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Posts posted by JON86

  1. Ray Liotta comes to mind as either great work or a piece. Look at his hair in the movie John Q and look at him in the new show or commercial He's in. hairline is better now than it was in goodfellas.


    It's funny you say that. I haven't seen anything with Ray Liotta in it for quite a while. I saw the commercial for that show the other day . I said to myself he has aged almost exactly as his character in the movie blow but with better hair.

  2. That last picture looks great like you aren't losing your hair. Important thing is to know your families history of hair loss. How is your fathers , grandparents loss and patterns. Prepare for the future. You look great in my opinion. You could if you choose use rogaine in the crown and if it gets worse take propecia. You don't look like someone that needs surgery in my opinion.

  3. As I said earlier I haven't been cleared yet to even be a patient. I consulted online and he will need to see me in person. I have a strange loss pattern. I am a 3v which isn't bad but I have some retro alopecia I think so he needs to check my donor to see if it is safe. From the pictures it seemed to be ok but I need him to check it for miniaturization so I am crossing my fingers. It will be a long stressful wait but I trust him he is about as ethical as you can get. Some other clinics tried to rush me into surgery and ignored this. So ultimately if he says I can do it I will go with him. I really only need 2500 to 3000in my frontal third to mid scalp. I will go fut if all goes well.

  4. Konior is absolutely exceptional. Just love his meticulous nature. Will look fwd to hearing more.

    With all respect Dutchie I am not trying to hijack your thread I will make my own when it is time. Thank You esrec he is exceptional. I really need a surgeon that cares about their patients. Aftercare is as important to me as the surgery itself. My hair loss isn't all so bad I have been told I am a 3v. My frontal third is all I need to address for now. I do have some things going against me. I have medium fine hair and even though I am fit even played football in college I have genetic high blood pressure . I also have some retro alopecia I think. Other doctors I have been to (not any of those I listed) acted like they didn't know what that was. They told me I was a perfect candidate when I clearly am not. Dr Konior has written papers about this type of loss and he will not clear me until he looks at in person. He is ethical and like I said will trust his judgement. So for me it's just a long wait. I will make my own thread when this all goes down.

  5. Who's on your list?

    With no disrespect to any of the other doctors my personal list has come down

    to Cooley, Gabel , Shapiro and in the end Konior. He just feels like the right fit

    for me. I know he is expensive but he is one of the absolute best. I have consulted

    with him online but even his in person consults are booked into May. I don't mind waiting for the best results possible. Dr Konior has been great at responding to emails and I trust his judgement.

  6. oh my god This put a pit in my stomach. Im scheduled with ASMED clinic on jan 14th. Im very nervous. Is this type of result a possibility anywhere? This really makes me have second thoughts about getting an HT. To the OP i am so sorry keep your head up we will help you through it.


    Don't worry yourself. This procedure is not the norm nowadays and is why so many of us are upset. This is nineteen eighties style butchery. This clinic is in no way comparable to the doctors listed here. The word is out never ever go to this clinic because it is a house of horrors. Their trolling and pretending did no good either. They have been unmasked and we can not let another person go through this not ever.

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