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Posts posted by chris39

  1. I have a consult in 2 weeks and I need a haircut soon. Did I read someone that it's best not to have a short haircut before a consultation or am I imaging it? Ideally I'd like to cut it next weekend as I have an event the day before the consult that I want my hair to look fresh for?


    Best ask your doc . I was asked not to get it cut too short beforehand .

  2. thanks guys. would a doctor or rep skating round the fact that there not recommended by this site anymore a red flag.


    because I was just speaking with a doctors rep and asked him why he's not on here anymore he's reply was I'm sorry we cannot help you further with this and we wish you the best in finding another surgeon.


    I wouldn't consider a surgeon not being recommended by any particular site to be a red flag . There may well be valid reasons for this .


    However , a response like the one above would definately be a no-no.

  3. thx for you answer.


    English is not my native language so little hard to explain wha i mean.



    Do you mean that the red is going to turn white over time? Or will some of the red fade away and appear like normal skin? Because sometimes the red line can look pretty thick?


    No problem .


    Yes the red should fade and the skin will appear normal . The incision line will be a lighter colour , but this may be barely visible depending on the skill of the surgeon and also your own physiology - that is , how you heal .


    You had a tricho closure , so your hair should grow through the majority of the incision area .

  4. Good progress, I experienced shock loss of the recipient and donor area, it got better around 4.5 months, have you discussed the issue with Dr. K? Have you tried applying topical finasteride to the area, I noticed minoxidil really sped things up in terms of growth for me.


    Cheers HT.


    Shock loss has totally gone now - had the wife do a check of the area the other day and she couldn't even locate the area . I did consult with Dr K at the outset of the shock loss and he pretty much intimated that it was just a case of waiting it out .


    I've not tried minoxidil as I thought that at my hair loss level the benefits would be negligible . Only thing I'm using is Nizoral shampoo .

  5. So , just hit the 4 month mark . I'm fairly pleased with thr progress to date . Was a bit concerned for a while wasn't were it should be , but seems like many of us feel this way . Still new hairs sprouting and fingers crossed things thicken up over the coming months.


    I've attached a few photo's under different lighting conditions which hopefully shows a fair representation .


    The feeling has pretty much returned to both donor and recipient , and the scar is healing very well .


    Any comments or questions welcome .





  6. What Norwood level are you at ? Dark hair / fair hair ? skin colour ? - these will all be variants on what you may get away with.


    I was a NW6 pre-op and had 4000 grafts by FUSS. I had a 17 day period between surgery and return to work . I was hoping to get away with just going in to work and it would have sufficiently grown to avoid it being obvious . Turned out I wore a hat to work and was 2 months before I felt comfortable enough to ditch the cap . The redness to the recipient area lasted a good 2 months , and also shock loss at the donor made it awkward .


    I'm fair haired and light skinned , so I think my expectations were overly optimistic at the outset from surgery .


    Be realistic in your expectations , and prepare for the worst if things don't go as you expected .

  7. I went to Dr K in Istanbul .


    It's funny how your mind can play tricks on how you can perceive your own progress .Some days you can feel the progress is good , and yet a day after you can question it . To be fair I'm happy with my progress to date , definate improvement to pre-op .


    Threads with updates like yours can give a great yardstick to how things are going ( albeit rates of progress can vary greatly ).

  8. A update for you guys.


    Its been 2 months and 3 weeks. Can se about 30-50 new hairs starting to grow around the hairline.



    Questions: I still feel like im worse now from where i started is this normal at almost 3 months? Can be because my hair is shorter also. Dont know.


    It;s still early days , so nothing to be concerned about .I'm sure it will start to kick in nicely over the next 2 months.


    I've just hit the 4 month mark and it's just now starting to look fuller than pre-op . It's probably improved more than I imagine in my case , but because we all get impatient and fixated on growth on an almost daily basis , it seems like nothing is happening .


    It looks like you had shock loss at the donor in an area similar to mine , but my shock loss was more severe . Anyway , that has pretty much resolved itself now with no sign of it anymore.

  9. Not necessarily because the height from the nape to the crown should be the same, what makes the head small is the actual circumference. A lot of guys heads actually get smaller past the occipital area, so normally you look at someone from the neck to the top gradually gets larger. For guys with small heads like myself, the head actually reduces somewhat in size giving me that peanut head look lol. One of the reasons I hated shaving my head but this is s benefit for transplantation because the cm2 area that needs to be covered is small whilst the donor area remains somewhat of a normal size in comparison.


    Ah , nice one - you learn something new every day :)

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