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Posts posted by Rolandas

  1. On 1/28/2020 at 3:14 PM, karatekid said:

    Damn as I keep reviewing patients results Im getting more and more skeptical. Until I already set up my mind on a specific doc I see a series of not-so-good cases. It seems like even the best docs have not so low percentage of unsatisfied / partially satisfied patients...   

    It seems like no matter which doc I choose, at the end of the day I will have to pray really hard to god for a success... 

    Sorry for rant guys

    Once you start to dig deep, you will find everything, and that's a good thing! Nobody is perfect, but everyone is good as something.
    You need to get as much info as possible about every single doctor on your shortlist. Once you've got it you can evaluate what and why.
    You will see some doctors are great at smaller procedures up to 2000 grafts, but when they do 4000 grafts you can find over harvesting etc. Others are doing great work at bigger numbers, but their hairline just isn't right for you.
    You need to evaluate such things and find the surgeon that you think will do the best job for your particular case.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, BeHappy said:


    Exactly. So if it's different in different areas of the same person then it's certainly going to be different between different people. I think you're probably right to a certain extent where if you shampoo your hair and dry out the skin too often your body will try to secrete more oil to compensate, but I think this effect is going to be very minor and may work for a few people who have a dryer scalp naturally, but for those who naturally have an over production of sebum creating an oily greasy scalp all time then I don't think it's going to be possible to work on those people.

    I still believe everyone is in the same boat with sebum production.
    Try to do an experiment. Try to decrease your shampooing slowly during the next few months and see if it's getting better. You still can wash it out with water, but it's enough to wash excess off.
    I would definitely follow that experiment!

  3. 53 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    From my late teens until maybe age 40 there was no way I could get away with not washing my hair every day. The sebum buildup was so bad that I even had to wash it twice a day in my 20s because it got so greasy and gunky just a few hours after washing. It seems easy to prove that the sebum buildup is not due to washing too much. Just look at your beard hair and in some men chest hair as well. These areas are being washed daily and yet no sebum buildup, so that's obviously not the issue. Now that I have over 4600 body grafts on my head I can feel the difference in the greasiness factor. I can get away with washing less now if I wanted to.



    Lol you said your own reason why you had very "gunky" hair even after few hours. The more you wash your hair the more and faster it will produce sebum. I've done this experiment on myself and proved it's the case.

    Also body hair is different thing. If it's a hair doesnt mean it will react same as it's in a different place.

  4. 1 minute ago, Guy73 said:

    I could try that. Although I don’t derma roll. It’s hard with longer hair it gets caught in my hair. I use peppermint oil spray diluted with water before  I do the Rogaine Foam. 
    nizoral is good a few times a week but you need to let it sit in your hair at least 3-4 minutes before rinse. 

    If you have dermaroller with a bigger roller it will help a lot. I was using https://amzn.to/2TO12Cy and especially with 1.5mm needles is easier to roll over.
    Also worth mentioning few tricks:

    - Part your hair and roll it over it

    - pull your hair to the direction of rolling and keep it tight

    - roll over dry hair

    At least all this things worked well for me. But hey, don't take me seriously, I was almost bald when I was rolling lol. 


  5. 6 minutes ago, Guy73 said:

    Anyone using rogaine foam is kinda forced to wash their hair more often I think. I mean if you wear a hat you could easily do the no shampoo or skip washing. I will say my dad never washed his hair much and still has it at 72. 

    Been using Rogaine Foam for 12 months while washing my head with Nizoral once a week just before Derma Rolling session. If not derma rolling - I wouldn't even use Nizoral. Foam is easily washing off with warm water :)

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, makehairgreatagain said:

    I also haven't used shampoo in several years and have noticed a big difference in how my hair feels. A lot less oily/greasy and just feels more natural. I've wondered if certain shampoos did more harm than good.

    YES! I'm not alone weirdo guy that always experiments haha

  7. 8 hours ago, bismarck said:

    Great video.

    It is a little strange to see certain surgeons mentioned on a specific forum, only to be absent from another. The absent reach of Konior outside the US, Xima Vila and Lupenzula in the states, etc. I think its just a question of communication and volume.

    Agree, there's so many great surgeons in the world and it's impossible to know everyone. But overall if you are researching well you will find what you need!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    There's absolutely no way I can go without shampooing. It depends on the person, some people of dry scalps, i'm not one of those people. A day without washing and I can literally feel the grease in my hair, makes my hair look like garbage and see through. Once I shampoo it, my hair looks 10x thicker.

    Haha you sound like an alcoholic who refuses to stop drinking :D

    I've been there and done that. I know how it feels haha
    It's like FIN, you just have to power through "ball ache" to get rid of it.

  9. Hello gents,

    So many people are confused on how to research and what they do they just follow what someone will tell them. God that brakes my heart! So many people been screwed only because they didn't know how to do a research and listen to the first guy online.
    I encourage you guys, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Here's my 5 easy to follow tips on how to do it. Also in the end I briefly explained how I did my research.

    Obviously first you have to learn the basics of Hair Transplant surgery, so you know what to look for.

    I understand everyone has a different budget and that's why it's not focusing on that as you can find a good surgeon in any budget range!

    Use this to your advantage! PLEASE!


  10. Man your results are looking absolutely amazing!
    I somehow can feel you man! I have the same feeling about my surgeon Dr. Ferreira. He uses DHI as well and extracting & implanting all by himself.
    I have thin hair (50-51 microns), but quite high density in the donor (especially my back), so I've got quite good donor for HT and I believe if I would do what you did with high graft # transplanted overall I would look just like you :D

  11. I used to wash my hair for about 3 years straight only with WATER! Yes, that's right! Although I didn't use any hair products...
    What I've noticed when I did the switch is the more you washing your hair with Shampoo, the faster it will get greasy a.k.a. extra sebum production. If you will slowly decrease amount of time you're washing your hair/week you will notice less and less sebum production.
    At first it was extremely difficult, it was very greasy on a second morning, but I used a bit of dry shampoo to help me out. Slowly I decreased my shampoo days from 7 to 5 to 3 to 1. Eventually I went all in and started washing only with water. No shampoo &  no conditioner. What I've noticed is sebum production was so little, that I could make my hair look fresh by just being under a small rain. Also my hair felt healthier than ever. Really didn't had any problems.
    I think shampoo is not something we absolutely have to use it, but rather is created as something "additional" and obviously to make money.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, BD99 said:

    Honestly, for being "practically bald" in the frontal third (Dr. Ferreira's words on his assessment, not mine, haha) it seems like a fair number of grafts didn't shed.  You're gonna look so good in a few months. You can tell everyone "This coronavirus is crazy, man. It grew my hair back"

    Never thought about it hahaha. Thank's for awesome idea! :D
    On another note I would say I shed around 80%, so whatever is left is growing very fast! (thanks to MSM and vitamins).


    • Like 1
  13. Just now, bismarck said:

    That's a great approach to having your best chance for success just try not to look in the mirror or take selfies every 5 minutes if you can, you will thank me later.

    Now it is just a waiting game.

    I might sound like a total weirdo, but I sometimes forget that I even had HT and I'm expecting something to grow lol. I had it done, I know it will grow with time, so I know I've done everything I can and now it's time to forget about it. It's done. 😁

  14. 4 minutes ago, bismarck said:

    There's also a great deal of variability in how you count splits.

    Let's say you have a bundle of three hairs and you implant three separately to your hairline -- is that 3 grafts or 1? Does the extraction or implantation matter? I think the Spanish docs might have a different standard of counting compared to other clinics, possibly because they take such a large punches.

    Again the results are phenomenal but the donor looks way more beat up too -- the yield comes at a cost.

    I think dissection of grafts should be done only in very limited situation e.g. if there's not enough singles. Everything else is pretty much possible to see while extracting. If surgeon is not in a rush and does 1500-2000 grafts a day (even with motorized) he can spend more time to look around for better grafts that he needs.

  15. 5 hours ago, MachoVato said:

    I really, REALLY like the way Dr. Ferreira communicates. He gave me the best online evaluation (email) of all the clinics I contacted. And that post mortem report is great. I'm following your progress with great interest and hoping for a great result. I might go to him for my surgery when travel opens up again.

    Like you I was extremely impressed by his online assessment. Top notch!

  16. 1 hour ago, OliverAtom said:

    Few doctors in the world get results like Freitas and Couto with the same grafts... I dont know how they do it but where they use 1500-2000 grafts other Docs go for 2500-2800 for sure.

    I´m also curious to know why is this? Anyone could explain this?

    It's all about hair shaft diameter and average hair/graft. You can extract 3000 grafts and have 6000 hairs (only doubles), or 3000 grafts and 9000 hairs (only triples). You get the point.
    I had my HT done in end of January. I had 3659 grafts and got 9986 hairs. That's a impressive ratio of 2.73, but because my hair is thin is not going to look as dramatic as these results.

  17. I spoke with Dr. Ferreira on this topic and he suggested to stay away from Microneedling (I'm on his side). Not sure how recipient area will look like after 4 months, but I would NEVER go with a roller in there if I just had it poked thousands of times and it's still healing. If i expect hairs sprouting from this area anyways, why would I risk going there with microneedling? After 12-18 months maybe yes, but definitely not 4 months in.

    If we are talking about non-recipient area - don't see problem with that.

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