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Future Hair Doc

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Posts posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. 10 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    While I agree the team is very important, there are quite some clinic with the surgeon doing all the work himself. Just out of the top of my head:

    - Heitmann, Keser, Pekiner, Konior/Nadimi (almost all) or the HLC collective (even though they are a team, its surgeonS only)

    There are some legal/regulatory issues in the US that require the surgeon perform certain procedures...this isn't the case in many other countries, especially Turkey, India, etc.

  2. Great question.

    Methylphenidate is a NDRI (norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor). The vasoconstriction is mediated mainly by the norepinephrine (dopamine causes vasodilation at low doses and vasoconstriction at high doses but its effect isn't as potent as norepinephrine). The vasoconstriction is central (B1 receptors which are in the heart) and peripheral (A1 and A2 receptors which are in the smooth muscle cells of our vasculature) in nature. However, I don't think this vasoconstriction will impact your grafts. I'm assuming you're using minoxidil too which is a potent vasodilator. I looked up the literature on methylphenidate and hair grafts and there hasn't been any study on this. You should be fine using ritalin for ADHD.

    As always, consult with your doctor on this as well.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Mat16 said:

    Hey guys,


    I have been taking fin for almost 3 months now. Started at 0.25mg MWF and now I’m doing 1mg MWF. Throughout the time I have noticed that my erections are kind of weaker (not 100% sure though) and also I feel like the morning wood occurs very rarely since the start of meds. No other noticeable side effects so far noticed for me. However, I would like to ask you if someone who has experienced the same problem has recovered by continuing taking the pills or I should stop taking it altogether or maybe just take a pause.  Since I started thinking about it it’s also becoming a mental problem.



    Did you notice this happening AFTER increasing your dosage to 1mg MWF? If so, cut down on the dosage and see how your body reacts. The fact that you're not getting as many morning erections leads me to believe it's not psychogenic in nature (nocebo effect, performance anxiety, etc.).

    If you're still getting side effects on the lower dose, stop taking oral finasteride and use a topical finasteride/minoxidil combo. As always, feel free to reach out anytime. 

  4. Cool. Check out the list John posted. You'll find a wide variety in terms of pricing from the recommended surgeons. The one constant is that these recommended surgeons consistently do stellar work. Don't let cost be a deterrent though because you'll end up paying more and suffering if you only allow cost to be a deciding factor (I'm sure you know this, but I wanted to reiterate it since I see a lot of patients with botched surgeries who only looked at price and not quality/ethics of their surgeon). 

  5. 1 hour ago, Nasau said:

    Thanks for your reply - perhaps as a young woman experiencing hair loss though, I don't really see it as an enjoyable ride. Hence why I was hoping for some insights - I understand there's no research on these topics, as I mentioned in the question - but often medical experts can make educated suggestions based on the biology/technology of certain procedures. 

    No problem buddy. I've got MPB and have had 2 FUTs (will be getting more). I understand what you're going through and the anxiety you're feeling. I think it's important to not worry since stress itself can exacerbate hair loss (which is what happened to me). As always, feel free to reach out anytime. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Tadalafil and sildenafil work as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Tadalafil has a longer half-life than sildenadil. If you're experiencing side effects from tadalafil, you should not be on sildenafil. As Melvin noted, you likely have performance anxiety. Did your doctor just prescribe you meds without doing a complete hospital and physical?

    1. Since transplanted hair takes 6-12 month to grow out, there is a period where the top of my head will still be bald, while the scaring in the back will necessitate longer hair on the back. The minimum with FUE seems to be 3mm - 6mm and with FUT 6mm - 10mm. At these lengths the horseshoe pattern becomes more and more prominent. How do I navigate this transition period?
      1. Roughly how long do the donor and recipient areas remain red/noticeable? THE ERYTHEMA LASTS ABOUT 1 WEEK
    2. What is a safe minimum period between two procedures? With FUE I'd need two procedures N months apart. What is the minimum N that would minimize all risks and maximize the chances of a good outcome? I RECOMMEND 1.5 YEARS
    3. Should I wait for finasteride to potentially strengthen and if I’m lucky regrow some of the hairs before the surgery? Or would the surgeon be able to just transplant into areas where there is no chance for strengthening/regrowth. Would having more “mature” finasteride results help the surgeon make better cosmetic decisions? YES, YOU SHOULD TRY ORAL FINASTERIDE AND TOPICAL MINOXIDIL AND GIVE THIS COMBO ABOUT 1 YEAR TO FULLY REALIZE BENEFITS. 
    4. Is FUE even an option for me? Is it possible to safely harvest as many grafts as I would need in my situation? CURRENT RESEARCH SAYS TO DO A COUPLE ROUNDS OF FUT AND THEN DO FUE IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE THE NUMBER OF GRAFTS YOU CAN GET.

    As always, feel free to reach out anytime. I sent you a PM as well.

    - Suhail

  7. 1 hour ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    It can be both, I don’t think there can be absolutes. But a recent example was @Cahustler he disappeared after 5 months and everyone was asking for updates. I believe most thought his results we’re gonna be bad. Turns out he was busy and his results were amazing.

    He’s not as active anymore, because he has a case of the tinder fingers haha his HT has allowed him more success in that department. Recently, another case @memzinla he stopped posting for 4 years. Someone bumped his thread, and he reappeared happy. These are cases where I can say for certain.

    The ladder I haven’t seen. It could be due to refunds and NDA’s. But in my opinion those are few and far between. Most clinics do not issue refunds, to get a refund that’s rare. What would keep someone unhappy without a refund from posting anonymously? 

    lol tinder fingers...it's so true. I see a LOT of post-op patients get it after their hair transplant

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