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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. Is there a general consensus amount the HT community? What is the best way to implant the follicles to have the best yield?

    I recently did a search on instagram (i know not super official but you’d be surprised what people post about HTs) and came across this one zoomed in video of a team implanting using forceps. I must say, I can totally see why Erdogan uses KEEP and implanter pens. When I saw how the follicles sort of bend and fold when using forceps, I could totally see how follicles could be damaged and not grow. Also I was a bit surprised to see the recipient sites as “slits” rather than specific round “holes”.


    Is there a certain technique that I should be looking for? I’m only really aware of forceps, implanter “pen”, and something I’ve heard as the stick and place method? Not sure what that exactly is.



  2. So after one of my online consultations, the surgeon decided it was not a good idea to proceed with a hair transplant at this time. He said there’s a high chance of shock loss with the diffused thinning i have on my scalp...

    I admit I am not a blank canvas, but this is a little disheartening. Other clinics did not say anything about it. He said he could reevaluate me in a year. 

    What will a year do? If my hair stays the same, i’m in the same position.

    Should I get off fin and lose more hair so shock loss is less of a concern?

    If my hair stays the same over a year (in on fin) i’ve waisted a whole year I could’ve tried a hair transplant.

    Even if I had shockloss, there’s a chance it would grow back. and if the native hairs didn’t grow back, the transplanted hairs would be even better cause they’re thicker.


    I need help

  3. I had an online consult with H&W. Recommended 4500 grafts. 


    I have an online consult with Rahal on Wednesday.

    Getting FUT due to donor management concerns for future touch ups, and diffused thinning from hairline to crown. (and i like the idea of knocking a lot of it out in one shot) Probably headed towards a NW5-6. Honestly really nervous about getting FUT but i think i’m just getting inside my head about the scar. I do like to wear my hair short to a #2-3 guard on the side but if I need to wear it longer for the sake of the illusion of a full head of hair, I’ll deal with it.


    I will post some pics later. I recently got on Fin 2 months ago.I wish i did years ago. I would be in a much better place. No sides so far. I would appreciate any kind advice to dealing with the thought of the scar. I look at Melvin’s FUE and wonder if I should take the longer route. I have a consult with Dr. Diep Sept 12th for the possibility of FUE

  4. I think I am eyeing a FUT procedure in the near future (in the next 6months possibly). I've been testing my scalp laxity. It seems like the sides of my head give way more than the back of my head.

    Is this common?

    Is this a problem?

    Will the doctors take a strip the width that is best for the sides or the back? can they adjust the strip as the go from the side of the head to the back?

    I figure I am looking at a classic "end to end" strip from temple to temple. I'm starting to do some scalp exercises but I find it hard to get any torque on the back of my head to feel any significant stretch for the exercise, but maybe its just all in my head... pun intended lol

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