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Posts posted by TorontoMan

  1. 9 minutes ago, mustang said:

    Yes I am

    I have 2-3 more surgeries to go.

    Once it's completed I will post my 15 year journey with probably 15 surgeries.

    HLC: 1.850 Grafts

    Couto: 1.200 grafts

    Lupanzula: 1.000 grafts and 750 grafts

    Vila: 750 grafts

    Kesser: 600, 500 and 400 grafts

    Feriduni: 650 grafts

    Chueco: 500 grafts

    Mwamba; 500, 600, 500 BHT and 1.000 BHT grafts

    Total so far: 10.800 grafts (included de 2.000 BHT)

    I am still hoping to get

    500 grafts more to zone 2

    500 grafts more to zone 4

    250 BHT grafts more into my donor (if needed).

    After that I will be doing SMP on my donor and probably recipient to throw away toppik and be bath on the ocean.

    I can honestly say it's been the best time, money and investment I have ever done in my life.

    I have super thick hair and provided the donor growths well there will be little signs that surgery ever happened.


    Woah, is this for real? You been through all these surgeries? 

  2. For your temples I don’t believe it will do anything more for you than what finasteride will.  Donor hair is more dht resistant than your native but still susceptible to suffer from it, so the finasteride will help maintain your transplanted hairs. As for minox, it’s just a hair stimulant, but it could potentially help keep your transplanted hair’s growth phase last longer too. For that reason I don’t see a problem in applying just a little in your temples if you are already doing it for the rest of your hair. 

    I’ll be seeing my surgeon soon and will be asking him a few questions, I’ll ask about minoxidil as well as I’m curious to see what he’d say. I’ll get back to your post 

  3. 2 hours ago, taimishu said:

    Thank you for your words. I agree there isn’t a strong link. 

    What would you have me do at this point? My side effect from fin i’m afraid of is gyno. I have already had gynecomastia surgery (not steroid related) and i do not want that to go away. After so much research it doesn’t seem like it would go away even after another gyno surgery, and it is indeed a permanent side effect that does not go away after stopping fin. 

    What did your physician say about your hormones and what may have caused it? Do you carry a lot of body fat? Were your estrogen levels high? My understanding is that gyno is often not permanent, but i don't have much experience so I shouldn't speak on it for your situation. 

    If you haven't done so, I believe you should go check your hormone profile, test for test, dht, estrogen and SHBG. At that point consult with a doctor

  4. @taimishu Although stress of course is detrimental to your body for many reasons and in many ways, there isn't a lot of research with the connection to stress and direct hair loss. Your whole life's purpose I believe should be setting yourself up to live in a way that mitigates your stress, and it will surely always be there. Consider that many people endure an array of different things that cause stress in their lives. My uncle as an example, 65 who is a diabetic, smoker, had problems with alcohol, served in a war in his 30s, had separation with his family and has never had much money in his life... has a full head of hair. Your genetics are very strong, and it is the high likelihood that you have some genes that dictate some receptors in your hair will be prone to androgens such as DHT and Testosterone. Some of the things I've come to understand is that stress could literally age you, chronic stress could shorten your DNA, and part of that could be whats pro-longing your genetic variation for hair loss. Hair loss is just an unfortunate thing that happens to some 85% of men in their lives. Some of the top athletes in the world who have everything going for them, presumably with little stress, endure hair loss as well. kobe bryant, mj and lebron all went/will go bald, wayne rooney among many other soccer players and so on. Anyway the point in my rambling is that stress is a negative contributor to your health and you should do your best to relieve yourself of it all the time, however I hope you dont naively believe that your hair will just stop progressing just entirely. That is why its often advised to see how you progress before getting a hair transplant, as it will only be a temporary solution, and honestly not even a great one at that. Few people seem to get exceptional results. 

    I've also read things that masturbation is linked to hair loss, and I remember resenting myself for masturbating as much as I did as a young teen.. and then I realized that I have friends now in their 30s who are still cranking them out and have a good head of hair. Generally we are an over stimulated generation and being off porn is probably the best thing. anyway I would speak to as many physicians, although few seem to be well educated on hair loss medication, hair transplant doctors and continue to research. I don't know how hold you are, but you could try reducing the dosage and frequency you take finasteride. And like mentioned above, minoxidil is a pain in the ass and is just a growth stimulant and won't stop the progression of loss over a longer period of time, but it only needs to be applied once a day and you could apply it a night before you go to sleep and wake up in the morning and take a shower. 

  5. Have any Canadians or even people living elsewhere, noticed that there seems to be a shortage of brand name Rogaine for Minoxidil? I usually got it from costco and it found it to be cheaper than other pharmacies. They haven't re-stocked for over two months now, and I finally found one box at a random pharamcy but paid up the ass for it. 

    Any better places to source 5% Minoxidil in a foam?


  6. 1 hour ago, ciaus said:


    Yea can't say for sure, but hairs that are already thinning/miniaturizing are more vulnerable to shockloss, your day of pic here shows those areas were thinning a bit already. Hopefully its just the temporary kind and its back in a few months. Have you been taking finasteride and/or minoxidil for a while before the transplant? those help strengthen your vulnerable hairs and reduce the chances of shockloss.



    I’ve been on both for close to a year, it is likely that they were slightly miniaturized hairs. I’m hoping it’s temporary because there will be spots between hair line and the remaining hair. He also said they shaved down with a razor the outline above the hairline, so I’m wondering if I small stubble hairs could still be growing in and just can’t get picked up on the photo.. one can hope thats the case anyway

  7. Hey guys, 

    I'm a day shy of 3 weeks post-op of 2,400 FUE. I got a lot of scabs form starting from day 4 and noticed a few hairs shed around day 10. Is starting the shedding phase earlier (day 10) or is it preferable to have them all shed collectively at a later time? I've attached some photos (and i will be sharing my progress as soon as I get consent from the clinic), and now that I'm approaching the high shedding phase and ultimately the ugly duckling phase, I do have a small concerns about the hair right outside the recipient area. It looks thinner now than it did immediately post op. Does shock loss to native hair happen through the course of a few weeks, or have I experienced it already?

    Day 2



    Immediate Post-op 



    Day 10



    Day 17 


  8. Not enough grafts to get high density in the area thats outlined, however you could get coverage and like Melvin said that may be something you will be happy with. Overall I have to echo the comments stated previously that the planning wasn't the best as you do have some other areas to address. Stay patient and wait this out, in the meantime continue researching and saving for the future. 

  9. My post op instructions say to wear a hat for the first 6 months if you expect to have exposure to sun for over 30 minutes. You could start wearing a hat a week after that’s loose and sits over the grafts. I rolled up some gauze and taped it to the inside of my hat so it never touches the area..gonna do thay for the first two weeks to be safe. As for sweat I’m not the best person to answer that, I live in Canada and that’s a non issue for me atm 🙃


    hope that helps 


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  10. First step, try fin, start a low dose and work your way up. 

    if you rush this decision now, you’ll regret it later. Your best move is to swallow the emotions you’re feeling right now and understand this is a long term game, and you will win. Tough to face at 21 I know. 

    research and consult enough, at least 3 doctors and get their opinions on the age relation to your situation. If medications is tolerated well and your hair is maintained, you may be able to get it sooner. My understanding is the age they cut off typically is 25 

  11. My post op instructions as follows: 

    For the first two weeks, use the baby shampoo mixture we provided. After two weeks you can use your regular shampoo and conditioner again. 

    DONT use Nizarol or Head and shoulders for 3 months after your surgery. They are too strong for your new grafts. Wait 3 months after your surgery and limit to their use to 3 times a week. 

    hope that helps 

  12. 1 hour ago, pkipling said:

    Everything looks great and completely normal! And to add to your peace of mind, the first 72 hours are the most crucial in regards to your grafts being at risk, which you've already surpassed. After the first 72 hours, the risk of damaging your grafts is greatly reduced as they are most likely completely anchored in place. Keep being mindful not to hit your head on anything and follow your post-op instructions, and by day 10, it will be nearly impossible to damage them. If you do happen to dislodge a graft , it's typically quite painful and there is usually bleeding - so if you were to damage one, you would know. 

    Congrats on your procedure - and happy growing! 

    Thank you very much for that, that gives me comfort. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, kid said:

    Actually since making initial post I been researching...... Not looking good for Serkan Aygin.

    Maybe Turkey isnt the best choice. I can do Europe/Asia. North America is just too far for me. 

    Im becoming interested in Eugenix. Gonna keep researching them.

    Could you guys advise me if I contact a clinic; what are the new type of technology methods that I should ask about to make sure they use?

    I really like results for Wesley Sneijder (Soccer player). Not sure if anyone seen it but I think its amazing. Upon simple google search I found that he had it done by Dr. Gho. However while Im researching him all the posts on Dr. Gho are from several years ago. Any feedback on Dr. Gho?

    Regarding flaking issue, I have visited a dermatologist and was told by him that it is eczema. He perscribed me a cream which I use. However it is like a chronic thing which flares up and dies back down every few weeks or so. I haven't been able to completely kick it. One thing I would mention is that I started using Castor oil to help with scalp recently and although Im not certain, I do feel like so far the castor oil has shown some hair thickening. Maybe its my delusions but there is a possibility that the castor oil is helping some hairs come back.





    If it is eczema, did you get a red rash on your scalp? The photos you posted don't indicate eczema but I'm assuming they're before and afters? Have you done anything to treat it?

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