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Everything posted by HairJo

  1. It looks pretty thick good job. How does the donor area look after 4,500 grafts ? Will they need that much again to do the crown?
  2. He's only 8 months out wow he's a fast grower to answer the question about making a difference I would have to say Hell Yeah ! He's lucky to be able to be done with one procedure. I wish that could be the case for me but I know I will need two.
  3. No comment to another nasty post boy you must really have it hard to have to be that negative it takes up a lot of energy.
  4. Sorry to hear about that Napavalley you gave great advise and I hope your problem clears up and you can get another procedure . Best of luck.
  5. I'm sorry you are still getting harassed Bill see what I mean. There are a few people who insist on making things miserable. I always have to think about what I post so no one will gang up on me.So in essence you are afraid to post what you really want . God forbid you favor one doctor everyone favors one particular doctor. I also think highly of Dr. Prasad for face lifts and Dr. Jacona for rhinoplasty . I have done a lot of research so I know what I'm talking about. I have good opinions and I want to have the right to endorse who I want too if not I'm just saying what I can say with in limits of not getting harassed and dragged through the mud like some kind of criminal. I do thank all the civil people out there my hat goes off to you and I don't take my hat off very often.
  6. I have to agree with everyone so far all great advise. Don't be in a rush when making a choice do your research.
  7. Thanks for your advise it's always good to face your fears I usually do it in baby steps though.
  8. travel is great for some and some people do have to travel because they don't have good HT doctors everywhere so in that case you would have to travel. I just know I couldn't do it no way I'd have to be home and comfortable in my own bed I guess I'm a wimp I applaud people who can do it.
  9. Which procedure do you feel gave you more growth the FUE or the FUT ?
  10. Glad to here you got good results . I would really like to see your follow up pictures
  11. I personally want to be able to drive to my doctor and then go home and start growing in my own bed in my own country. I would never be able to travel like that .
  12. I'm sure you will get a lot of advise there are so many participants on the forum that can tell you in detail a lot of people have had both procedures . Good luck I hope you will get the answers you are looking for and the procedure that is good for you.
  13. Good luck and good growth I hope you get the results you're looking for. Keep us in the loop.
  14. Good luck to you. I can't wait to hear about your experience and see some pics.
  15. Maybe because the doctors are getting better results to post from the FUT cases and not so many great FUE's
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