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Posts posted by chris39

  1. Day 9 update - scalp has healed nicely. The scar has been causing me pain but the painkillers do help. I'm hoping once the staples are out it will be less painful. A saline spray to recipient area has been helping the soreness and itching.


    Looks like it's healing nicely . Might be the lighting , but the redness looks pretty good also.


    I had no discomfort from the scar apart from the itching . I was a happy man the day when the staples could be removed .Where are you getting the staples removed ?

  2. Resurrecting an old hread here .


    I'm just over 6 months post op and still experiencing a flakey scalp - nothing major , but just wondering what others have done to help . There is not itching at all , so not overly concerned .


    Thought it may have had something to do with using Nizoral shampoo , so stopped that for a while with no change .


    If anyone has used Aloe Vera or Emu oil , when is the best time to apply ?

  3. Hodgson is a bluffer of the highest order . How did he even get the job ?. Then , after the embarrassment in Brazil how did he keep his job ? Because he's a yes man , that's why , and that's the way the FA like it .


    Bunch of corrupt shitheads , just like uefa and fifa !


    Having said all that I wasn't overly arsed , at least it gives the decent people in Europe a break from the gonks who follow England ( not all of course , but a sizeable minority ).

  4. I decided to check out this link on my facebook.

    Bobman is now VLADIMIR BYDGOSKI from Poland,


    I know I shouldn't but that did make me laugh !



    Even giving you the benefit of the doubt


    I'm a bit more cynical than you - he got sussed and now he's trying to backtrack . Time will tell !

  5. I've heard of a few incidences where this has been reported , but thankfully they're few and far between as far as I'm aware . Although I'm sure that's of no consolation to the people who've experienced it .


    There doesn't seem to be any hard evidence as to why it may happen , although I've seen it mentioned that the blood supply to the affected areas may have diminished and therefore insufficient for graft survival .

  6. Nice results. Great hairline. What does it mean when you say FUE growing for 12 months and falling off? Who did your surgery?


    He's talking about recent posts where people have been suggesting that after a period of good growth after FUE , for some reason this has ceased and reversed to an extent after the year mark .


    I'm sure Mick will correct me if my assumption is wrong .

  7. Amazing result London_Lad .Even though your donor characteristics were exceptional , still great to see what can be achieved for the high NW's .


    I had my first FUSS late last year and the Dr said my laxity was not the best ( although I only did laxity exercises fro a short period before the HT ) . Will need to have this assessed again before I get the crown attended to.


    One of my concerns was scar healing should I go with further strips , so good to know that yours all went well .

  8. Sivy , you make some valid points , but there's a bit more to it than that . . Yes , sites such as this do make money from recommended surgeons , but to be fair , any surgeons ( recommended or not ) can be reviewed on here. I still think this is the best hair loss forum hands down. You'll always get HT's that for one reason or another just don't work out .


    All you can do is research as much as possible , and when you feel satisfied that you goals can be achieved by a particular surgeon , then that's the time to make a decision . Paying a top price also is not a guarantee of a top result as I'm sure you're aware .


    As far as the clinic reps go , you can draw your own conclusions from posts and results .


    Again , as far as unbiased , independent reviews are concerned , the more people who posts their results and experiences the better , for a wide range of surgeons .


    Good luck in your continued research and hope you find a surgeon who ticks all your boxes .

  9. chris39 when did you have your first post-up hair cut? I was a bit surprised templeloss waited 5 months for his first real haircut. I am getting my staples out tomorrow and am trying to decide when I will get my first cut at least to make it look more balanced. my hairdresser is fully aware of my transplant history and will be careful....tomorrow will be the 2 week post-op point...but I may wait a full month before having anything done to let the scar heal up a bit more and let the grafts get fully super-glued in.


    I let my wife trim my hair around the month mark . First proper hair cut was around the 3 month mark .It partly depends if you were fully shaved for your procedure .


    My whole head was shaved , so there wasn't much to cut until around the 1 month mark anyway .


    It's good that you have a good relationship with your hairdresser - they'll be well aware of how to deal with hair length and tapering to make sure the scar's not visible .


    Good luck by the way !

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