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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. been meaning to post these for ages, this is where I started two years ago, not bothered about shaving my head, but then stupidly went to a cheap place first that I was disappointed about the result hence pushing forward with Eugenix for latest one which was a great decision even though a few forum members tried to talk me out of it
  2. the one thing I will say is I am jealous of your high lateral humps in the fact as our hair is growing thru, just that extra height helps to disguise the hair growing thru which I don't have, but honestly your hair looks A+
  3. I am 6 days on it and have noticed bits of shedding already, nothing crazy but noticeable for sure as I am so OCD on checking my hair, roll on a few months time by the sounds of it
  4. my first and second at a cheap clinic seem to start around month 3 with significant growth at month 4, I have just been to Eugenix in January of this year and the surgery was a world apart and so much more professional and clean, the healing was loads faster, but I was surprised as I saw nothing till month 4 and really its only in the last few week hitting month 5 that its now coming to life
  5. If you look at the thread about @Bandit90 journey, even with him being NW6/7 he got a great density on hairline first time round I would say in the realm of 45 per cm2. I saw Dr Somesh in January, but it was my third HT and was mainly aimed at density and a more natural hairline which they have nailed tbh. For the hairline though I paid slightly extra to have Dr Bansal do that bit and Dr Somesh did all of the other slits apart from that. He is a great surgeon and if I go back again I would ask for him again tbh
  6. I hope so, lets see, fin has done nothing for me after 1.5 years so lets hope I respond well to this
  7. committed to a 6 month supply of oral minoxidil finally, so ill start that soon and see if it helps, hard work getting it in the UK and not as cheap as other countries atm
  8. Good luck mate, just looking at the new graft placement makes me think its going to be a million times better than what you had, and then give you time to plan for the future as your only young and would be good to see where you hair gets to in the next 5-10 years?
  9. Thanks guys, it's looking good in most situations already, apart from my bathroom at night as I have the brightest down lights ever! not great ha, but hopefully with a bit of length and more maturity in the hairs it'll get better
  10. @coolbreeze yeah that sounds about right, I just checked my bank and its £7794, but that was for this recent procedure and I had two cheaper surgeries at a local clinic in Manchester which was around 6000 scalp grafts over them both, though the level of skill and naturalness really has shone through in the Eugenix work just like I hoped it would. I am contemplating going back next year to use a lot more beard hair to fill in humps and mid scalp, but thats not on my mind much atm as I really need to see how this year pans out as I get closer to 12mth mark.
  11. and what dose do you take 2.5mg? and is it a strict daily thing, or can it just be every other day or what ever suits?
  12. Just found this one and can't wait to see an update
  13. Getting there for sure, and it'll all come together soon, my recent transplant with Eugenix has been a slow grower, on previous ones I saw great growth by month 4, but this one had me slightly worried, but just hit month 5 and tons has happened within last couple of weeks and can feel loads of little hairs poking through too, so hold in there as good things are coming
  14. Five months, and finally seeing some action in the Eugenix transplant and can feel tons of new hairs poking through, so looking forward to some improvements all being well, finally let it grow a bit, three weeks growth, the most since 1998 when I first started shaving it, and surprisingly I am actually liking the growth and how it looks, used some matt texturing gel to spike it back a bit, hair still thin mostly but its getting better, and considering trying oral minoxidil to see if that could help, just worried about any sides and the initial shedding phase of it, but get no sides from Fin so it might be fine? Tried to get some shots in different lighting, atm in direct sun light its invisible, but my hair is a bit like that anyway, kind of light fluffy hair which is why the texturing gel is helping it stay in place rather than a head of fluff ha Left side hump is still weaker, Eugenix put more grafts in here and didn't touch the right side as it was a bit stronger from previous surgeries, hoping it catches up soon
  15. is anyone on Oral Minoxidil in the UK and if so where do you get it from? and how much etc? thinking of giving it a go, guessing things look worse before better once you start? is it noticeable the amount of hair that sheds at first?
  16. This is looking super impressive and so natural as well, so chuffed for you mate. And on the oral min front I might bite the bullet at some point and try it out, just worried that if I don't get on with it then ill end up having a dip before getting back normal?
  17. Do you find yourself having heart palpitations with it? its something I have been keen to try as I have very thin hair and would like to see if it could thicken it, but also worried about taking anything take could make me feel weird, I have been on Fin for 1.5yrs, not seen any benefits but also have zero sides on full dose
  18. personally at 25 if your worried I would keep it how you have it and live with it till your in a stable place with you hair loss now, as you don't know what you dealing with long term, I didn't do my first till 43 and I really would of loved one as young as you are
  19. temples are a lot better as when looking at your images from start up till now the only thing that did not look right was your temples, glad he has touched them up as they look loads more natural now
  20. personally having had a similar amount on my first and seeing other patients have similar amounts, it looks right, and looking how your hair is like mine, very fine and big contrast from the skin it all looks right, you donor looks fine and the hair looks like its all grown well tbh, and really if your unhappy maybe think about going back for more density? I have just had my third, had front done like yours but not as packed as it was across a bigger area, then crown and a bit more in mid, and then finally a third where I had all areas addressed which I am hoping is me done, but its up to you and how you feel about it, but looking at it subjectively it looks good and right for the grafts too and implanted
  21. I started shedding each time after a week or so, to early to tell with you hair and numbers, plus you need to take into account each hair type you transplanted all grow differently and will shed differently too, so that could be a factor atm, but I would not worry, I had pretty quick growth on my first two HT's and now for some reason the latest one is going super slow, its never straight forward, hang in there I am sure it'll turn out great
  22. Thanks guys, actually a bit scared to grow it, not grown my hair since starting to shave it in 1998, its so much of a habit to shave it now ha, but I am going to try and leave it for a bit, might give it once last tidy up this week as with the new growth its all odd lengths and its no good for my OCD
  23. Was not going to do another update so early but just took same harsher light pics in bedroom, hair still around 4mm long, but can feel and see tons of new little hairs popping through at last, so hopefully other the next month or so I might see some good improvements
  24. So I had a thought today, my first and second HT started coming in slow at month 3 and month 4 lots of hair was on its way and I was told to use a caffeine type shampoo to help it grow and I did a lot really, this time with Eugenix I have just hit a week past four months and its like I am just coming into month 3, but I have not used shampoo like that, and it got me thinking today if it really does help bring the growth along?
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