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Posts posted by hairlossPA

  1. 22 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    With this advanced balding and much more after quitting the meds, I do not believe that 3500 FU would even be close to be enough. He looks great now anyway.

    ive seen hundreds of cases where ~3500 easily covers the front half of the head. Yes the second half would require more but i’m just saying from his initial preop pic, it looks like that’s just classic frontal recession. Also I understand he wanted more density than 3500. great result either way. that’s all that matters 

    • Like 1
  2. I’ll say this... get on finasteride and tough it out. I was too scared to start taking it 2 years ago, now i’ve lost a lot of hair and wish I had started taking it back then. I’ve been on it for 2+ months now and haven’t had any sides

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, harrylloyd said:

    So this convinced me to finally open up an account on this forum after lurking for the past 1+ years. I think I owe it to this community because everyone has been a great help and it's time I start participating in the dialogue. In regards to Dr. Konior, I actually had my procedure done from him in June and I'm about a month out. Nothing to rave about at this point as we all know this is a very timely process. But I do agree with you, the fact that Dr. K is so booked out and everyone keeps saying he's one of the best if not THE best in the US is why I went with him; however, at the same time it does worry me when I don't see many posts by his patients. So I'm going to start my own thread and start documenting the progress there. I just hate having to take pictures :|

    I'm glad I posted this then! Thanks harrylloyd! We need more people to speak up!

  4. What does your donor region look like grown out? is it thin? or can it get pretty heavy and dense?

    Looking at the pics, it would be hard to get dense coverage from front to back, but a skilled doctor can probably give you decent coverage with maybe 3500 grafts? the crown may still be bald though.

    I dont think theres anything that would help you on top though bud. Too late for fin & minox

  5. 10 hours ago, True said:

    Good evening, my name is "True."

    Long time/first time.

    On a virgin scalp, let's say I decide to undergo an FUE procedure which maxes out my donor area.

    Why can't I still do an FUT in the future with fewer grafts available in the "sweet spot"?


    True, if I want to do an FUT in the future, my sweet spot will not be as robust as if I had done FUT first.

    But, so what?

    The reason for my depleted sweet spot is because my sweet spot grafts would have already been put to good use in my original FUE procedure.

    Basically, if I do FUE first, then my future FUT will not be as robust.

    But if I do FUT first, then my future FUE will not be as robust.

    So does it make a difference which procedure I do first?

    I rather try an FUE before a possible FUT since FUT seems more invasive.

    I've thought the same.

  6. I always wonder why we never see more reviews and results from the main surgeons that are booked months to years in advance.

    I rarely see posts about Konior yet he is booked over a year out. You would think there would be more results posted. I'm not saying Konior doesnt do excellent work, its word of mouth at this point, but I would like to see more by him and the other big surgeons (Diep, Erdogan, etc...)

  7. I guess you have to have realistic expectations. It wont be super dense, but you might have nice coverage if you are lucky. I'm a little concerned with how it'll look with the hair in the middle section and how well it blends. Be ready to lose more hair...

    Good luck and keep us updated.

  8. 4 hours ago, mattj said:

    Oh, and I should add that I've never, in all my years of involvement in this subject, heard of someone having a strip removed and not having enough scalp for closure. Perhaps I've missed a rare and horrific case and someone will point me to it, but I doubt it.

    Thanks Matt. I would hope not lol. But I guess I'm interested to hear surgeons stories about the subject. What they would do, etc.

    also laxity seems to change from the side of the head to the back of the head. its all crazy to me lol and it makes me nervous


  9. Hi community-

    I know all surgeons take precautions to avoid this scenario, and measurements and skill come into play... but what would happen if a surgeon took too wide of a strip from someone’s donor region, and could not close the flesh together?


    I don’t understand how people can have multiple FUTs

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