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Posts posted by JON86

  1. Hi, though still more number of grafts can be implanted on the crown area for density. However frontal results are exceptionally good.

    Yeah thanks for that can always transplant more grafts or waste them when patients are young. Dr Cooley is highly ethical cares about long term for his patients. Would be easy to waste grafts on his crown now but he looks at the big picture and that is what makes him great one of the best.

  2. Wow Matt that thread is downright frightening.Thanks for sharing that it might help some younger people avoid being lured into something similar. Yes there are still other clinics out there that use the same tricks and promises to scam people. I was totally uneducated when I began research and was almost lured into something similar. There is a doctor in south Florida that is very similar with what he preaches. He is not allowed to be spoken of on here from what I have seen but I thank God everyday I backed out. You are right this is not about money at all why go with someone unknown or take a risk when there are those on the list that are proven to be safe?

  3. Sorry If I offended anyone. I mean no disrespect to Dr Hasson. This is a fantastic result. He is a great, great doctor. So are the other doctors I listed. There is no best in my opinion he is great as well as the others I listed. I take exception to when people claim someone is the best. There is no best just great or not so great. I should not have brought this into this thread should have said nice result and moved on. Sorry

  4. This is a great topic and not discussed nearly enough. I believe where you are mentally is just as important as your donor tbh. Realistic expectations is the key to doing this. I can only speak for myself but in the beginning I had no idea what I was looking for or what I was doing. I would have chosen terribly been in a bad situation now. I had no idea of what to look for in a doctor and my first choice was an awful one. The doctor is banned from this site and not allowed to be spoken of. All I will say is he is in South Florida and claims double density so that might give you an idea. I had no clue as to how this industry worked. Luckily things happened that prevented me from going through with it. I am much more educated now and that is the key really just as the great Dr Bhattia has said. A patient needs to be educated and realistic. It's really sad to see that there are lots of clinics that spend so little time with patients. I have been on so many consultations now and it is ridiculous that in some I was not even evaluated by a doctor but by a sales person. I am not naming names but there is a doctor on here that is recommended and he didn't even look at my donor hair. If you have a surgery with this clinic you have to schedule a phone call or skype if there are any problems. It can take weeks or months to get a response. Sorry not what I am looking for in a surgeon. This is a lot of money especially in the states and we deserve better treatment in my opinion. There is a patient on here that said the same doctor didn't even look at him after his procedure and that is ridiculous and terrible bed side manor in my opinion. After care is non existent at that clinic. In my opinion after care is just as important as the surgery itself. Being left alone on an island to deal with this seem like a scary thing. Everything Dr Bhatti said in his statement is what should be the norm . Doctor should be with you before during and after. He is very ethical but there are clearly lots of clinics out there that are not. Luckily I know what to look for now and was patient in making a choice. Everyone has their own choice as who to choose if they get something done. Personally I choose ethics over price. Yes emotionally health is very important. Two years ago I was a mess but now not so bad because I am educated. In reality I am a 3v pattern so not so bad but two years ago I was bald in my mind. But to answer your question two years ago my emotions would have screwed me. I look at things differently now and am inspired by people that are class five and six and deal with it and still find a way to look great.

  5. How so?

    Not saying he is not one of the best he clearly is but we all have our own opinion. There is no best just really good and really bad and mediocre . I like Hasson not dissing him he is great. My personal opinion and it's just that just an opinion like yours is, if I am going to do fut I am going to Chicago all I will say.

  6. There is no best period. There are too many variables . Surgery depends on you more than the doctor. It depends on your pattern, your donor ,your pattern of loss more than the doctor. You can't base anyone's pictures you see and project them to you ,this is a bad mistake. All pictures on all websites are best case only and not the norm. All clinics have failures even the best. I can post pictures that are on par with hasson because clinics use lighting tricks. That's what they do and all of them do it. Plus there are a lot of people that choose Wong over Hasson, Joe tronic being one of them. On my personal choice if I go fut there is only one doctor I am going with and he is in Chicago.

  7. Nice you showed all the different pictures in alternate lighting really shows how pictures can be deceiving by clinics. You have a nice hairline now with plenty of time for ample thickening. Hopefully your density will improve in the coming months.

    Even if it doesn't fill in as much as you hope you can at the very least make it look full with some hair fibers. Yes it sucks using fillers but in my opinion it's better than being bald. Four months is early so hopefully you make some major gains in the coming months.

  8. I agree that considering your pattern you should keep the graft count on the conservative side. I would also suggest maybe trying the meds for six months. If you are a good responder to finasteride it will make a huge difference. Don't rush into this emotionally take time and do your research. I would suggest meeting with more than one doctor and get a few opinions. Some doctors only see dollar signs and will try and rush you into surgery. Be smart about this. There are some very good ethical doctors out there but you need to do your research. Make sure that in a consultation your future loss pattern is discussed. Make sure your donor hair is evaluated. Yes there are doctors out there that do surgeries without looking at donor hair. I have had two consultations with two doctors that did not even look at my donor hair. If that happens run. H&W is a good place to start consulting but I would also do a few others and compare opinions. If considering fut I would also consult with Shapiro and Konior.

  9. The fue vs fut battle is the worst thing about this site. Both have their place but I don't understand why others have to feel they need to control people to choose one or the other. It's a personal decision that everyone must come to decide. Who cares what procedure is more labor intensive? It does not mean it's better. There are tons of guys on here that have had good fut results and also bad fut results. The most discouraging thing is how fue is overhyped as a no pain scarless procedure. Everyone has to come to their own conclusion. I personally have been back and forth dealing with what procedure is best for me and I am saying best for me. I personally trust I would get a better result with Konior or Hasson on a strip then I would with Diep or any of the other Fue doctors I have dealt with. I for one am not trusting my head to techs. But those that choose fue I do not discourage your decision.

  10. I think the alarming thing isn't the difference between the two procedures but that it is the fact that in some clinics techs are doing most of the work. How do we know how much experience a tech has? Both procedures have their place and can be done by a qualified physician but it is becoming more apparent that we as consumers are getting screwed by the dishonesty of this industry.

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