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Everything posted by Marko7t4

  1. Is the clinic you went to in the UK? I own a law firm in the UK but we specialise in property law. If you drop me a message with a few more details, including your location, I might be able to point you in the right direction of a firm who may be able to assist you.
  2. Hi Sean. I was worried about dying my hair again after my op. I went to see the doctor at 9 months for an evaluation and he said it was perfectly fine, so I don’t see why coloured hairspray would be any difference. I wasn’t actually aware that they made this.
  3. No idea who removed them mate, but it definitely looks like they were posted and that post is no longer showing. Perhaps the NDA goes further than any of us could’ve imagined, and any photo posts automatically self destruct after 5 seconds 🤷‍♂️
  4. I’ve had an email notification that you’ve responded to my post about photos, but it seems that the response is no longer on this thread. Can you repost the photos please?
  5. A few people have asked for a donor area photo. Can you post a photo so the forum can see it please? There are two sides to this story. Firstly, is the clinic unethical for keeping the majority of the money paid, without actual doing the surgery. Secondly, is the clinic actually very ethical for not going through with a procedure which they could tell wouldn’t work, just to make money from the OP?
  6. It’s the Onion Router mate. A web browser without restriction. It’s sometimes called the dark web.
  7. I get mine from the clinic that did my HT. I’ve looked online but can’t find anywhere to buy it. Maybe try using TOR?
  8. As one of Dr Arshad’s patients, I can certainly say that the passion, commitment and customer focus of the clinic is second to none. It is just disappointing that so many seem to be having the same issue. Many clinics would wash their hands of patients once their HT is done, but not this one. Has the clinic told you what they think has gone wrong last year regarding lack of growth/density?
  9. Looking forward to seeing what it’s like at 6 months. My left side is lacking compared to my right, so it’ll be interesting to see how much improvement the top up gives you. Good thing is that the clinic is always supportive.
  10. So, today is 10 months post op. Here are my latest pictures after just dying my hair again. I’ve combed it up to show progress of the front on some, as well as combed it forward on some to show the crown. Others I’ve messed my hair up a bit. It’s not too noticeable when messed up, but I still think the left side at the front is less dense than the right.
  11. Dr Arshad did the punching and incisions mate.
  12. Why don’t you ask if Dr Arshad and Dr Hamza can do the incisions and implants? Just explain your concerns. I’ve just checked your thread from Saturday. My hair is really fine too, so my results should be a pretty good comparison hopefully. You mentioned getting smp as well as a HT. Would you not consider using some beard hair instead? @Melvin-Moderator has recently had that done at Eugenix in India and has now utilised 9000 grafts in his transplants.
  13. Hi mate. Yes I’m happy with it so far, especially the crown which usually takes longer to grow in. The left side density isn’t as far along as the right, but Dr A agreed that we can always add more grafts after the 12 months if necessary, but it’s still an improvement on what I had.
  14. I had my ht with Dr Arshad 9 months ago. I went to see him last Friday to discuss the progress, as it seemed that the density wasn’t as good as it could be (my full journey is on my thread, including all photos). It appeared that I had a fair bit of density but the hair was greyer and white, compared to my darker native hair. Sommiya dyed my hair for me while I was there and the difference was clear to see. I’ve added a couple of photos so you can see my progress. I find the clinic to be very helpful and always willing to take on any concerns that a patient has.
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