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Everything posted by Westview

  1. Thanks guys. You might not realize it but your show of support means a lot 👍
  2. Month 9 update. It seems to have picked up a bit of speed over the last month and a half
  3. Lots of people have gotten loans for hair transplants. Some clinics even offer financing
  4. I tried that but it doesnt really suit me. The hair will eventually all come out I think, but its gonna take 18 months
  5. There is precedent for hair growing slower after your 2nd HT. Dr. Bernstein even reported on it: https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/answers/hair-growth-with-a-second-transplant/ Does Hair Grow More Slowly After a Second or After a First Hair Transplant? August 24th, 2005 Q: This is my second hair transplant and is seems like it is growing more slowly than my first. Is this normal? – J.D., Port Washington, N.Y. A: It is common for a second hair transplant to take a bit longer to grow than the first, so this should be expected. It is also possible that there is some shedding from the procedure, or a continuation of your genetic hair loss. Propecia may be helpful in this regard. It is important to wait at least a year for the transplant to grow in fully and to give a chance for any hair that was shed to regrow
  6. I tried that but it doesnt really suit me. I think this will turn into an 18-monther, so I'll just have to be patient I guess
  7. The bad news, its growing sloooooooooooow. The good news, at least its growing. Month 8 update (it looks like my left side is growing in faster than the right side)
  8. If its just mostly the forehead, then yes they are more likely to be 12 months or under (of course there are exceptions to that). What percentage would have to wait 18 months if its just their forehead I have no idea, but I think it would be quite low
  9. Run!! Run as fast you can!! And dont look back
  10. Its okay to be scared of the surgery. I was terrified the day of my HT surgery. I even thought about cancelling it. My doctor told me a funny story of a patient who literally walked out of the operating room and went straight home. You just have to push through it and think about all the wonderful things that'll come your way when you have your hair back
  11. I had a couple of beers when I posted that. When I wrote it I thought to myself I probably shouldnt say that, but by then it was too late ☹️
  12. Forehead hair usually comes through faster than crown hair
  13. Well......that would obviously be 12/18=0.66. So they are approximately at 66% of their final growth
  14. I was gonna say 1 in 3. Maybe its somewhere in between?? 3 out of 10??
  15. This is more a question for doctors on this forum, but anyone can answer if they'd like. In what percent of all hair transplant patients does it take for the transplant to be completed at 18 months, instead of the usual 12 months?? Nobody of course knows the exact number, but whats the approximate percent??
  16. Yes, moderately satisfied so far. Life was hell being bald. I'm still waiting to be 100% happy though, but that might take 1 or 2 more transplants
  17. You mean even on the 2nd photo?? Help me out here ☹️
  18. 7th month mark. Coming along nicely But when I tilt my head all the way forward, and under very bright lighting, it doesnt look nearly as good
  19. I think that white stuff is the antibiotic they use, but I could be wrong
  20. I have no idea. I'm also not sure if the follicle is dead, or if the hair will just fall out and a new hair grows from it eventually. You have to figure though, if it grew a little hair to begin with the follicle is still alive, so there's no reason why it cant grow a normal terminal hair in the future sometime
  21. That will vary. Some hairs will come through fairly thick and those will mature within a month or 2. Then there are the really thin vellus hairs that you can barely see. Those tend to to take 3 to 6 months before they are a thick terminal hairs. But at the end of the day it doesnt matter, because they should all reach maturity eventually. Its just that they're not doing it all in the exact same timeframe.
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