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Posts posted by Rolandas

  1. 3 hours ago, Smash said:

    It got better! The hairs thickened further and blended perfectly.

    I just headed back because it seemed like a good idea. I can understand him wanting to have a document of the progress (he's serious about his work) but I don't think there's a requirement for photos anywhere in the discussions or paperwork. 

    Thanks man! Very interesting insight from someone who actually went there.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Smash said:

    Thanks! It was still changing 2 years after the result.

    In answer to your question the doc likes to check 2 months, 5 months and 10 months after the transplant.

    -As far as I’m aware this wasn’t due to a guarantee he just takes pride in his work and wants to monitor progress.

    This can be done over email, or you can choose to go in person. I chose to do the latter as I figured ‘why not do everything as perfect as possible?’.

    This also gave me a chance to ask questions and get added peace of mind for the cost of a quick return flight to Madrid. 

    This time round I’ll likely send photos at the five month mark (travel plans got scuppered this year) and hopefully pop back to the clinic at 10 months (once travel gets back to normal).

    Thanks man. That's interesting. One of the clinics I made video about were claiming that Dr. Lorenzo requires patients to come back after a year for pictures as it's a part of some sort of guarantee? Very weird accusation..
    By changing you mean your result got better or worse?

  3. 9 minutes ago, Smash said:

    Whoops! Good spot! You are correct, I went in March (blame it on a late night :)

    I saw Dr Lorenzo in 2017 and then went back for a little more work earlier this year.

    I’ve been following your progress it’s looking great! Really enjoying your updates!

    Wow that was a great transformation!
    Can I ask you something? Just out of curiosity - do you have to go back to Dr. Lorenzo after a year for them to film your result? Is this a part of some sort "guarantee" provided from them?
    P.S. thanks for kind words!

  4. 9 hours ago, Smash said:

    I saw Dr. Lorenzo for a second procedure at the start of June (just before Spain went into quarantine). I can confirm he is involved in the surgery. Full report coming early 2021. 

    I think Spain went into quarantine much earlier than June? You mean March?

    I would love to read your report. I understand correctly you had your surgery already?

  5. 5 hours ago, O Hare 57 said:

    Back from surgery.  12 hour day.    3000 pokes, prods and pricks later I'm resting in hotel waiting to fly home.  Left clinic with bandanna, looked like biker or aging rock star.

     Hope my hair turns out well.  Ended up getting 3000 grafts not 2500.  Hope the planning and pain is worth it.  Time will tell.

    Welcome to the club!
    You should consider creating a new post with your experience and maybe some pictures? That would be great to other people who are still on the fence.

  6. Hello gents, It's finally here, my take on importance of proper research as well as how to do it.
    My research subject was FUE Capilar from a person's perspective who never heard about this clinic and looking for a Hair Transplant.
    In the past I've seen some clinics hyped a lot in certain places and it didn't turn out as good as it was promised. Many people been botched and hairlines were unnatural, so I decided to look into this one myself as I was very curious.
    It's quite long video and I'm very well aware I could do a better job with this, however there's simply a lot to squeeze in 35 minutes! (I had 4 hour footage of my research and tried to emphasize the most important things).
    I added time stamps over on YouTube comments for your convenience, however I think it would be interesting to see another persons perspective on first research on this clinic.
    My observation and conclusion is done according to time of filming it. There's more information coming out from few patients of this clinic, so please use this as an example of research only.

    I would like to emphasize that the purpose of this video is educational only and everything that's being said is my personal experience following by hundreds of hours spend on research for a HT doctors.

    Let me know what do you think and please share some more information if you have any!


  7. Looks good! You can clearly see a lot of hairs are starting to grow and gets darker. I'm myself on a similar stage, few weeks behind you and I can say hair is getting thicker and darker, thus covering much more scalp, which is clearly your case!
    Looking forward to seeing your result in upcoming months. Should look very nice.
    On another note your occipital donor region looks very good, so you've got some reserves there if you will find the need of topping up!

  8. Like many already said, check yourself with hair specialist. Maybe you even got some deficiency in something, but like Melvin said, it does indeed look like DUPA (Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia) which like you described "he never said I had DUPA but he struggled to distinguish where the DHT resistant hair started and wherev the DHT affected, but maintained hair ended".
    That's pretty much definition of DUPA.

  9. The best option will always be no head covering. That's what I did.

    Even with a very loose hat there will always be a chance to damage grafts. Some will can pull it or something similar. My suggestion - get into the plain first and out - first. You really want to minimise chance of bumps etc. Trust me, you will get clumsy as you won't feel your head properly even a week after HT.

  10. While Harley Street Clinic is one of top ones as well in UK along with Dr. Reddy & Dr. Edward Ball, I would strongly advise against UK clinics. Generally what I found is they're estimating less grafts than other clinics in EU or Turkey/India as they know how expensive it is. Don't get me wrong, they can achieve great result with smaller amount of grafts, but In your case 2000 grafts won't do much I believe. You will still need to go for a touch up later on, while elsewhere you could get away by having only 1 procedure with around 3500-4000 grafts.
    (just my non-doctor opinion from many many observations).

    I would suggest Dr. Lorenzo if you can afford as he is undoubtedly one of the best in the world and will manage your donor well.
    Also worth looking into Dr. Ferreira like Portugal said. He is currently working with Dr. Lorenzo as well as in his own clinic in Portugal. I personally had procedure done with him earlier this year and so far I'm at 4.5 months and I'm extremely happy with both donor and recipient.
    If you want to reduce expenses a bit further look into Eugenix in India. They're producing quite great results.
    Dr. Bhatti in India is also a great surgeon know to produce amazing coverage with small amount of grafts (however, I'm not particularly a big fan of his hairlines), but his job on high NW is very good.
    There are quite a few amazing docs like Dr. Lupanzula, Dr. Couto, Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Maras etc. with slightly different approaches etc.

    It's really worth investing some time and learn more about all of them and understand why they're different between each other and which doctor is actually best for your particular case. Once you understand what exactly you need you will find surgeon who would suit your case the best.

  11. I heard he is just doing implantations and has extraction dedicated person. In any way, results seem very consistent though.
    While Dr. Couto's work looks brilliant on youtube, you will notice it's mainly same hispanic patients. I guess he is extremely picky. I've never seen any patient with difficult case/thin hair like mine etc. while Dr. Lorenzo is taking all kinds of patients.
    Dr. Ferreira mentioned during my surgery that Dr. Lorenzo loves to do high NW procedures and I can understand why. It's a pure art. Calculate everything properly, make a decent plan and execute. I would be excited by such cases too :D 

  12. I know this once. Some people do the same massages now with this one and they report greater improvement.
    You can check out perfecthairhealth website for his research and theory on hair loss. I don't think it's one solution for everyone like it's with fin/min etc. but worth having in your arsenal especially if you're already doing some massages.
    He has paid membership which I wouldn't bother as he gives you for free 40 min video overview (explaining almost everything in there) and another video with scalp massage demonstration. I can't find now where, but I think he send you after signing to his email list. Also a lot of info can be found on his free articles and especially comments where people are discussing things. Definitely recommend to check it out.

    • Like 1
  13. I remember when I only switched between Minoxidil foam brands I had an extra shedding for a good few weeks as well. I guess whatever new is introduced to the "game" it encourages hair to go to sleep 💤

    What kind of scalp massages are you doing? Is it from Rob English's method? I've been doing those for 20 min morning and 20 min evening for 6 months and definitely seen great improvement, however it's an extreme hard work and I never managed to get back to it.

  14. 40 minutes ago, CosmoKramer said:

    I had similar loss pattern to this dude’s...but over 10k grafts wow! I would not have guessed that he would get that much considering his pre op donor area.

    Im a big fan of Dr Lorenzo’s crown work.

    BTW...saw your last video and your growth is coming in great....have you started using a derma roller again?

    Dr. Lorenzo work is always stellar.

    Thanks! Hair is really growing quite a bit now. I didnt start dermatologist rolling again as I'm not on minoxidil. At this point I feel dermarolling and minoxidil didnt do much for me as since I stopped my crown looks almost identical (just on fin).

    15 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    First of all I just want to say that I would genuinely be over the moon if I was able to achieve these results. I've watched many of this clinic's results over the past few years and they all look incredible. Who is/are the surgeon/s who perform hair transplants at this clinic?

    My only concern (well it's not really a concern I'm just curios) is why it took four surgeries? I imagine it was to gain greater density in the last two procedures. Also after the third surgery I thought the donor area looked over harvested (my biggest fear when I have my head done)? I'm just wondering what better informed people than myself feel? It's a fantastic result like I said though. Thanks for sharing Rolandos and I'd like to know more about this clinic.

    Its Injertocapilar clinic in Madrid, Spain, run by dr. Jose Lorenzo. He is world class surgeon and produces amazing results.

    I think 4 surgeries because patient was high NW level and limited donor area, so in order to preserve donor area they cant do megasession in one go. Extract 2000-3000 graft and after 5-6 months donor would heal and its ready to go for another one. This is the best donor preservation/management I've seen so far. Donor area can really be pushed to its limits in this way (considering dr. Knows how to extract properly).

    Patients donor area is indeed over harvested, but I believe dr. Jose Lorenzo himself calls it "controlled overharvesting" where they know this will happen (as they need a lot of grafts), but they spread over harvesting across all donor so it looks like theres less density overall and doesnt look patchy.

    One of the doctors working with Dr. Lorenzo is Dr. Ferreira with who I had my surgery in late January '20. You can check my thread and updates so far in my description.

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  15. Hi guys,

    Just saw Injerto Capilar posted this video and this result blew me away!

    Who would have thought it's possible to have such improvement of donor from propecia! Also worth mentioning extraction patterns - controlled donor depletion? To be honest I would love to deplete my donor in such manner to get such result on top!


  16. Week 18

    I know I always start with "exciting things happening!", but it's truly amazing how my transplant is growing out so far!

    In this update you will see
    - my donor area buzzed to 0.5 mm to show how it looks
    - exposed hairline with close-up's
    - month-by-month growth comparisment

    I think the biggest eye-opener of growth was when I actually did my own video-comparisment month-by-month. I didn't realize this much hair grew out just in 2 months, where biggest hair growth noticed from month 3 onwards.

    Also worth noting my donor area. Thanks to my beautiful girlfriend we can clearly see how does it look 4.5 months after 3659 grafts. To untrained eye it looks normal.

    As always I appreciate your support. Seeing how many people are seeking for such content is truly inspiring for me to keep going. 

    Any questions let me know!


  17. 16 hours ago, Enhancer said:

    If I get a ~1500 FUE procedure booked (I'm only a NW2 with a thinning hairline, just looking to bring in temples a bit and maybe dense the hairline) how long does it take to recover?  I don't mean how long it takes the new hair to grow, I mean how long does it take for signs of surgery to go away and your hair looking like pre surgery levels as my hair looks "ok" as is.

    I am going to hide away and work remotely from an off season resort this fall after my procedure, just don't know if I should book one month or two before returning to civilization.  I have roomies and live a very public life, so no way I can go back to my town right after this surgery.  Plus I am kind of looking forward to a little vacation.

    It really depends on your skin tone. If you have very pale skin like myself, you can potentially have redness in recipient area for months. If you would lower your hairline where theres almost no hair, they will shed and it will more obvious. + after shedding you might be left with random 10 hairs sticking and continue to grow.

    Check out more pictures and videos of people with similar recipient area and their week by week progress.

    Although I was completely bald in the front, you still can check some of my videos early after my surgery to get an idea what I'm talking about.

  18. 5 hours ago, rhstoned said:

    My last hair surgeon, told me I had 3000-4000 left on my scalp to extract for my next procedure so i'm not planning to take grafts form my beard.  Would you think Dr bruno or Lorenzo would be the best choice in my case instead of Pekiner?  I checked out Dr Lorenzo too but it appears his techs do the extractions?  I need to see more results for Lorenzo.


    @Rolandas Followed your story, results look very impressive so far! wish you continued progress with Dr Bruno. Both you and @Portugal25 are looking great, i'm going to reach out to both doctors to see what they say. 

    Lorenzo is using tech to extract grafts, but it's like in H&W, this tech been there for ever and knows his craft. Just check their results and especially their donor on YouTube. They consistently produce excellent results. Also transparency is a huge factor, you can find cases that are not "wow", either it doesn't look super thick or something didn't grow, so they analyze and do a touch up etc.
    The best choice is the one you choose. Be careful and don't rush. You have to be 100% confident in your doctor.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Andrei said:

    Hi, I watched all your yt video , very nice. I also contacted dr Bruno Fereira to repair me after first hair implant which was a fail.

    He answer me also very nice on email and explain me averything and told me the plan that I need. I need about 3000-3500 grafts. Hope this corona pandemi will disaper faster to schedule the implant with dr bruno.  At 4 months i think is a good result for you.

    Thanks man! I hope you will get it soon!

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