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Posts posted by Westview

  1. 3,500 graft FUE - Dr. Jones in Oakville, Canada.

    I am at 4 months now.  Surgery was in October of 2020.

    He was one of the few doctors in Toronto who wasnt afraid to do an FUE on my grey hair.

    Doctors who declined me were Dr. Cotterrill and Dr. Ashlin Alexander


    About 2 weeks after my surgery

    Month 1.jpg


    Month 2

    Month 2 - Nov 15 to Dec 15.png


    Month 3

    Month 3 -  Dec 15 to Jan 15.jpg


    Month 4

    Month 4 -   Jan 15 to Feb 15.jpg

  2. 4 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Rate MDs is not a credible source. It’s like Yelp or google reviews anyone can write a good review. The only reviews that matter are the ones that are from start to finish. Realself has a few, but to be “certified” all you have to do is pay, it’s not based on quality. 

    All I can say is so far my HT is going great (and I'm only at 4 months and 2 days).

     In addition I've  heard some good word-by-mouth reviews of him also.

  3. 2 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Maybe I’m cynical, but I’ve heard and seen this before. We’ll see. 

    Understandable. I also get skeptical at some of these claims.


    I'll tell you a little known story.  When the Wright brothers initially tried to get their aircraft flying they were mocked by everyone in town.

    They had tried so hard to get their airplane to work, but for some reason it wouldnt fly.

    Pretty much everyone had given up on them and said it could never be done.

    You cant fly people, they said. Only birds can fly.


    Now here's the kicker, sometimes inventions (or its finishing touches) are often held back with tiny adjustments that the inventor has overlooked.

    For example, the Wright brothers had their plane fully built. With 2 propellors and all.

    But for some reason the plane couldnt take off the ground.

    Wanna know why???  The answer was simple.

    The reason why is because  both propellors on their airplane were both swinging in the same direction.

    So what they did was make the left propellor rotate opposite as the right propellor (meaning one propellor clockwise, and the other counter-clockwise), and the rest is history.

    And then suddenly they got their plane to fly.


    Lesson in all this, is sometimes you can get a major invention to work by making a minor adjustment that everyone has overlooked

    • Like 2
  4. According to the team, they are already ready for clinical studies to transplant into patients with alopecia to confirm their safety and efficacy. However, since the venture company (Organ Technologies) that was scheduled to be implemented stopped its business due to the influence of the new corona, etc., it started soliciting cooperating companies and donations from the 10th. Team leader Takashi Tsuji said, “I want to put it to practical use as soon as possible and improve the quality of life for people suffering from hair loss.

    In summation, the long awaited human clinical trial announcement from Dr. Tsuji has not happened yet, but it appears we have taken another step towards its fruition. All in all, it is definitely a great sign that Dr. Tsuji is still in fact working on his hair regeneration therapy and has plans to take it all the way. Please share your feedback in the comment section.

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