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Posts posted by Rolandas

  1. My heart is bleeding when I see such results...

    I've seen Dr. Lorenzo doing such repairs. He's placing grafts from around that area + beard to the empty areas in your donor and to be honest his results are incredible. If the hair is strategically taken from all around that area and implanted in the empty areas, you should end up with overall slightly less dense donor. While that's all theory, I've seen such work done.

    Would be worth checking it before going for an SMP.

    P.S. Your beard looks incredibly thick and strong!

  2. I guess I've been one of the blessed ones who didn't had any comments until it became quite bad (picture below - 23 year old, strong NW3). 


    Funny enough I never cared too much about my hair as I was always wearing my hair very short, so I Never thought I'm balding. At one point (happen around time when I took this picture) one guy said (Rolandas, you will get bald soon. I'm giving you 2 years max).

    After that I started growing my hair to cover balding frontal 1/3 (already forgot how my hairline looks like!) and it eventually became my go-to hairstyle. 


    Here's me in end of January just before my HT.


    Here's me 2 weeks after my hair transplant (last month)


  3. 10 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Your donor looks impeccable, Dr. Ferreira did a great job. Are you from Portugal? I wonder if his clinic is closed.

    Thanks Melvin. 100% agreed. I can't believe that I am able to rock sides and back buzzed with #1 clippers only 7 weeks after my FUE.

    I'm Lithuanian, but living in London.

    Clinic is closed as @BD99 said. I think it was a right decision to make when there wasn't a lot of cases in Portugal as it looks like its rising rapidly as well.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Cjf212 said:

    Yea will post some today. It actually healed really well and fast. Nothing even of notice. 

    I know I'm only about 4 months post this week  . But I notice when I shampoo condition my hair. The hairs look really thin almost as if not much progress is made. As a pose to about 3 days of not using shampoo or product my hair looks better and I can actually see/feel more growth lol  maybe it's in my head and I'm just over thinking. 

    It's absolutely normal. If you don't wash your hair everything sticks to it and makes it "thicker" and after you wash it it looks thinner as it's a clean hair.

    • Like 1
  5. If the surgeon uses good magnification, he should be able to go in between hairs well, especially if you had only 30 grafts/cm2.

    I had mine done 7 weeks ago and had 45 to 55 grafts per cm2 with an average of 49. I had done only frontal though. Also It's worth mentioning hair thickness. I have 51μm hair thickness which is quite low, hence why I need more grafts to achieve good result.

    • Like 2
  6. I'm currently on week 7 and today I had my second haircut. Buzzed down to #1 and you can't tell a thing! I still though have some redness in my recipient area as my skin tone is fairly pale (mainly in the very front of my hairline as it was "punched" the most :D).

    I will make a video update on this probably tomorrow. If you curious, check out links in my signature.

  7. On 3/20/2020 at 12:03 AM, bodrul said:

    This is night photo, right under different room lighting. My earlier pictures were the worst, as I just woke up either are under strong light or facing window with sunshine







    You're hair loss looks very similar to mine (you have more hair, but hair loss pattern is extremely alike), and since you mentioned Dr. Ferreira I would strongly advise to check out my progress so far (in my signature), so you know how it would look if you would go this route.

    As Melvin said FUT + FUE is extremely good route if you don't mind linear scar and whatever comes along with it. There's certainly + & -.

    Don't rush and do your research!

  8. I would kill someone for having this hair right now (I'm 28!).

    In my opinion having this dense hair could be a potential problem. We can't possibly transplant as much density as you have naturally, so you might run into risk of having visible difference in natural and transplanted hairs (as you have very strong forelock) especially when wet. Of course you could have multiple surgeries to "top up", but it could't be a waste of time and money for such minimal improvement.

    I would say stick to meds, prevent further hair loss and be happy. If you see it's really bothering you (again, I'm NW5 and I'm happy just to get my frontal done 7 weeks ago, more info in my signature) then you could think of HT with someone who has a good track record of dealing with similar cases with high density implanted (possibly implantations with Lion Implanters?). Avoid cheak HT clinics at all cost!

    Otherwise you are a great HT candidate.

    • Like 1
  9. I think everything depends on your perspective.

    I live in London, the epicentre in UK. Some people are panicking and walking around with masks and gloves. Some people just covering their mouth and nose with scarfs thinking it will help.

    And some people like me just get along with their live but being mindful about situation, meaning - trying not to touch surfaces if not necessary (hand rails etc.), wash hands once getting inside, not touching face until I wash my hands or use hand sanitiser, trying to keep distance with people if possible and staying at home as much as possible without panicking.

    I know some people in Italy that are doing the same like me and they are cheerful in this time, while other think it's the end of the world.

  10. I will just copy same text I already wrote, perhaps it's more understandable.

    28 minutes ago, Rolandas said:

    And what would happen? Still 90% cured.

    Listen, I was under the weather last week, sneezing and coughing. Nothing unusual. Now I feel normal. Who knows, maybe I had Covid-19?

    And also if you look at what you replied to me, you focus on other aspect. I was talking about high amount of people cured from the virus, and you are changing this subject to how long they been dealing with it. Fact remains the same. People are cured.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Abi28 said:

    I wonder what would happen if china didn't shutdown, look at Italy, they have been on lockdowns for 2 weeks and now they have more deaths than China, the virus spread easily and that's the issue.. if you don't think it's dangerous and it's a just a flu bro I don't know what to tell you

    Fine. Theres no point of proving each other anything. I'm just trying to analyse statistics while considering multimedia strategies, human behaviour and psychology while you just keep talking the same like a broken record with lots of "what if...".

    Nobody is saying it's just a flu, even though it is. It's a new flu where our immunity has to figure out, but unfortunately people with health conditions or older generation people have what...? Exactly! Weaker immune system.

    And guess what, for majority of people it's still will be 2+2=5 because why not.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Abi28 said:

    China has been fighting the virus for months. They have been in lockdown for more than 2 months otherwise they would not have been able to contain it.. 

    And what would happen? Still 90% cured.

    Listen, I was under the weather last week, sneezing and coughing. Nothing unusual. Now I feel normal. Who knows, maybe I had Covid-19?

    And also if you look at what you replied to me, you focus on other aspect. I was talking about high amount of people cured from the virus, and you are changing this subject to how long they been dealing with it. Fact remains the same. People are cured.

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