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Everything posted by Westview

  1. Melvin, your hair looks great. You dont need more density up top IMO. There are people who would literally kill to have a result like yours
  2. I have used fibers in the past (and occassionally still use them). Its just that I'd rather get to the point where I have enough density that I dont have to use them anymore
  3. I only used the fibers in really desperate days when I had to. I generally dont like to use them because to me its a form of cheating. Maybe not quite as bad as a hair piece, but I think its halfway there. Then again breast implants, facelifts, botox and rhinoplasty are also a form of female cheating, so I guess that makes men and women even 😂
  4. Thank you!! I still see hairs coming through, so I'm gonna have to wait the full 18 months to see what my next step will be. So in the spring of 2022 I will have 2 choices, use my remaining 1,000 scalp hairs + 1,500 beard hairs to fill in the top, or fill the crown. I wont know for sure until the transplant is completely finished in April sometime
  5. These are the fibers that match my hair the closest. All the other ones look weird. The problem is my hair isnt completely grey, its a mix of blonde, silver, brown and grey hairs
  6. I have, but its hard to find a matching color. Plus I dont think it looks very natural
  7. But when I put it under very bright light, you can still see scalp here and there
  8. Month 11 update. As you can see its growing in nicely. But thats under moderate light
  9. LOL....I had this same question. I too have very wavy hair (bordering on curly). The answer is yes, your transplanted hair will be just as curly as your normal hair
  10. I've heard of multiple people developing heart issues. I dont know if those were permanent or not. The drug has AFAIK not been approved in Europe or North-America. Proceed with caution
  11. I'm considering Eugenix as well, its just that horrible 14 hour flight with a mask on that makes me hesitant. But it looks like the mask mandate is here to stay for at least another year or two (if not permanent), so I might not have much of a choice
  12. My advice to you is get a 4,000 grafts FUT to cover the scalp, and then do a scalphair/beardhair FUE combo to cover the crown. You should be done in 2 surgeries
  13. Melvin, I know he's a good surgeon and has had good results in the past, but I've heard from more than 1 person that he's gone down the hair mill route. I'm not sure if that means he's retiring soon and handing over the keys to someone else, or whathaveyou
  14. Last time I checked he's still doing in person consultations, but I would phone the office to make sure
  15. I wouldnt worry about it if I were you. Shock loss only affects around 10% of all patients. If you made it 39 days without it you are most likely in the clear
  16. It usually happens within 3 months or so. So if you havent noticed any over the next 2 months you are probably in the clear
  17. Month 10 update. Its really starting to fill in now, especially around the crown
  18. Huh??? You must have better eyesight than me, cause I dont see it 🤔
  19. How do you come to that conclusion if if he hasnt posted any rearside pics??
  20. Please ask him why some hairs grow a couple of millimeters, and then they stop and just sit there as stubble, and wont grow any further
  21. Is it possible for new hairs to still pop up around the 15th or 16th month or so??
  22. Thats pretty much what I seen as well. But as Melvin says technology improves over time, so who's to say what ARTAS does now these days, although I wouldnt risk my grafts on it
  23. Not hating on all the hard work you put into this forum Melvin, but can we please get the cliff notes for the Artas machine and what his opinion on it is?? My attention span sucks, I can barely watch a video for 6 minutes, let alone 60 😳
  24. So far I'm reasonably satisfied (even though I have a few months of growth left). The problem with hair is you always want more. Its exactly like money, you can never have enough of it
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