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Posts posted by JON86

  1. In my opinion Konior is clearly the best in the midwest. I don't know much about his fue results though. There aren't a lot of examples but he is in my opinion the best at fut. Shapiro is another

    great choice has a solid reputation. If you are willing to travel a little further Dr. Cooley is among the best and produces high quality fue results. I know Dr Epstein have researched him. He is not a recommended surgeon on this site for whatever reason probably has to do with money. He has trained some of the recommended doctors on here so I don't understand why he is not recommended. He is a great doctor but is very expensive.

  2. He won't try to rush you into a surgery if that is what you are worried about. He is a very ethical man and cares about his patients. I had several consults with several doctors that didn't seem to have my best interest at heart. After talking to dr Konior I can say it was night and day. You simply can't do any better than him. He will want you to try and stabilize your hair loss before thinking of surgery so don't worry about that. He will look at the big picture as to where your hair loss might progress and treat it accordingly.

  3. That looks really good but he will probably regret this when he gets older. The middle is thin. This is not a knock on dr Bhattia he does great work. There is only so much a procedure can do and if he doesn't go on meds he will lose it. For 29 he has very aggressive hair loss from the top of his head in the befores I would have expected someone to be in their forties. This looks good for now but long term I am afraid for him. He is a future class 6 or worst a 7.

  4. I am sorry that you got such a sub par result. I think it is ridiculous that the doctor admitted that your procedure was a failure and still won't refund your money. I would not have another procedure with this clinic if I were you. Money can be replaced but grafts cannot. It is alarming to me how many doctors that are starting to pop up that do very little of the work themselves. If we are paying for the doctors name we need to know up front how much they are involved in the procedure. How are we to know what level of experience any technician has? This seems like a very shady side to this business. We need to stand up as patients and let the industry know this is unacceptable.

  5. I guess it depends. I used liogaine big 3 more than was recommended and got a pretty big shed from it. The bottle clearly says use two to three times a week but I used it every day like an idiot and lost quite a bit of hair. Those hairs all grew back but it did freak me out. Just don't over do it.

  6. Hi Cursed73,


    Did you consult only 1 doctor?

    There are many doctors recommended on this website. Why don't try some online consultations to have different opinions?



    FUE: 1524 Grafts with Dr. Tejinder Bhatti


    Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - Dr Tejinder Bhatti's Profile


    I agree with this 1000 percent. Get the opinion of at least a couple of doctors .

  7. While I think I am personally kind of on the middle with this I find it nice that Dr Bhatti took the time to come on and post. I wish more doctors would do this. I know a few do but there could be more in my opinion. He addressed some of the concerns I had for the patient by stating he would not go too aggressive on the hairline or temples. I have met with a few clinics that in my opinion are too aggressive on those areas.

  8. Thank you for your answers on the fue procedure I learned more reading that than I did in my five minute consultation. However you failed to address your post op care. There are more and more negative claims starting to pop up on the internet. The common claim is you are not accessible to your patients. Everyones mental state is different after a procedure but they should at the very least have the peace of mind that if there is some kind of issue that they can reach their doctor in a timely manner. Not checking up on a patient after a surgery and going over questions is ridiculous and screams to me that I already got their money.

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