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Posts posted by JON86

  1. This clinic is a sickening disgrace. Keeping this thread open is the best we can do so others will see it and avoid them. I am also on board for a go fund me account. I do agree with lorenzo that this will not be cheap. Sanjar check your private messages. I have sent you a link to project repair. It is a program that puts victims such as yourself in touch with ethical doctors that do pro bono repair work. Let me know if for some reason you don't get the link.

  2. The consultations process can be a very frustrating experience. I have been on many in person consultations. I have spent a bunch of money visiting doctors on the east coast , west coast and the midwest. Not all consultations are the same. I have been to a few that have promised me things that just are not possible. I have been to a few that did not even look at my donor area. It may take some searching to find the doctor that is right for your personal needs. Find a doctor that has a long term plan for your hair loss pattern. Hair loss is progressive and you need a long term plan. You need to plan for where you will look several years down the road. It is a personal decision but I recommend trying the meds first and see how you tolerate them. This will have a huge impact on whether or not you can slow it down and delay or avoid future surgeries. Make sure the doctor you talk to takes into account the hair loss history in your family and they examine the quality of your donor hair supply and quality. My biggest advice is take some time and educate yourself. Read all you can on this website and others. If something sounds too good to be true it usually is. Remember this is a business. I would also ask the doctor how involved in the surgery they actually are. There are shady doctors out there I have encountered a few. There are also good doctors that care about their patients. The more research you do will make the road to finding one of them much easier.

  3. Just look at this response on page six on this page on this site on this website. Blaming the patient


    Then look at the rip off report here. The same two pictures and still blaming the same patient.

    Who scans the internet to defend the clinic and blame patients other than a clinic?

    Also this clinic has managed to change the rip off report in the last few days. Look at the updated dates and they are the last few days. There are others on here that saw the original rip off report

    that we saw and that is even more disturbing since it has been altered.

    I wouldn't go anywhere else.


    AUTHOR: Nursecorps - (U.S.A.)


    SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    I don't know why this you had the problem you did but suspect there's more to this story than you are willing to share. I have been to this clinic twice in the lat two and a half years and give high praises to the clinic and staff. I too did not stricly follow post op instructions and had less than desired results the first procedure. I went bacl 9 months ago and had a second procedure and followed post op instrutions to the T. I now have a full head of natural looking hair and hairline that you cannot tell I had the procedure and the donar suture scar was done perfect. Sorry your procedure turned out the way it did but I personally think you neglected your post op responsibilties.


    This was a rebuttal to strata that others can agree has since disappeared.


    Ripoff Report | Colorado Surgical Center & Hair Institute Complaint Review Lone Tree, Colorado: 1174249

  4. I read this on rip off report,




    Over a year? If that is the case can you show your result?


    Ripoff Report | Colorado Surgical Center & Hair Institute Complaint Review Lone Tree, Colorado: 1261895


    That is a completely different case . That patient came from Utah. Sanjar came from

    Los Angeles. There are other horror stories about this clinic on the internet.

  5. I don't think this looks thin at all. This was a large area to cover and I am impressed he got so far into the crown. Dr Cooley does great work and his pictures are always honest. The lighting in the before and afters are always the same which speaks to his high ethics. I would be interested to see if the clinic has any prp only results that could be posted as a lot of us don't really know a lot about it.

  6. Going to try an spell this out for you DD214 so even you can understand. You came into a thread where the patient was clearly butchered and ignored it. You have made excuses for the clinic and even said such a stupid comment that at least he will have more hair. This patient made this thread to warn others and ask what he should do to fix this. You ignored what was done to him and said this might look good in time. Nobody here buys this. The only person that would try and defend this is someone that works for this clinic. This patient has been through a nightmare . He has had his money and his hope stolen from him by your clinic. Your ignorance to what has been done to him would be like telling a burn victim that you can't see the burns. This patient knows he was butchered so he posted for support. People here don't beat people down about their results. People commented because he knows how bad this is and nobody would want to make him feel worse or lie to him that this might turn out ok. You have blamed us for contributing to his depression. This was your first spin and nobody buys it. We all want the best for him and to stay away from your clinic. The only things questioned about you were your ethics and affiliation to this clinic. I want you to know this is a hair transplant forum and that means basically a support group. You have broken several of the core rules here by attacking HTsoon. You have attacked him personally about his transplants and I think you should be banned from this site. We can all disagree about things but attacking someone about their hair transplants on a hair transplant site is not acceptable. You clearly have no ethics it's obvious. You cannot spin this. You are once again trying to spin all of this . You have blamed patients, you have blamed us and now you are blaming it on the choice of procedure. You are running out of room. This clinic should be shut down. I am impressed that your hobby is to personally go on multiple websites and defend this clinic and blame patients for their poor results. You can't make the rip off report go away. You use the same two pictures to deceive people and it's there for all to see. You can't make it go away. Please keep posting. You have done so much more damage to this clinic than you know. The only thing you have commented on that I truly believe is that you do know about depression. Your clinic causes it when they perform procedures like this. Two dollars a graft doesn't make up for a ten thousand dollar repair job.

  7. Please leave this thread start you own phony thread but it is classless to try and defend this in a patients thread that is looking for support. This is criminal and butchery. Price does not justify butchery . Blaming patients for poor procedures is beyond ethical. There are plenty of clinics out there that still butcher people and take advantage of them this is clearly one of them. This clinic is not recommended on here and never will be.

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