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Posts posted by Loadrunner

  1. 10 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Loadrunner what were you on the Norwood scale? I know that results appear a lot earlier with Eugenix. Your results already look fantastic so imagine when you get to the 10-12 month mark!!!!!! You could always have SMP for any area that is patchy from your previous procedure.


    I might be around nowood 3 vertex or 4 maybe. But I have seen absolutely wonderful results for norwood 6/7 cases as well. Their YouTube has so many results ans on the forum u need to check the results of @harin and @Zoomster and @RR1 to name a few. I am sure you will be well taken care of since they have been handling a lot of such cases

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    I have made contact with Eugenix Hair Sciences also. I have spoken with both Dr Pradeep and Dr Arika. I am 53 years of age. At 18!!!!!!! I had not one but two punch graft procedures to lower my hairline. One year later I had the frontal plugs removed in several excision strip like procedures. This left me with a permanent lateral scar across the top of my hairline. By 25 my hair loss had continued so I began wearing a hair piece. This not only covered the MPB but it also covered the frontal scar. After 25 years of wearing a 'wig' I couldn't do it any more. I then found a great SMP artist and had SMP to help camouflage the donor scars and the hairline scar. This was three years ago.

    It's great not having to worry about hair but I am extremely self conscious of the scars which you can still see (but much less than before SMP). However I am seriously considering having a scalp/beard hair transplant. If this could get me beyond my self consciousness of my scars I believe I would finally feel free. I'll put some photos up. Thanks for listening!

    You made a great choice. I had thoroughly researched eugenix before selecting them. With the kind of results they have been producing u can be rest assured. All the best!


  3. On 5/5/2020 at 9:05 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    @Loadrunner we would love to see some updates.

    @Pyrat and others 

    11 weeks update.

    Not much shedding, hairs slowing growing but the hairline is thin as of now. I have not taken any haircuts and will take one post the lockdown. It should look much better with trimmed sides. I am expecting good results towards 4 month mark like most eugenix cases. I am taking finax for my crown. No minox or anything else with normal shampooing.



  4. I totally agree with Melvin, why will a unhappy patient endorse the clinic. I was totally unsatisfied with my first clinic. My experience with Eugenix- has been good till now. If I get the results as per my expectation, I will definitely have a soft corner for them. As of now, I can say that I hardly found any bad results from eugenix during my research- and hence I went ahead with them and they treat their patient's very well. 

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  5. 37 minutes ago, kirkland said:

    You are right, Melvin. Eugenix has 3 levels, or packages, of services. The most expensive is with Dr. Sethi or Dr. Bansal doing the planning and design of hairline and doing the slits themselves. The next level has Dr. Bansal doing the above only. The least expensive package has one of Eugenix associate doctors providing this service.

    That is correct just that first option has both Dr pradeep and dr arika while the second one has dr arika doing slits. Third package is other doctors but I guess here we are talking about top 2 packages because the forum recommends surgeons and not clinics

  6. Hi,

    You can check my thread, there are thre strips from my previous fue if the hair are cut too short because of concentrated extraction. I was very scared about what might happen to my donor if I gi for another transplant. Post my procedure with Eugenix- it seems to be coming well. Zero percent shock loss. For the growth, I can only comment post 4-5 months( currently 25 days post op) but there has been only 10-15 percent shed owing to less time outside due to DHT technique and no root touch and the grafts are directly growing. I will attach my latest donor picture. This is only post 25 days. Do see my post op pics in my thread. As for the involvement, slits are sone by dr pradeep and dr arika along with crucial parts of extraction and some part of hairline implantation. I guess their success is more due to the excellent team and the assistant doctors are superb who have perfected the steps they are doing. The success ratio has been close to 99-100 percent which gave me the confidence of going ahead with them.


  7. 44 minutes ago, Min12 said:

    I’ve used toppling in the past and it can get messy but this was on the top of the scalp.

    I’ve never heard of people using it on the donor, in guessing it is going to come off easily even with the hold spray. Best option especially if you keep your hair short on the back and sides is to maybe get SMP done but be careful as there are some dodgy SMP clinics out there. 

    No I normally don't cut it below no 4 and it used to be fine at that level. I was more concerned about next 2 weeks since I'll be joining office next week and I thought if there can be an interim solution till hairs grow

  8. 4 minutes ago, Min12 said:

    How many grafts were taken in the previous surgeries?

    Around 1300, it's more about concentrated extraction which was done at richfeel in my first surgery so anything below guard 3 and lightness appears. Anycase I don't keep my hair that short otherwise in future if i want to cut it that short then smp is an option. Otherwise the donor is good as you can see from my preop pic and Dr. Arika said my donor is good for another 3k grafts though I am not sure on that.

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