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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. My thread isn't exactly setting the world on fire but i figure i'll continue updating anyway. I'm approaching 3 months and i've started to see some notable growth. The latest pic in my album was taken this evening.




    i’m following! if anything update it for me please :)


    how’s the donor region looking? definitely looking like some growth. good luck!

  2. couple more questions for FUT - the longer your hair in the donor region the day of the surgery, the less noticeable the scar/staples will be in the few weeks after the surgery?

    or do they need to shave the whole donor region down to a certain length? or can they just shave the strip that’s needed? longer hair would cover the scar/staples nicely then


    All that is shaving during the day of surgery is the recipient area and where the hair is taken in the donor. When the doctor takes the donor from the back he will only shave the area needed. Once the area is closed the existing hair covers the staples. The remaining donor hair will not be shaved but keep it at least 2-3 cm when you come to the clinic. There is no length of hair that is too long in the back before you come.

    I hope this answers your question. Good luck at the Super Bowl, hopefully your quarterback has better time management than McNabb did in 2005 and beat the Patriots this time! :D


    yes that did answer my question and lol thanks man. the stars are aligning so i’m feeling good about it. i think our defense will win it for us but foles definitely needs to step up!

  3. couple more questions for FUT - the longer your hair in the donor region the day of the surgery, the less noticeable the scar/staples will be in the few weeks after the surgery? or do they need to shave the whole donor region down to a certain length? or can they just shave the strip that’s needed? longer hair would cover the scar/staples nicely then

  4. Hi PA,


    Thank you for the kind words. His scar is good; 1-2 mm and easily hidden -- even with shorter hair. I have some pictures of it I can put up as well if people are interested. I definitely understand the hesitance with the difference in FUT vs FUE scarring, but FUT is still a much better approach for a big portion of patients and the scarring is typically very manageable in comparison to the huge potential benefits. I would not let the scarring alone completely deter you from researching FUT.


    I typically suggest doing these full NW VI cases in two surgeries. In my opinion, The front/middle and then the middle/crown really deserve their own surgeries days. There are always those cases where you can knock it all out in one go -- and I've done it many times; but most people really need two to do everything from front to back. And that's how I like approaching a big case like this: do two big strips, knock it all out, then you can do FUE for any small touch-ups or if you want to put a little into the scar to wear the hair even shorter.



    I'd be interested in seeing more pics! And I like that strategy.


    Thanks for the reply

  5. Hey man.. I feel your pain. Although I have not had a hair transplant I am in the middle of researching like yourself. It is quite stressful. I have been close to pulling the trigger on FUE, but now FUT has caught my eye (with H&W).


    At the end of the day (what seems like actually months of research) you just have to pull the trigger with one of them. I understand there are definitely differences in results, but if you stick to the top guys in north america like you listed, it seems like you could rarely go wrong.


    Are you considering FUT or FUE? how advanced is your hair loss? that could also help in coming to a conclusion on the doctor.

  6. BTW even though I represent Hasson and Wong but first goal is to educate posters. What is important to me is that you feel comfortable with whatever decision you make and choose a good clinic.


    I appreciate that. I noticed H&W will be in NY in march. I might make the time to schedule a consultation since I'm relatively close (Pennsylvania).


    I can't believe Konior is a 14 month wait lol. his work says it all, but idk if I can wait that long

  7. thanks hsrp10. good to know


    could bending your neck in a downward motion put stress on the skin/scar making it wider? (at least in the first couple months)

    my main thought is that if you can get more coverage with less procedures with FUT, it really just depends on your hair style to cover the scar.


    I was set on FUE before because I wouldn’t even give FUT a chance with the scar, but the results i’ve seen now with H&W make it seem like not even anything to worry about...


    i have a hard time choosing between options.. TV1 or TV2..? laptop1 or laptop2..?

  8. 1. FUT scars seem so thin and undetectable from Hasson and Wong. Can anyone confirm this?

    Hasson and Wong on an average do produce thin scars. I have seen a lot of patients/friends that have had surgery and the scar on average is 1-2mm

    2. How do donor sites look with wet hair with an FUT scar?

    This depends on how short you cut your hair. I have never had an issue or had anyone say anything to me when my hair is wet. Your hair in the donor should cover your scar without any issues.


    3. What's the shortest you could go with a haircut with an FUT scar? #2 guard? #3 guard? Thinking about possibly using a fade haircut.

    In a majority of patients 2-3 is realistic. Yes you can do a fade haircut as long as the hair is not too short over the scar.


    4. Do scars stretch/get wider over time?

    If scars stretch it will usually take place in the first 6 months and in some cases up to a year. Usually after 6 months the scar will stay the same (may still be a bit of red but will fade with time)


    5. What are the negatives of less laxity after FUT?

    Depending on the laxity before you will feel a bit tight right after but soon after it will not be an issue. If there is a negative I am unsure


    6. Why is FUT so much cheaper than FUE? Don't the techs/doctors need to extract the grafts from the strip the same why they would for FUE on the donor site?

    FUE takes a lot of work and time. At Hasson and Wong they prefer to use only one tech doing the extractions. To extract 2000 can take up to 8 hours. The grafts that are removed are then cleaned under a microscope before it is inserted. Sometimes for 2000 grafts the patient will be at the clinic for 12 hours.

    I am answering the questions to the best of my experience after helping the clinic for 15 years.


    thanks for a quick response!

  9. It's been just over 12 months since I sat down in the chair with Dr. Hasson. I can say without hesitation that is was one of the best things I have ever done. I am very grateful to Dr. H and the team over at H&W, who I cannot thank enough.


    I used to waste so much time and energy worrying about my hair. and this anxiety had a massive impact on every aspect of my life. I now no longer worry about how my hair looks and it has resulted in me not only looking better, but also feeling better too. This has has the knock on effect of improving my overall disposition, my confidence at work, and my confidence with the opposite sex. In my eyes this is priceless and I would not hesitate go through the entire process again.


    I also encourage everyone who is thinking about taking the plunge to do their research, find a doc they are happy with and go ahead - if you go with a top doc it is very likely you will have a good result.


    Thank you as well to all of the forum members who contribute to the community every day, and to those who have supported me and said kind things to me over the last year. You have all been a great source of support for something which is (for most people) very private.


    Pictures for 12 months below.




    I just read the whole thread. amazing transformation.


    any pics of the scar in the 0-2month range?

  10. I've recently come across the results of H&W FUT results and it caught my eye as a possibility for my first HT. I have pretty even diffused thinning from hairline to vertex.


    I have a couple questions though for FUT. I like the idea of receiving way more grafts (4000+) in 1 session, compared to multiple FUE sessions (2500-3000) months/years apart to complete the transformation.


    1. FUT scars seem so thin and undetectable from Hasson and Wong. Can anyone confirm this?


    2. How do donor sites look with wet hair with an FUT scar?


    3. What's the shortest you could go with a haircut with an FUT scar? #2 guard? #3 guard? Thinking about possibly using a fade haircut.


    4. Do scars stretch/get wider over time?


    5. What are the negatives of less laxity after FUT?


    6. Why is FUT so much cheaper than FUE? Don't the techs/doctors need to extract the grafts from the strip the same why they would for FUE on the donor site?


    I think I could answer most of these questions, but I would like the advice/knowledge of the community here.





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