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Everything posted by bruce90

  1. Yeah that is true but there are some doctors that will limit the size used for extractions. For instance I have classic indian (south asian) hair with thicker than average hair follicles. Most doctors said that they would be able to extract all grafts even the largest multi-graft ones with maximum 0.85mm. I think the biggest punch asmed uses for example is 0.85mm. There are some doctors however that would use above that such as 0.9mm and 1mm to extract. If I can get away with smaller punches I would prefer that... just my preference tbh. I know there are pro's and con's to using smaller or larger punches though. Smaller punches might product higher transection rates while larger punches would reduce it but simultaneously induce more overall trauma to the donor zone. I honestly don't know how much of a difference a 1mm vs an 0.8mm would make in scarring but if anyone has any info then please share.
  2. Listen man I never said anything indicating that I was drawing any type of conclusion about smaller or larger punch sizes. The reason I care about punch size is because I'm trying limit the size of the scars on the donor area. This may not affect the final result in any way but for someone who wants to keep a shorter hair style this may be important. Again not sure why you think this is ridiculous...
  3. Apparently comparing doctors and their differences is triggering to you so I'll leave it at that. Maybe punch size isn't important to you but other people may feel indifferent... It's okay to have a discussion... that's why this forum was created (atleast I thought so).
  4. Dude I have no clue why you're getting so defensive for? Can you tell me what size punch keser uses then? Because I've spoken to the patient advisers of all three clinics and yes Keser on average tends to use a larger punch size for extractions. It's just a simple fact... not sure why you think that's "ridiculous".
  5. Since you guys are already talking about Dr. Keser... who do you think is the best between Keser, Pekiner, and Demirsoy? Do you think it's worth paying the premium for Dr Keser? The only thing I didn't like about Dr. Keser is he tends to use larger punches for extracting grafts than the other two surgeons.
  6. Was wondering... does anyone know if Dr Demirsoy gives a report with the amount of singles, doubles, triples and quads transplanted after surgery? After seeing various patient reviews I never see this with Demirsoy but I know Dr Pekiner always has a whiteboard with the different types of graftss when he does his surgery.
  7. Every country has good and bad surgeons so I'm not sure why people write these blanket statements. Turkey definitely has some good surgeons. People who complain about bad surgeons from Turkey are generally the ones who haven't done any research or the ones that went bargain shopping. The only surgeon I would no longer consider from your list is Erdogan... when the Doctor was more involved in the procedure the results were good but I think everyone can agree they've seen a dramatic drop in quality during the last couple of years.
  8. Don't disagree with you on that point. Keser definitely is one of the top surgeons in Turkey... but even the best surgeons aren't perfect. Truthfully even the other guy that had doubles in his frontal hairline still had a great result. He had pretty much 100% growth and still looked much better than he did before. If I had a result like that I would be happy but I get where some people are coming from with having multi-grafts in the frontal hairline.
  9. I think HLC is a great clinic. Definitely one of the better choices if you're going to turkey. I don't really see a lot of reviews from them on this forum though but I've been told on other forums that they have pretty good reviews.
  10. This is why I am glad that I started this thread because this is something I actually didn't know about Dr Keser. I do remember reading a report where someone mentioned that he put some doubles in his frontal hairline so him not using microscopes does give an explanation for why this happened. Do you have a report with your results so far?
  11. Yeah I think so too. The only other clinics I think I could consider other than them would be HLC or Dr. Keser. But Dr. Keser however might just be out of my price range and with HLC I don't know for certain which doctor would be doing my procedure which does concern me a bit.
  12. I feel like I'll probably travel to Turkey next year for a procedure and these are the two doctors that I'm considering using so I'm wondering what the overall impression is regarding these doctors. Does one doctor stand out from the other in your opinion? I know both of them are very ethical doctors and most people should be in good hands regardless of which one they select. In my particular situation I'm looking for a doctor that does good hairline work and can cause the least amount of damage to the donor area (as I'm trying to keep the sides of my hair short after the procedure). Any input given would be appreciated... I've also complied a list of my perceived pros and cons between the two. Dr Erkan Demirsoy Pro's: -Very budget friendly (only 1.25 euro a graft) -Easy to get to as he's located in Istanbul -Entire procedure can be done in one day -Does most of the procedure himself (extraction and incisions and implanting is done by the nurses) -Only does one patient a day Con's: -Does not do dense packing above 40 grafts per cm squared. -Uses micromotor for extraction (don't know if this is really a con but always was under the impression that manual was better for reducing transection rates and leaving smaller scars on donor area) Dr Kaan Pekiner Pro's: -Does entire procedure himself -Does dense packing FUE in the range of 50-60 grafts per cm squared -Uses manual extraction (hopefully leading to lower transection and smaller fue scars) -Uses stick and place method for inserting grafts -Seems to have good quality results with hairlines Con's -Price is a bit higher than demirsoy (2.15 euro a graft) -Procedure would have to be completed over the course of two days as extraction is done manually. -Slightly more difficult to get to as he's located in Ankara, Turkey.
  13. Hey guys, I just thought I should report back. I ended up going for a consult in Toronto at the Rahal clinic a couple weeks ago which went pretty well. I got to meet Tara who is a very nice lady (she's actually a pretty attractive woman - I wonder if she's single 😜). I thought Dr Rahal would haven been there but was told me that he wasn't in Toronto this weekend (kind of confused since Dr. Rahal told me he was in Toronto this same weekend - maybe his plans changed or something). Even though Tara was great I was hoping Dr Rahal would have been there since I know the original information given in a consultation can change once the Doctor actually sees your hair in person. Either way I got to learn some new info from my consult... was told I have approximately 6000-7000 usable grafts throughout my lifetime and also learned that Rahal does fue procedures in Toronto (thought they only did them in Ottawa but was told the exact same team from Ottawa flies down to Toronto every once in a while to perform procedures). After Tara examined my hair I was told I need about 2500 grafts to restore frontal hairline (I'm a norwood 3) and apparently they have a tiered pricing policy where your first 3000 grafts cost a certain amount and then any grafts needed after that in any subsequent procedures cost less. All in all it was a good experience and I think if I end up doing a procedure in Canada that Rahal is definitely my top pick. It's still a tough choice for me though as there are some very skilled surgeons abroad that I am still considering.
  14. This is the exact same thing I'm trying to avoid for my first procedure. From what I've been told generally the skill of the surgeon and smaller punch sizes will lead to smaller or less noticeable scars in donor area. 1mm is pretty big punch for extractions... most doctors tend to use smaller punches than that. I've been told on this forum that micromoter vs manual shouldn't make a difference but I think manual has a much better chance of doing less damage (less rotations to extract grafts and no excess heat coming from the tool). I would say stick to manual extraction method and .8mm punch size or lower and you should have less noticeable scars in the second procedure. Some of it does come down to the patient physiology though and how they heal as well. Some peoples scalp and skin just heal better and show less scarring but reducing punch size for your second procedure should make a difference.
  15. Sometimes don't feel like I can trust the opinion of one single person especially when they're financially motivated to sell you something. Would feel much better if I got an opinion from more than one person. Plus the place I got the opinion from isn't known to be the best clinic when in comes to hair transplants (they're basically the Canadian version of Bosley). I first went to them when I knew nothing about hair transplants and before I was a member of these forums.
  16. Can you explain what you mean when you say retrograde? I'm probably a norward 3 at the moment - hairline hasn't changed in a few years. Only some recession in the temporal area. Most of my family have the same hairloss pattern where there is only hairloss in the frontal area but never any hairloss in the mid scalp or crown. I've never taken any medical for hairloss since and since my hair has stabilized in the last several years there would really be no point. Did meet in person for a consultation with a local clinic a couple years ago. The lady said my donor looked fine and said I could have at least 3 hair transplants in the future if I wanted.
  17. I know a big part of a hair transplant being successful is having a good donor area to transplant from. I always assumed I had a pretty good donor area but never got it evaluated so I was wondering if anyone who is experienced with this can take a look at the pictures and let me know what they think. Just basically trying to determine if I have an average, below average or above average donor. I also took a video as well with a comb being run through the hair:
  18. Dr Rahal I already filled out the online option almost a year ago which included giving them all my pictures and all the information they required. No one followed up with me to give me any information about the procedure in terms of cost or grafts required which I find strange since every clinic I've emailed pictures to has freely given me this info in the past. I did receive a phone call a few days later from one of your reps and when I asked him for this information over the phone I was told by him that I needed to come to the clinic for an in person consultation and that there was no other way. When I did prompt them again in another email for info in the future I was simply told that most patients invest between $10,000-20,000. The fact that they refuse to answer a simple question for me is irritating and one of the reasons I started looking abroad versus getting it done locally in Canada (which I was seriously considering at the time).
  19. Dr. Rahal I'm just wondering why your clinic refuses to give information on pricing for your procedures? I've tried multiple times to get a price per graft estimate from your reps but they insist that I come to the clinic in person which is tough for me since I'm not able to take a lot of time off work. I'd like to consider you for a procedure in the future but it seems overly difficult when they won't give me an estimate which every other clinic I've spoken to has been able to do including Hasson and Wong.
  20. After researching the best hair transplant clinics in Canada I came to the conclusion that the two obvious ones were Rahal or Hasson and Wong. If I ever decided to get in done in Canada I always thought it would be with Rahal since the clinic was only a 4 hour drive from where I lived (Toronto). However after looking at patient results I think Hasson and Wong has to be the better choice between the two. Noticed enough people with not so good results with Rahal to make me not feel comfortable with them doing my procedure.
  21. Thanks for your response @Lennney I've been monitoring your progress very carefully with Dr. Bhatti and I have to say that I am very impressed with your results. Based on what I've seen with my family history I don't think I will ever fully lose my hair - my dad and all my uncles have the same type of male pattern baldness where there is recession at the front but never any hair loss anywhere else. If there was any doubt in my mind about this then I wouldn't be concerned so much with the density. My main thought with that is that I just want to avoid having to do a second procedure to add more density in the future if for whatever reason I'm not fully satisfied with the results. Also the rest of my hair is still really dense and thick and would prefer if it matched as closely as possible (obviously I do understand that transplant hairs will never be able to obtain the same density as natural hairs). I thought very long about doing an FUE procedure because I know there will be some level of scarring. I've seen a few guys cut there hair down to a one guard with almost no issues with visible scarring (I'm hoping I'm that lucky).This is probably the number reason that prevents me from doing a procedure as I didn't like the idea of having to keep my donor area long.
  22. So I've been looking to get a hair transplant for a while to fix a receded hairline (mostly to get temple points filled in). I posted on here a few months ago and at the time I was mostly interested in going to India but I've also found a few hair transplant doctors in Turkey that I wouldn't mind using as well. On average I've been recommended around 2000 grafts to restore the hairline. Since I only have temporal recession I'm mostly interested in a doctor that has a good reputation for doing high quality hairline work. The doctors I have narrowed down on my list are: Doctors in Turkey: Dr Erkan Demirsoy Pro's: -Very budget friendly (only 1.25 euro a graft) -Easy to get to as he's located in Istanbul -Entire procedure can be done in one day -Does most of the procedure himself (extraction and incisions and implanting is done by the nurses) -Only does one patient a day Con's: -Does not do dense packing above 40 grafts per cm squared. -Uses micromotor for extraction (don't know if this is really a con but always was under the impression that manual was better for reducing transection rates and leaving smaller scars on donor area) Dr Pekiner Kaan Pro's: -Does entire procedure himself -Does dense packing FUE in the range of 50-60 grafts per cm squared -Uses manual extraction (hopefully leading to lower transection and smaller fue scars) -Uses stick and place method for inserting grafts -Seems to have good quality results with hairlines Con's -Price is a bit higher than demirsoy (2.15 euro a graft) -Procedure would have to be completed over the course of two days as extraction is done manually. -Slightly more difficult to get to as he's located in Ankara, Turkey. Doctors in India: Dr. Bhatti Pro's: -Very extensive history on this forum with many documented cases. -Does majority of procedure himself (extractions and incisions with nurses doing implanting) -Price is very reasonable at 99 rupees a graft -Seems to be good at handling Indian hair which is a plus as my background is basically south asian. -Does only one patient per day Cons: -Does not seem the best at doing hairlines -Does not appear to do dense packing -Has had some questionable results on this forum -Difficult to get to as he's in Chandigarh, India Eugenix: Pros: -Has some incredible results on this forum with patients having great growth and density after only 5-6 months. -Uses DHT technique which may contribute to above average results -Easy to travel to as they have a clinic in Delhi -If results are authentic then this may very well be the best hair transplant clinic in India -Haven't seen any bad results from them so far Cons: -Has a very limited history on this forum -Operates out of multiple locations (don't really like when clinics have multiple locations) -Not sure who does the procedure as they have multiple doctors -Unsure how many patients they have per day (would prefer a clinic that only focuses on one patient per day) -Prices are higher than average for an Indian clinic In Turkey I'm leaning more to Pekiner Kaan and in India I'm looking at Eugenix as some of their results look incredible. Would appreciate any input or advice from the community. I'm looking to book my procedure near the beginning of next year.
  23. @ahmedabad_guy Do you know what type of tool the doctors use for extractions? Is it a manual punch or a motorized extractor tool? Also was your whole procedure done via the DHT technique?
  24. @ahmedabad_guy Do you know what type of tool the doctors use for extractions? Is it a manual punch or a motorized extractor tool? Also was your whole procedure done via the DHT technique?
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