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Everything posted by SySperling10

  1. First flag in your post is Bosley. I doubt many here would consider them for a transplant, they act as a assembly line of under skilled surgeons. Second problem is even comparing FUE vs FUT scars, they're so different, plus one isn't even a scar. Do a search here about FUE scarring, it resemblds little dots, hardly noticeable on most, but typically only at the lowest clipper guards. Even if your donor is scarce, 3000 Grafts isnt a lot. Sounds like Bosley prefers FUT because of the labor cost and easier/faster technique. IMO, transplant technique should be patient choice, barring an issue with donor quality, technique is typically driven by cost. I'd recommend getting a few other consultations, most docs do online consults which are good. You're right near h&w in Vancouver, check them out, their work is top notch.
  2. what are these natural remedies you speak of?
  3. I couldn't see charging per hair vs graft, it would make no sense, the extraction work is the exact same. A graft is a graft is a graft, whether it's a 4 hair vs single. First cautionary flag is cost per hair, I would make sure your facts are straight before deciding.
  4. Clarifying question, did you transplant beard hair or have hair transplanted to your beard?
  5. I bought the fattener a year back and thought it was garbage. Maybe I used it wrong, I dont know. It was a gel type product, basically a Toppik branded volumizer, with limited effect. I could be wrong. I may try it in a few months when my new hairs grow in. Not to be mistaken, this product has nothing to do with the fibers.
  6. Physically or aesthetically healing? Physically you are fine a day or two later, aesthetically it's an eye sore for 10 days, which is the soonest you'll see the scabs completely gone. If you cut your hair short, 1 or 2 guard, no one will notice after this point.
  7. I looked into this prior to my transplant, it seems the alcohol rule is related to the thinning of the blood, and as a general rule of thumb, not good prior to any surgery. You'll see ranges any where from 10 days prior to 10 after, 3 days +or- is probably safe. But yes, hitting your head should be the worry.
  8. 4000 FUE in one day!?!?!?! It's possible, but a ton of fatigue. I sat through 1800 in a day, I could have gone maybe 500 more, but the extraction would have been the hard part.
  9. Out of pure curiosity and not differing opinion, how do you conclude there is better cosmetic refinement with the custom cut blades?
  10. Fiber concealer? I use a soy wax pomade. Not committed to the soy wax part, I presume any lighter, non-oily pomade/wax/paste.
  11. Pupdaddy, Before this thread was hijacked by non-sense, it contained some good dialogue from Dr. Vories & Blake that may answer all or parts of your questions: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/175105-cost-fue-increasing-decreasing-6.html I personally chose Dr. Vories for my surgery partly due to his use of the implanter pen, experience with FUE and his successful large cases... price was an added plus. Regardless, the implanter pen appears to somewhat correct/off set the myth related to lack of survival rate between FUE and FUT.
  12. Fiber concealers are great but take practice.
  13. From the looks of his website and cases on this site, Lindsey seems like a solid choice. I am also in the mid-Atlantic and considered him as a surgeon. From what I understand, most US docs extract and implant FUE, unless Neograpft is involved. Work is a tough one, I waited exactly two weeks, wish I would have done a couple more days, as people will comment on the change in your appearance, not in an incriminating way, but it's attention you probably don't want. Since your hair is already short, it probably would be less noticeable. Wait at least 10 days. Cost is a product of doing an indeph search, but should not drive your choice. Dr.s Cooley and Vories do extremely quality work out of charlotte, their prices are $6 & $4 per.
  14. What about a spray tan? Or self tanner. I contemplated using one of these but the redness wasn't as bad. The bigger issue I'm facing is waiting for the native hair to grow back to pre-surgery length, so I can go back to lots of concealer!
  15. Cost of labor, malpractice insurance, and marketing.
  16. Thanks for your insight and perspective! Helpful as I am just beyond this point.
  17. I've used the three major fiber concealers: Nanogen, Caboki, and Toppik. I personally prefer Caboki for all hair lengths, Nanogen is a close second. Toppik is my least favorite. Caboki and Nanogen have similar binding qualities, they sit dont cake on the scalp, where as Toppik sticks to hair and falls mostly on the scalp. My method for application is probably different than most. I have thinning hair on the top, so after adding a soy based pomade to my hair, I sprinkle the fibers on, then work it in to style. Less is always more at first, you can always add additional fibers after working it in the first pass.
  18. There are docs is the US who extract more than 5000 FUE grafts a week. It's quite possible, really a product of efficiency in extraction. The paradigm shift from FUT to FUE will take time in the U.S., as doctors begin to adapt techniques and methods being utilized in Europe / Asia.
  19. My initial concern had less to do with death by terrorism or plane crash, safety not being a concern. It was more centered around the stress associated with the procedure and navigating a foreign environment during immediate post op recovery. I traveled a lengthy distance within the U.S. for my procedure, no airplanes involved, and it was mildly stressful, mostly because I was alone and driving a long distance.
  20. Does Artas or Neograpt charge the physician by the follicle extracted?
  21. Of those traveling abroad, do you find most have already had a previous procedure? As a newbie to this world as of two weeks ago, there is no way I could have traveled abroad and had a transplant.
  22. This is just part of the surgeon choice decision tree, which layers into the economics of the decision. You have to decide on the type of transplants (FUE v FUT)?, understand how much you can afford? grafts needed? determine technique? travel? Physician involvement? Somehow after determining the above, you land on a handful of Drs. Now if it involves crossing the Atlantic, that's an entire different element, which could be too stressful for a first timer.
  23. I don't know enough about Neograft, but I don't believe he used it during my procedure. None of the tools in his procedure room resemble images found in a "neograft" Google search.
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