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Posts posted by JON86

  1. It reminds me of why some feel there needs to be a fence around California.


    I am truly sorry you think I am vile but I cannot change my own personal experiences and medical knowledge.


    Merry Christmas!


    Ridiculous response again. If you think these results are good your medical knowledge is pure garbage. All you have done today is made more negative information for this clinic. Cool kids say fail.

  2. DD214 you are vile, you have no compassion, you say we're piling on sanjar when we're in fact trying to help him, I would be the first to donate to a go fund me if he were to open one. You've tried to spin this every which way and frankly were not buying it, you're basically pleading with us to stop pointing out the many flaws your clinic has in performing this procedure and you're trying to flip it like its for the benefit of the patient, when you told another patient that the bad result was their fault for failing to follow post op instructions, do you have an ounce of empathy? what you do makes me sick, as I said earlier karma exists. You're attempt at trying to persuade naive prospective patients to believe you has failed, when presented with facts you've resorted to pleas. I hope your clinic goes bankrupt so you guys can't destroy anyone else's lives with your $2 graft sales pitch.

    A go fund me account is an excellent idea. Nobody deserves what's been done to him.

  3. Oooohhh, I've failed... lol

    Is that what all the cool kids are saying..?


    Responding to another post about grafts. When I was there the clinic explained and showed me the way they separate 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's etc grafts... They place the one's and two's in the front and 3 and 4's progressively working towards the back. Again, you would have to have been there to know this but some people can get away saying anything even if it's untrue.



    JON86 let's focus on sanjar and not lump all my posts together. I know it's hard.. You are not helping him in any way. Just know that.


    Yep cool kids focus on truth. We are helping him by the way. We have seen what's been done to him and we are saying it is not acceptable and will not tolerate transplants from the dark ages. You do realize you go in and out of clinic type talk like what is above quite a bit. Not fooling anyone.

  4. If you read his posts, sanjar spoke of being depressed and here you are throwing gas on the fire like a fool when you should have proceeded with caution. You may be able to act this way with some of these posts here but not all. You don't know the deck you are dealing with and your haphazard posts could only be making it worse.


    Reassess once it's healed and then start up you lynch mob cyber assaults.

    Your response is hilarious. You can't spin this . The one who blamed poor results on patients not following after care. This patient made this thread to warn others and get help. You have blamed everyone but the clinic and are running out of crawl space. You have brought nothing but more bad publicity for this clinic today. You can't make these pictures go away you have failed.

  5. Let everything heal and see an after procedure and results in 8 months. One thing will be certain is he will have more hair.. Remember, we don't know how much shock loss he had because I don't remember seeing a 'before' pic. That could answer the placements because you're not going to place where there's already healthy hair. People here need to chill a bit because you are absolutely depressing this pure guy when you don't know for sure what his results may be. And yes, money matters.


    You keep saying I work for the place and I don't. I am just seeing it in another way than you and you will need to accept this, eventually.

    Is this really the response you want to go with? You can't blame this on shock loss. This might be some of the poorest work any of us have seen in years. This is dark ages nineteen eighties butchery. Show this poor soul some respect and leave his thread. How dare you say we are depressing him. We are fighting with him for him so this is not repeated on another person. There is no excuse , zero for these placements. To say he will have more hair is ridiculous as a response. This result will be bad and we all know it. Another reason we won't be conned is that money doesn't matter. You don't ever go cheap when you are dealing with your body not ever. We know that. Two dollar grafts not going to sell here.

  6. I guess you're correct in that I've said everything I needed to say and even posted on another site. Your posts here only amount to your opinion and that's all. Just like mine. The biggest difference is I've been to this place and you haven't.


    Using Dr. Diep in San Francisco for a 30yo must have cost a bundle.... Did you need to finance because a procedure from his clinic couldn't have been cheap. Are you still paying for it? What about Dr. Behnam in Santa Monica? Why did you change Dr's? After paying Diep for what had to be a $10K expense, why did you switch Dr's? Dr. Benham had to be even more costly. Maybe another $10K or even $20K for what those guys in Santa Monica get.. lol ;) Were you satisfied after paying 10-20 grand? Man, I would hate to pay your bills for all the hair transplants you've had... And no offense but I've never seen a hairline quite like yours. Looks way too manufactured, but I'm sure you like it. ;)


    Funny, but I had two procedures totaling 3,500 grafts costing a whopping $5,000 and never need another transplant again. I guess it all boils down to what you're willing to spend. What you're willing to pay.


    Merry Christmas!

    Spoken like a true clinic have to get in some price advertising. To even say anything negative about Htsoons hairline is ridiculous . You do remember that you are the one that said Sanjar41's procedure didn't look bad right? Really?

  7. Hair loss can really bring out a hateful and ugly side in people. You're still young.. Seek help, and I don't mean from a hair restoration clinic.


    Firstly this is Sanjar 41's thread. To ignore what's been done to him seems almost inhuman. The only person that would even try and justify this procedure would be someone from the clinic. It's so bad that I wish one of the doctors on this site would explain what they see. I hope he can find a good doctor to repair this. I think a lot of us take it personally when we see someone butchered this way because in the back of our minds it could have easily been us. We saw right through these posts today and know what is really going on. You can't deny or delete what is on real self. There is really no point for you to post about this clinic. We all know who the top doctors are and are not going to be suckered into the two dollar graft ploy this clinic puts out. All you have done today is gather more bad press for your clinic. You failed miserably.

  8. I would also like to point out something very interesting I found on the internet.

    This person first posted here on September 16 as a response to Strata's botched job. Note the two pictures posted By DD214 on page six of this tread.


    If you google Rip off report and this clinics name. You will find the same case.

    And guess what? The same response on the rip off report with the same two pictures on the same date blaming the botched job on the patient for not following after care. If this doesn't spell it out nothing does.

  9. To the moderators I would say only this. Please leave this thread up for all to see. The pictures say all that needs to be said about this clinic. The rest of us that choose to post in this thread did so out of support for Sanjar41. It is important that these pictures stay up for all to see. This could be an attempt to get us all irritated and into hostilities as a way to get this tread removed. Only one who benefits from having this thread removed is this clinic.

  10. Just take a look at his posts, literally every single post is about to this clinic, The fact that he would even try and act like this outcome will turn out ok is an insult, he's also going to try and flip it by saying you're a rep from a competitor he already did that with me lol.

    Yeah I noticed that on the other thread. Funny thing or I should say not so smart thing is why on earth would anyone connected to this clinic want to post and reopen a thread that I am sure they would pay to go away? Now more and more people are going to see these pictures of this poor guy. There is no way to defend this procedure. I am sure anyone that sees these pictures gasps like I did when I first saw them.

  11. Says the person with 9 posts most of which are about the clinic in question lol. I have a thread and a profile with both my restorations different doctors. It's obvious what's happening with the resurgence of these threads, individuals with a couple of posts defending the clinics, and new individuals "inquiring" about the clinic, it's nothing new and it's been done since the beginning of hairloss forums in an attempt to save the clinics reputation good luck were not stupid.


    I agree 100 percent.

  12. It is insane to say this is how fue procedures look. This poor guy was butchered and you cannot say otherwise DD214. There is zero and I mean zero percent chance of this turning out ok. This looks like a botched job from the eighties. It is ridiculous for you to defend this . In my opinion this patient should seek legal action after the treatment he received by this tech. It is obvious that this patient is suffering now not only physically but also mentally from what has been done to him. I personally find it classless for you to come on here and add to his pain by ignoring the truth. It seems obvious to some of us that you somehow work for this clinic.

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  13. For the number of grafts you are considering I would personally go fut.

    I would do more research there are better fut doctors than those you list.

    I have dealt with Diep and in no way would I recommend him. Google real self

    and you will see how bad his after care is. I have witnessed it in person and it's

    terrible. A cell has not been proven to work at all so I wouldn't let that make a difference in your decision. Don't fall for the you tube videos. The best doctors live off referrals of their work not you tube. If it looks too good to be true it usually is .

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