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Posts posted by PSJohnny

  1. Hi everyone!

    Here's my 9 month pictures. I keep looking back at my old pictures and I can not believe the transformation. It's amazing that I can stand outside in the wind and not worry about my hair flipping over any more ( I remember trying to stand in the direction of the wind just to stop it from flipping my hair over and not being embarrassed!😅)  Instead of being frustrated in the morning on how to do my hair (there wasn't much left) I now look forward to styling it, it's fun! I keep getting compliments from friends I haven't seen in while telling me "I'm not sure what it is, but you look younger, did you do something to you hair?" My response always is "I grew it out!"
    😆. I honestly do not think about it anymore, if anything I look at it and just admire the work and am very grateful for choosing Dr. Wong.  Enjoy!

    9month2.thumb.jpg.9c2ef0c2ead72232211f1f9fd35d2061.jpg  9month1.thumb.jpg.ac3ff9affc1ac89ce6d01e0259da41fe.jpg  9month3.thumb.jpg.8c1967ec6e12edae5778ebeee88f8e57.jpg 9month4.thumb.jpg.0997434e8ef5f07694fa9a26c440e3c6.jpg   9month5.thumb.jpg.ac1a484edb38324f69e096705c9fab19.jpg 9month6.thumb.jpg.ee61e7a65b335d5132942d039d2d57ca.jpg

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  2. Hi everyone!

    Here's my 2nd month update. I would say at this point I feel completely normal in both my incision area and where the grafts were placed. I don't have any abnormal feelings around the incision area or the graft placement area. Currently, I have a 4 guard cut in the pictures below. I'm really enjoying the length; no more dreading those windy days! If you notice I'm getting a lot of pimples in the crown area and a couple up the in the front ; I'm hoping they're ingrown hairs. If anyone has input on that let me know. Not much else to report, until next month.


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  3. Hi everyone!

    Here's my 1 month update, I really like the way everything is progressing. A lot of hair has fallen out but of course that's to be expected. I would say that 80% if not more of the feeling has come back in the incision area; it still has a weird tingling feeling when I touch certain areas. The top of my head is also starting to get feeling back. The incision scar looks better day after day. Also, for the amount of hair on my head I actually like the length of my hair cut. This last cut I went with a 4 guard. Not much else to report so I'll make sure to update next month.


    1Month(3).thumb.jpg.f76ce006bb9f10238130b88b62c841c2.jpg 1Month(5).thumb.jpg.527223917d8fc9f10761a8e192b9b555.jpg 


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  4. As promised here's the next update.

    So far I feel great; I'm starting to have feeling back in the incision area. It seems like a lot of the redness has gone away on my scalp. I was given the OK to remove my staples on day 13. I had a total of 72 staples removed (I had a family member do it) . Then the next day on day 14 I cut my hair to a 5 guard on the sides which I really liked especially given how long it was. I had a couple family members look at my scar and they were saying it's super hard to tell where it is. I figure once the holes from the staples heal I may go shorter with my hair cut. Also, you'll notice that on the right side picture you can see my incision area a little better ( I think this is because the way I wear my hat ), it's also a definite difference in length from probably 1/8" of hair where the incision was made compared to 5/8" of hair cut around it.  You can also see how in the back of my head the hear sticks out which is where it would on the adjustment part of the hat.






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  5. @Grouse TBH, I usually have my hair a little longer on the sides, I don't usually go bellow a 2 guard when I would get a hair cut ( just my personal preference) I never liked the faded cuts that are in style currently. Of course, IMO I feel that with FUT I'm gathering from the most DHT resistant area (hopefully) . Also, with my amount of hair loss I feel that FUT was just going to be the better route. 

    Yes I'm on finesteride

    Thank you for the kind comment, I really hope so! 

    @hairlossPA Thank you,  I'll be making sure to update at least once a month or bi monthly, just depends on if there's anything to report.

    @stephcurry30 If you look at prior work you'll see that with anyone; remember this is an illusion of density ( not true density ). From a couple years of research, I have seen that Dr. Wong has done countless surgeries and I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing. Currently, I wouldn't be too critical on just a couple days postop; what really matters is 6 months from now. I'll be updating with photos pretty soon so you can see what it looks like. Stay tuned 😊


  6. @A_4_Archan  I’m sending a request for the strip length/size and my pre op pictures; I’ll post them as soon as I get them. Thank you for the kind words

    @mrmajified Thank you sir; Yes, I’ve been watching your story a month before my surgery which was very encouraging. Best of luck to you as well

    @ng528 Aww man bummer I didn’t get to see you. Thank you for the kinds words ; happy growing!

    @Melvin- Moderator Thanks Melvin! I really hope so; I couldn’t believe like you said how they rebuilt everything. I was in absolute shock how amazing it looked; I haven't seen hair there in so long it’s just mind blowing.

    @sftraderHT Thank you!


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  7. Hi everyone!

    Well, I finally did it! I had my first HT procedure done, it’s taken me a couple of days to compile the pictures and my thoughts. Just as a background I started losing my hair probably around 21 or 22. I started my research probably around 26 or 27. I then spoke with a couple of clinics over the phone and started to get an idea what sort of work I needed. The last clinic I spoke with was H&W and I was given a good feeling because I was able to meet with their patient representative in person. I met with Doug back at the end of 2019 and was told I needed anywhere from 5,000 to 6,500 grafts to achieve an appearance of full coverage. He told me my laxity was perfect; however, my hair caliber seemed a little fine. Doug offered me an appointment around February 2020; but unfortunately, I needed a little more advance notice for my job. Fast forward 3 years due to covid I finally made an appointment for an FUT on August 8th 2023 with Dr. Wong.

    I arrived at the clinic at 6:15AM sharp. I was greeted by one of the staff members ( I don’t remember her name ); but she was very helpful in calming my nerves and encouraging me about how this is only temporary ( I can’t stress enough how helpful she was ). It was now time to meet up with Dr. Wong; he said my hair caliber was great in addition to the laxity. He then shaved the top of my head and drew a hair line. We agreed everything looked good and moved to the next step. I was given a stress reliever ( I’m not sure what it was; but it definitely helped). I then moved to the operating room to get started with removing my strip. I think it took about an hour or so to take off the strip completely. One of the technicians even offered for me to take a look at them dissecting the grafts ( which was amazing ). Next, Dr. Wong made the incisions on my crown area and his technicians went to work. After finishing the crown, we then breaked for lunch. After lunch we moved on to the mid and frontal area and finished around 6PM. Dr. Wong did all the incisions and placed a couple grafts throughout the whole operation. In the entire time of the operation Dr. Wong periodically came by which gave me complete comfort in the whole operation. I can’t express enough how at ease I was during the whole procedure. My total count at the end of the day turned out to be : 5,534 grafts.

    Feel free to ask me questions ; I gained so much knowledge from this place and now it's time for me to give back.





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  8. Hi guys not sure if anyone has answers to these questions but...

    Does anyone know if after an HT procedure how long patients have to wait to donate blood and more specifically plasma? A friend has gotten me into donating plasma and I'm curious how long I would have to wait to donate. Currently you're allowed to donate plasma twice a week; as long as you're not diabetic and HIV free.

    In addition, something I also read while reading about fin and Proscar on the internet if anyone can confirm this too is that you're not allowed to donate blood or plasma since they don't seperate men and women's blood when donating which doesn't make much since to me. Thanks

  9. Dr Lindsey this is definitely an informative video and great turn out. I really like your calm and very generous attitude. I think the patient is more than excited for the outcome. Is the patient using finasteride? Do you think the patient will need to come later in life after these 2 hts? Sorry if I missed it in the video or in your write up but what was the total number of grafts after both sessions? This video absolutely encourages me! :)

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