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Everything posted by Severn

  1. This is a great result. But I agree with azn. There's no reason to cut the lower part of the hair that short. It would be much better if he grew it out a little to hide the scar.
  2. I guess it depends on how short you are wearing your hair and whether it's FUE or FUT. I had mine done in the crown and my existing hair covered up the scar. When I went to have the sutures removed at my local doc, they didn't really understand where the implants were. They thought the transplanted hairs were just my normal hairs cut shorter.
  3. aaron I think the result looks great! As far as your friend mentioning that it looked sorta thin, there is nothing wrong with that. I've seen guys with full heads of hair but whose density is on the thin side. It still looks natural.
  4. This really is an insanely good result. From just the pics I would have guessed it was an 11,000 graft transformation.
  5. From a laymans point of view, it looks like you are headed for a full blown NW6. I honestly would not do it right now. But if you are set, in your particular case I would consult H&W since they are the best at huge sessions. Depending on the caliber of your hair I think that would probably be 7000+ grafts for a full restoration. And by full, I don't mean original density.
  6. If all goes well, this should be an almost complete restoration. You probably will be a good showcase result for their webpage.
  7. Super impressive HT. Another great example using black hair against light skin. Add in HD closeups and the result is an absolutely undetectable transplant short of inspecting it with an electron microscope.
  8. I used to be skeptical of the "doing more with less" approach. But after seeing this result I am a believer. I don't know how you did it though with so little grafts.(comparitively)
  9. No, not talking about H&W. I've seen pics on other non coalition sites that like to hide the contrast by trying to match the skin and hair color. H&W leads the way for showing results closeup in HD. H&W do have some patients who dye their hair blonde because it adds to the illusion of density but they are not trying to deceive. The meaning of my post was that the ultimate test of a HT result is showing black hair against fair skin in a closeup shot like yours. That's as good as it gets. The only way to improve upon your result is hair cloning which is likely decades away, if ever.
  10. I agree it is a tremendous result. What I like most about the pics is that they are showing black hair against fair skin. And the hair still isn't see through. I see a lot of pics where the patient dyes their hair golden blond and the skin looks like it has a spray on tan to match the hair(or the photographer altered the skin color in photoshop). I usually disregard those pics because they are too deceptive. Your pics and results are outstanding however. Definitely an A+!
  11. I'm no doctor but there's no way in hell I would continue to take any medication if the shedding lasted 10 months. 2-4 months tops. But this is the first I've heard of continued shedding from fin. I've read quite a few instances of it happening on avodart though.
  12. Just call the clinic. They should have the details of your procedure on file.
  13. Very true! I'm in my 4th month and have no signs of growth at all. But I wasn't even expecting to see anything for another 8-10 months.
  14. It looks great. But the only way I can see that kind of growth after only three months is if your grafts did not go through the resting phase. They would have all had to stay in without shedding and start growing immediately. In fact, even that doesn't make much sense. Hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. That would put your hair at 1.5 inches assuming none of your grafts went through a resting phase. Your hair looks longer than 1.5 inches.
  15. I've read of this side effect from people on Avodart but not on fin. It seemed to have a drying effect on the oils in the face which caused a sunken look and more wrinkles. That was many years ago when dutasteride first became available though.
  16. True Maxxy. Even back then the results I was reading were all over the place. And you have to take into consideration that some of the posts were either intentionally or unintentially misleading and non factual. I can only speak on behalf of my results while on Avodart. I experienced a very very intense shed. It would have been interesting to see if the shed would have stopped, but reports of some people continuing to shed many months into use was enough to make me quit.
  17. The first time I used Proscar(finisteride) I had no visible shedding. It worked great for about 3 years but it eventually lost its effectiveness and I was back to where I started. Next I tried Avodart, and the shedding was quite severe. Every square inch of my head was shedding roughly at the same rate. It became noticeable in the top and crown. I quit out of fear the shedding would not stop. I started Proscar again about 4 months before my HT just in case it might help. Where I didn't shed the first time I started Proscar, i was shedding this time. Mostly in the frontal core. If I had to put a number on it, maybe my density went from 40FU/CM2 down to 30. It was more noticeable to me than anyone else.
  18. Eh? Do you know something we don't? Why would you kiss your hairline goodbye on Dut vs Fin? Many years ago before I tried Avodart, I read the forums about other people's results while on the drug. They were quite varied and ranged from extreme success to dismal failure. Most experienced at least an initial shed, but some did not. However, many of those who had a good result still experienced a continued impact on the hairline and frontal core area. My hairloss was all in the crown so I wasn't too worried. I figured my hairline was too strong to be affected. But after about 2 months on Avodart, my hairline receded roughly 1/3 to 1/2 inch and my frontal core thinned significantly. However to be fair, I was shedding over every square inch of my head. The shedding might have eventually stopped but I had read on the forums that for some it had not stopped even after many months of use. I did not want to take the chance so I stopped taking it. It took about 5 months for most of the hair I lost to return. However, even some of the consultants here will confirm this. One of Shapiro's consultants(not Matt) had mentioned that their patients who had success with Avodart but that many of them mentioned it was "hell on the hairline". There was a lot of speculation on the fourms why some were being adversely affected on the hairline while having such good success in the crown. It was postulated that the frontal core area might be affected by testosterone more than DHT. Since Avodart was such a powerful DHT inhibitor, that meant less DHT created while leaving a lot more testosterone reaching the scalp.
  19. This is strictly my personal opinion after 6 months of intensive research. If you intend on doing a megasession of more than 4000, then Dr. Wong probably trumps everyone in the coalition. If doing 4000 or less, then Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Wong are essentially tied. Both probably rate 99.9 out of 100. A close third place would probably go to Dr. Hasson. Dr. Feller is the "King of FUE" but I personally think H&W and the Shapiro's are superior for strip surgery from the results I've seen. Dr. Rahal is the king of the "movie star" hairline, while Dr. Ron Shapiro is probably the king of natural looking hairlines aimed towards the specific age of the patient. Again, this is strictly my personal opinion.
  20. Avodart can be more effective on the crown, but be ready to kiss your hairline goodbye if you start that stuff.
  21. lol, under no circumstances will you ever even notice those 4-8 hairs. I wouldn't sweat it unless you knocked out 100 grafts.
  22. He supposedly took a little bit of it off but I'm not sure where. The old scar is probably only 3-4 inches tops. The new incission is roughly 1.5 inches lower. Even though I believe he planned on taking the new strip lower, he did offer to remove the old scar too. I kind of brushed it off saying that it really didn't bother me. And for the last 14 years it hasn't. It also didn't occur to me at that time that the old scar had probably stretched. But after all the scalp exercises it's the only part that is hurting. The area where the new incision was removed has no pain at all.
  23. I haven't posted much since my HT Oct. 12th last year. I had mentioned that I had done the scalp exercises an average of one hour per day instead of the recommended 30 minutes. Some days I even did as much as two hours. The benefit from my extended sessions resulted in my laxity going from tight to very loose. However, looking back I wonder if doing more than the recommended amount is wise. One thing that occured is a loosening of the skin enough to where I actually developed a turkey neck! I had originally attributed this to getting older and that I just hadn't noticed before. But after I stopped the excercises and had the operation, my turkey neck has mostly disappeared. The second drawback is that I believe it likely stretched the old HT scar I had. Granted, it was very short in length since only 400 grafts were removed back in 1996. However, I notice now that the old scar is the one hurting. The new HT scar healed up very nicely and I have no pain there at all. But anytime my head rests on the back of a chair or I have a tighter hat on, the old scar starts giving me trouble. This just gave me pause for thinking that it might be better to stick to the recommended 30 minutes per day instead of trying to overdo it for the additional laxity.
  24. I've read other cases where some guys shed on finisteride while they didn't on Propecia. If it's true, it is unusual because it is *supposed* to be the same thing. However, the first time I took finisteride, I didn't experience a shed. I had great results but the medicine eventually lost its effectiveness and I ended up back where I started. Contrary to the belief that you shed much more if you get off, I noticed zero change after I stopped. But afer stopping for 4 years, I started again in preperation for my HT. This time I shed like crazy so I quit again. It has taken about 5 months but I have regained most of what i lost on the shed. You probably will too.
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