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Posts posted by duchaine

  1. 3 hours ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Inflation in turkey currently is unprecedented.

    Government figures are 50ish perfect, but on the ground they’re reporting over 100% in reality. I can’t see transplant costs remaining as low as they currently are for long.

    I see.
    Bicer apart, do you think is it worth paying a Turkish transplant the same price of a Spanish transplant?
    Was Turkish TOP surgeons (Peki...ner, Keser, Bicer, Ozgur) underpaid before or are they overpriced now?

  2. 3 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    I think Dr Bicer has the best after care as a physician possibly in the business. She does pretty much all the work entailed herself over a long day. She has had patients stay in her home if they were sick before and genuinely cares about them. She continually upgrades her qualifications and skills every year. 

    4 manual and 3 motorized extractions.

    I do not any of her patients but, from what I see, she is some of the sweetest person in the business.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Dr Bicer 💯

    I rarely saw a "wow" HT from Bicer but I think it depends from the fact that she doesn't pay great attention to marketing. All the pics I saw are "home made", with poor lightings and poor background.
    BTW, she is solid as a rock. Never read of someone regretting the HT with her.
    And she is one of the most ethical people in the business for sure.

    Wonder why she increased her prices by 100% in one year. More and more people are asking for her? monetary inflation?
    At the moment, she is more expensive than De freitas, pinto, vila...
    In your honest opinion, is she worth 4 euro grafts?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, shadowcast said:

    Too much stressing in this thread. I flew home to the US the day after surgery with Dr Pinto - 8 hours. It's really not a big deal. Few things:

    1. I wouldn't worry about wearing a hat - nobody will stare at you. I even went through a pre-flight Covid test and the nurse who stuck a swab up my nose didn't give me an odd look or anything.
    2. Don't worry about spraying your grafts during the flight, you don't have to (Pinto will tell you this himself). I didn't spray until I got home, and my hair grew perfectly.
    3. Window seat is probably ideal but it doesn't really matter. Really, how many times have you ever bumped your head on a flight? Probably never.

    That's it, it'll just be a normal flight. You'll be fine. No need to stress about anything, especially since you're going to Pinto, the surgery itself will be a breeze. Try the chicken sandwich from hotel room service, it's pretty good (comes with fries).

    thanks god.

    only point 3: People bump their heads on a flight very frequently. Just do not pay attention to that and forget about it.
    I bumped my head during the flight but nothing happened.

  5. On 10/2/2023 at 3:35 PM, WreckedOne said:

    Thanks! Have links on those cases by any chance?

    I'm considering having one more live consultation with one of the following doctors:

    • Kaan Pekiner (Neo Head Clinic). Assistant Alex. Was in contact with him previously. Was willing to do live consultation.
    • Patrick Mwamba - read this on Reddit though: "Dr. Patrick Mwamba [Brussels] $$$ - Recently had a string of poor yield results. Seems that another doctor named Dr Ali is doing some of the incisions, which should be done by the doctor you selected. DO YOUR HOMEWORK"
    • Ozgur (HLC Ankara). Problem is you can't pick him, clinic assigns you a doctor.
    • Keser
    • Ozlem Bicer
    • Christian Bisanga
    • Dogan Turan

    Apparently Pekiner, Keser and Ozgur do a do manual extraction, stick and place implantation.
    Also read this somewhere "As he learnt with the Dr. Keser and practised at the HLC, Dr. Pekiner performs a fully manual FUE with a specific punch for the extractions (diameter from 0.6 to 0.9 mm depending on the case) and a specific thin needle for incisions and grafts. The doctor performs incisions and grafts with the “stick and place” technique. This means that the graft is grafted into the skin immediately after the incision is done. This way there will be less bleeding and the recipient area does not have time to shrink, so the incision will be the smallest possible.
    The doctor personally cures every phase of the transplant (extraction, incision, grafting). Assistants, nurses and technicians only solve the secondary tasks, such as the collecting and the reorganisation of the extracted grafts or the management of the Petri dishes."


    Are you sure Pekiner is good for a such difficult case?
    From my prospective, he is a great doctor but he loves working to improve good head.
    He rejected some of us after extractions because (after extracting) he thought that we were not good candidates.

  6. On 9/24/2021 at 7:59 PM, MachoVato said:

    And a final note about these prices. Bicer charges 1.5 for motorized extractions with pre-made incisions, 2.5 for manual extractions. HLC is only manual extraction and only stick and place technique.

    now Bicer is charging 3 for motorized and 4 for manual.
    Do you guys think is he worth the price?
    I didn't follow her works during years so I can't give any judgment.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Vaibhav27 said:

    Thank you. Good observation. Even i have noticed it. I live half a mile away from Eugenix clinic in India and went for a consultation few months back with dr. arika. She asked me to take finasteride for the crown and grown long hairs for front to hide the receding hairline. If not, then go for hair transplant. One thing that put me off was that her consultation was so expensive(2000rs) compared to other doctors here in India and she literally talked for like 2 mins and then went outside. Then the conversation was taken over by medical counselor. 

    let me say that a good doctor can do his diagnosis in 2 minutes.
    BTW, I understand your concerns. It is fair that the doc gives you enough time to express your perplexities, to make questions etc.
    I had a free consultation with a doc (I won't name her name until I will book with her) and she spent 25 minutes talking with me.

    • Like 1
  8. When you read a research, the "results" show the "average" result.
    For example, are 6 training sets better than 4. Result: yes, we saw a 25% in hypertrophy.
    If you read the whole paper, you see that some people got 40% improvements while others got better results with 4 sets.
    That means, the efficacy is very subjective.
    That is true for everything in the medical world.
    If 99% of people get results from something, that doesn't mean it works for you. You can be the 1% outlier.

  9. 7 hours ago, mxnprettynice said:


    I use a derma pen, which you can find on Amazon or a local online store. I wouldn't recommend rollers and stamps. I apply minoxidil immediately after microneedling and wear a hat, as I've read a study that says most topical minoxidil evaporates.


    @duchaine These results are from before I had a hair transplant. I stopped microneedling during the transplant and resumed 2 months and 8 days post-transplant.

    Before??? OMG, you were full of hair!!! where did they put new hair?!!?

  10. 1 hour ago, mcr7777 said:

    This is a very interesting study - I wonder if inflammation could be one of the causes. It's known that many with AGA have co-current inflammation to varying degrees and treating the inflammation is not well understood.  I was diagnosed with LPP 1 year after HT....not sure it that is what I have or something else. 

    It is not so easy: pro-inflammatory prostaglandins can increase (d2) or reduce (E2) hair loss.
    DHT is supposed to be related to some pro-inflammatory PG related to hair loss.
    But DHT (and consequently pro inflammatory factors) are just some pieces of the puzzle.

    This is vey intriguing: "The logical therapeutic approach for AGA treatment addressing the underlying pathology should be complete reversal of follicle miniaturization and de-pigmentation either by suppression of testosterone to DHT conversion, or by blockage of ARs. However, drug treatment involving increasing blood flow (Minoxidil) or decreasing androgen formation (Finasteride) did not effectively serve these purposes. Recently, it was found that the scalp of male AGA patients retain normal number of HF stem cells but the progression from stem cells to progenitors cells is severely blocked 1. This stem cell inactivation coincides with the known phenomenon of progressive follicle miniaturization during hair cycling".



  11. 21 hours ago, jjalay said:


    I dont necessarily agrre with this conclusion. I think it has more to do with the longevity of the hair follicles of the donor area.

    What are your thoughts on this matter?

    When I replied before, I didn't read the study but trusted you.
    The longevity of the HF of donor area is the same theory suggested by the authors

    "It has been found that the miniaturization does affect the occipital donor hair, and this may be the cause of reduction in the density of the transplanted hairs. "

  12. On 10/25/2022 at 9:18 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    This 100% looks like shock loss, if you compare the pre-op, yes it’s a little lighter. But it’s visibly A LOT balder post-operatively, which is a clear indication that it is shock loss. 

    The difference is clear. 

    Shock loss during the op?

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