole, had I been more open minded and I would likely not even be comenting here.
  3. Out of curiosity, say you wanted to grow a mullet back there would you still be able to?
  4. Its not a must but it helps alot your native hairs and speed up progress and you can start using it by your third day. I had my dad pick it up to a pharmacy in Valencia while I was being operated and got mine. I have spoken with my local surgery and was told that they are already aware of the email but it has to be reviewed by my GP so they will contact me soon.
  5. I had a patient saying "Hi" to me when I was in my restroom, I was the guy who was at room 1 (not gonna reveal the name here privacy and stuff) so I assume it was you? What an amazing coincidence. I wasnt the english guy but currently living in the UK aswell. I also flew back on Saturday but had to go through connection flight.
  6. Wait a second, youre on 3rd day post op aswell? Perhaps we actually met! I had a proccedure Thursday and Friday and got the OM on the spanish pharmacy, my GP surgery asked me to request a discharge information from the clinic post op for the OM prescription so I will be able to get it here aswell, I might phone them now just to check it.
  7. Thank you for mentioning one of my biggest arguments when it comes to people when talking about "bout me don't want to mess with hormones!" or the classic "buh my neurosteroids!". You literally cannot live without changing hormones, if you want to do that the only solution is dying. Cause like you said, the very food you ingest in your body does indeed alter your hormonal profile wether you like it or not. People die from peanut butter allergy and I don't see anyone raiding awareness against it. There are also lunnies out there that say that toothpaste ruined their teeth! And there was a whole site against fluoride just like propeciahelp to talk about it🤦‍♂️.
  8. Finasteride has been here way before being aproved for hair loss. People had to use it constantly to regulate the prostate size and never in those days were there any reports among those patients about "permanent side effects". There is really nothing special to prove or study. The effects of the drug only last while you take it, after cessation all effect goes away and the enzyme returns to normal levels. Of course its debatable on how long it could take for the drug to fully flush out of the body but the fact remains that no evidence exists for PFS. Nocebo is a thing, if you believe something bad will happen it will happen for sure and you will feel like something is wrong with your body just because you took Finasteride.
  9. Honestly if I could go back I would have started the nuclear stack (Dut + OM) earlier and could have gotten better regrowth before even taking surgery. But it is what it is, I have still some hopes that it would strenghten the crown.
  10. De Freitas recomended me to start on the third day post surgery so I will start tomorrow my first dose of 5mg. I was told that it improves the results of the transplants by his nurse.
  11. Riiight. Lets just forget the fact that there is barely any evidence of permanent side effects of these drugs and the fact that people that lurk in forums supporting the idea even say that Minoxidil gave them ED. Worse, some of them even go and talk about how Saw Palmetto ruined their sex life. Its ironic that you describe him being "intellectual scientifically iliterate idiot" when in reality he is using proven science as evidence to back up his words. Are we really going to believe in the findings that have been proven by valid clinical reesearch with hundreds of patients that point out all side effects going away after cessation of use or the words of people who use annecdotes and theories to prove their point?
  12. I have spoken with Dr De Freitas during my intervention and explained him the current trials and reesearch, also mentioned that loads of the big names within the hair transplant field took a keen interest on it. He said he was gonna have a look and told him to get in touch with Melvin to get further information so hopefully he can also start doing some trials. The more names we can get to try this out the better. At least I have played my part.
  13. You will always mess with hormones even without knowing. I used this excuse in the past but let's be honest, anything you ingest orally has impact on them. Don't let fearmongering stop you from saving your hair, surgery should be avoided at all costs of possible. It saves you a lifetime of stress, anxiety and worries. If topical Finasteride is what you want to start with fine, but consider oral at some point as it's highly effective and side effect profiles are rare. You can always stop it if you want.
  14. Because most people show their results after a year alongside the fact that most men like to keep it short. I am planning to grow it long once I am through though.
  15. If the surgeon inst carefull during the implantation proccess when placing the folicle near the native hairs it may cause permanent shock loss. This is usually a concearn for diffuse thinners that have their thinning distributed throughout the scalp.
  16. Should improve it but some clinics do require you to stop from 14 to 7 days before op. I will start taking 3 days after the proccedure.
  17. Yep, lots of sleepless nights and lot much more to come. But it has to be worth it, after all we have been through, everything we've done. It can't be for nothing! Thanks for the heads up bud. We got this.
  18. Good choice. Hopefully you recover enough ground to be able to call it a day or to the very least significantly reduce the amount of grafts required for full coverage. Great atitude from the clinic aswell on the cancelation, prioritizing the wellbeing of their patient. I wish you the best.
  19. From my knowledge its quite rare to happen but it depends on the clinic even if it does it should be a very limited amount. Even if some grafts are deemed as "transected" or "partially transected" doesnt mean that it wont eventually grow since its very hard to know how much transected has the graft been, that is why the majority of clinics are likely to implant the graft back into the recipient area regardless of its state. Howeaver, if you opt for any sort of hairmill then it is pretty much a guarantee that at some point you would have a large number of transected folicles that would not be implanted back with the clinic claiming that they did it.
  20. It may not matter in terms of regrowth (though I do believe that a variable percentage of hairs are likely to regrow) but it may stabilize enough to prevent shock loss post surgery. You got to understand that native hair within the scalp is more fragile then transplanted hair so detaching the DHT from those folicles and have them the relief they need for a good while becomes essencial for better results in my opinion. Both Finasterida and Minoxidil peak at the two years mark, after that you can go and schedule the surgery. So to answer your question person B may have a higher likelihood of suffering from shock loss then person A because person A has already been enough time in the drug to evaluate its benefits. It doesn't mean it will because as we know there are several factors that come into play for the success of the surgery and medication is just one of them.
  21. I always feel like one year is the optimal waiting time before proceeding for any hair transplant surgery because it gives your body time to stabilise and regrow a little bit of lost ground. As the previous user said, it lays the foundations for a successful hair transplant. When I scheduled my surgery for the current year I was already 2 years on Finasteride and nearing 1 on topical Minoxidil. Now I am 3 on Finasteride and 2 on minoxidil which I have stopped it temporarily as requested by the clinic. I always had a very pragmatic approach to my situation because I wanted to be as sure as I could about my surgery. Of course there are always moments of doubt but I did my due diligence and chose the best path money and time could buy to make this right.
  22. You already looked great even without having any crownwork, I can only imagine how good you will look after getting that part nailed aswell. No one would tell you were even bald to begin with. Absolute stunner!
  23. Whoaa, its still a massive improvement from where you started. Really good progress and since its only 7 months I am sure it will get better.
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