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Kiwi Guy

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Posts posted by Kiwi Guy

  1. 3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Yes, those are illusions, that is hair restoration. Hair restoration does not create new hair. Therefore, you’re simply re-arranging existing hair and placing the grafts strategically to make it “appear” as if you have a full head of hair, but it’s not true native density. SMP is the same thing it’s an illusion of hair, when in reality it’s merely pigment mimicking hair. Perhaps, a hair sysyem will suit you better. At the end of the day, I’m glad this thread is serving its purpose and possibly stopping some guys out there from being disappointed.

    Thanks for the brutal honesty Melvin. I find it more informative and usable than any delusions of grandeur as it relates to HT. For me personally I will continue to find the right surgeon because I would rather have more hair on my head than less and that's basically what it comes down to.

    Edited for a spelling error.

  2. So a lot of the "full head of hair" results you see on these surgeons own websites are nothing more than illusion? This scares me... I really appreciate guys like you sharing your stories and being so open about everything but it is daunting to think of the proposition of spending this amount of money just to have a result that is far less then the photo's actually show you. I get all the logistics... I've spent hours reading threads on this site over the last month. One moment I feel as though I have found the surgeon I want to go with, then the next minute I see a less than stellar result and it takes me back to square one in my decision making process. It's actually making me think of just going bald and using SMP... that way I am not risking the ugly scarring etc... this is a lot more difficult of a decision than I originally assumed it would be.

  3. I was looking up the use of biotin to halt hair loss and it came up with one of your posts, went into your story and found this post... I must say mate your hair looks amazing, well worth every penny and the confidence you must have from it must be amazing, I'm just starting my hair transplant journey as my hair has finally gotten to the point where I can no longer hide that I am losing it, cases like yours give me hope that a HT will work so thank you for sharing your journey.

  4. 7 hours ago, HT0416 said:

    I am living with a Erdogan hair transplant, it is awful. I wished i never got it done. Far too straight, multi hair grafts in hairline, pluggy apperance with grafts sticking out in un natural direction. 

    Asmed have offered me a repair finally 2 years worth of complaining but i just dont know if they have skill to do a repair and give me a natural look.

    They wont tell me whats involved when they repair until i arrive in turkey.

    Dr Erdogan wont speak on the phone.


    Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 22.36.09.png

    Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 22.36.22.png

    all these examples of bad procedures by erdogan and his team are the reason i have officially decided i wont be spending my money on a HT with them. Thank you for sharing your story mate. I hope you get this resolves in your second surgery.

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