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Posts posted by chris39

  1. Does Dr Erdogan do the work himself? Also, I sent his staff pics 3 days ago and I have yet to get a response. That's disappointing


    Tech's do most of the work at his clinic . As his clinic is probably one of the most in demand in Turkey , it may take them a little longer than others to respond .


    If you want to know the extent of the Dr's involvement in the surgery ( for any clinic ) , ask the question directly . Some of the replies will be vague , but you'll get the gist of it .

  2. Thanks yes of course I have but as I mentioned I have hardly any native hair at all and after two weeks it won't be long enough to add toppings or nanogen to it to conceal the redness. After a few months maybe but if you look at my pics there is hardly anything there.


    From what you describe , you may really struggle to conceal the redness at 2 weeks . There is no magic pill unfortunately . You never know , you may just get really lucky and not suffer from it . However , get a plan B ready ! Only viable options in your case would appear to be a concealer ( couvre or the like ). Any reason you can't wear a hat ?


    I'm just at 11 weeks post op and finally the redness is pretty much gone .


    I returned to work 17 days post op , and although |I was hoping I could get away with it , ended up wearing a cap for 9 weeks .

  3. @ David - thanks for editing that for me.


    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the nice comments.


    From the first transplant to the sixth, I've spent over 30k (not including supplements and propecia). Some people are very shocked when I tell them this and they wonder why I would spend so much and that there were so many other things I could have done with that money.


    I tell them all the same thing: It was worth every penny.


    It's my belief that whether it's breast implants, liposuction, hair transplants or whatever elective surgery you choose to do, it's all about how it makes you feel about yourself. It's hard to put a price on self-esteem and self-confidence but for me, getting my hair back helped me have that.



    Hair looks great Steve .Good to see a journey over an extended period of time ,


    Would also agree with very comment in the post above.

  4. I'm interested in this also , as I'm likely to have a 2nd procedure at some point in the future . Obviously laxity will be a big determining factor .


    I'm at just over 10 weeks post FUSS surgery , and as I have shock loss at a small part of the scar line haven't yet cut my hair at the sides / back. I'd be very happy to be able to get a #2 or #3 , but will have to wait a while to try it out .


    One question I do have that may sound daft - how do you determine what you can go down to before any scar line is exposed ? I'm guessing to start carefully on the higher numbers and work down , and on each subsequent start on a very small section of the scar . That way , if it may be visible , you can stop and there will be very little to hide .

  5. A guy who is what he is and isn't hiding it, to a guy who can't accept it and will now worry his hair for the rest of his life.


    I'm pretty sure he's not in the least worried about it post surgery.


    My take on it is, unless the HT is going to genuinely resolve the issues coming with hair loss, don't do it. I wonder how the patient feels about it....


    I'm sure he's really pissed off mate . That smile's just for show .


    I wonder how the patient feels about it....


    Hopefully he's at peace with himself :) !


    Seriously , I don't know what your level of hair loss is ( if any ) , or where you may be headed to , but if those are your thoughts , then indeed , never consider a HT if you do suffer hair loss . There's not a surgeon in the universe who will satisfy your goals.

  6. Hola thisguy !


    Not putting Min on at the moment - may give it a go but not sure how much benefit I'd actually get from it .


    The main reasons I waited the 9 weeks before discarding with the hat was the recipient redness and the shock loss .Otherwise , probably would have done it sooner . Researched the shockloss to the donor after it became apparent what it was , and the more you dig , the more common you find that it actually is - with both FUE and FUSS .


    Dr K is a great choice for those of us in the EU - he really is a hair geek and this passion really comes across when you discuss the subject with him . I had a really interesting discussion with him which could have carried on for hours , but he had to get back to the procedure in hand - ie. me !


    Dr K only ever does one surgery a day . He started the placement process but then handed over to the tehnicians .I'm not quite sure what he does while the technicians do the placements - probably further research . To be fair , as he is pretty much a 1 man band at the moment , he is probably handling the admin side of the business - email enquiries , post op queries etc . He did frequently return to the room during the placement period to monitor progress .


    I see you had your procedure with Dr Konior - top doc so I'm sure you'll get a great result . You'll be pushing about 8 weeks now , so hope everything is going well .


    Cheers !

  7. Good advice given, problem is if the donor area is limited and after 2000-3000 grafts max you don't have anymore.


    Most talk about the back of the head for donor but what about the sides?


    Also is there a difference between 3000 graft transplant and 3000 hairs transplant?


    Yes , the no. of hairs transplanted will depends on the no. of hairs per graft . An average would be 2 hairs per graft , but range from usually 1 to 4 hairs per graft. So , if you're average , a 2000 graft procedure would equal 4000 hairs .

  8. given the lack of after care he has received, the dodgy emails, and the untruths told by the surgeon, seemingly (i've read all 17 pages properly) - why on earth would i even consider dropping ?7-10k flying all the way to turkey?


    EDIT: ok i won't discount all of turkey....i will not consider this particular clinic though!


    Well that's fine . It's not what you said though .


    If you discount an entire country based on the result of a particular surgeon , you'll have nowhere left to go in a day or so !

  9. what a car crash of a thread lol.

    I am now doing all the research and spending all the time i need to across all the main HT forums.....drawing up a list of potential doctors.

    I'm basing my decision purely off patient's own experiences and their before/after photos.


    Got all excited reading this thread and then it took a real dive.

    I guess that strikes out Turkey from the list then... (I live in UK)


    hope you get the issues sorted dude.


    It's absolutely right that you do all the research you can . However , you're going to discount all the surgeons in Turkey based on a single thread / surgeon result ?


    Righty Ho - carry on .

  10. I have been using generic finasteride for a year now and have had good results as far as I can tell (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/182496-12-months-finasteride.html). I don't claim to know categorically that there is no difference. That said, I don't buy into the sentiment that brand name propecia is somehow "better". Here in the UK they prescribe generic to people who actually need the drug for prostate trouble, I don't think they'd be doing that if they were worried about the efficacy/quality of the medication, just my opinion.


    Indeed .


    The bottom line is that the active ingredients within the medication should be the same .I would think that the UK / NA / EU will be much the same. The only caveat would be countries outside of these areas.


    This is from the US FDA website :


    When a generic drug product is approved, it has met rigorous standards established by the FDA with respect to identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency. However, some variability can and does occur during manufacturing, for both brand name and generic drugs. When a drug, generic or brand name, is mass-produced, very small variations in purity, size, strength, and other parameters are permitted. FDA limits how much variability is acceptable.




    • Generic drugs are required to have the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form, and route of administration as the brand name product. Generic drugs do not need to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand name product.




    • The generic drug manufacturer must prove its drug is the same as (bioequivalent) the brand name drug. For example, after the patient takes the generic drug, the amount of drug in the bloodstream is measured. If the levels of the drug in the bloodstream are the same as the levels found when the brand name product is used, the generic drug will work the same.




    • Through review of bioequivalence data, FDA ensures that the generic product performs the same as its respective brand name product. This standard applies to all generic drugs, whether immediate or controlled release.




    • All generic manufacturing, packaging, and testing sites must pass the same quality standards as those of brand name drugs, and the generic products must meet the same exacting specifications as any brand name product. In fact, many generic drugs are made in the same manufacturing plants as brand name drug products.


  11. Just past 9 weeks post op so a quick update on how things are going.


    Just to point out , my HT was to the frontal and mid scalp areas - the crown was untouched in this session .


    Happy with the way things are going generally . Very light redness still in the recipient area .Recipient area is still very slightly numb but improving by the week .Still a bit numb above the strip area , but again this is getting better almost by the

    day . Also mindful that I'm not out of the woods yet as far as scar stretch , so doing all I can to keep tension from the area . Can't wait to hit the gym again , but not going to do anything at the moment that may compromise scar healing / stretch. Doctor recommends to leave any heavy lifting until the 3 month mark .


    The scar is not visible at this point , so I'm happy on that score.


    Unfortunately , had some shock loss below the donor incision ( may be an inch long or so) , so fingers crossed that will resolve itself over the next few months . On the photo below I have applied a small amount of Toppik to the shock loss area.


    Although I shed as everyone does , have had some growth to the recipient area. Not any real great density at the moment , more fine , light and wispy , but more than I expected anyway.


    At just over 2 weeks post op , I was hoping to return to work without wearing a cap. 9 weeks later I'm still wearing it ! That's probably more paranoia on my part , as my wife thinks that no one would guess now that I've had the procedure.


    The first photo was taken at 3 days post op , the rest are 9 weeks post op.


    Any comments / questions - fire away !






  12. I'd dream of having hair like yours after a transplant .


    There is some recession at the temple areas , but the rest looks fine . How long have you been on the fin ? What type of hair loss do other family members have ? You're still young and you need to consider what degree of future hair loss you may experience.


    You haven't posted photos of the donor area , but your hair looks dense , so I don't think you'd have any problems if you did decide to go for a HT.


    I'm sure other far more knowledgable members will chip in .

  13. Day 16 post-op update:


    Got my staples out today. As you can see I bled a little bit when they came out.

    I highly recommend you let a nurse or doctor do this, because they will also give you an antibiotic salve to put on afterwards.



    Looking good Dutchie .How many staples did you have ?


    I had around 60 staples with my FUT . Didn't want to go to my doctors so bought a staple remover off Ebay . Wife took them out and it was pretty much painless . I'd read some great advice about soaking the area for 20 minutes beforehand and it really softened up the scabs . Only 1 staple really stung , but I suspect the wife did that on purpose !

  14. I'm only 2 months post op so not much for me to report as yet .


    It's funny , but I've seen in posts over the past few months from some people questioning why bother with a transplant as you get older . Just goes to prove that if hair loss has bothered you for a number of years , it doesn't just go away .


    Came across a few threads lately of men in their 70's getting HT's - fair do's I reckon.


    Although I checked out transplants 10 odd years ago , decided not to do aything about it at the time for various reasons . For some reason 3 months ago i decided to research it again and 2 months later had it done . If I can get anywhere near my modest expectations I'll be over the moon .


    Will look out for your updates .

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