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Posts posted by PSJohnny

  1. Hello all,



    I've been wanting to get on finasteride for sometime now but I can't get a doctors appointment for a couple of months (darn hmo) . In the mean time until my appointment I was considering hims; has anyone used this company? Do they sell generic? I'm not sure what's the going price but are they overpriced(hims sells it for $28.50 on their website for a month supply) ? Once I get a perscription from my doctor; should I ditch them all together and then go to Walmart for my prescription? Or should I just be patient for my doctor's appointment? Thank you all for your input!

  2. Hey Melvin Htsoon, have you experimented growing your hair longer? Is it personal preference how long you have your hair? I was curious if transplanted hair just doesnt look right too long and thought you'd be the perfect person to ask. I remember watching a video that the hair transplant mentor put up on you tube saying that transplanted hair just didn't seem right grown own long or maybe that was just his personal preference. In any case, has it been something you've considered? Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Wow Matt, just saw your thread. Did you talk to the doctor about this? I think you're still a little early in being concerned even if you're thinking the top is looking a little thin. Can anyone else chime in on this about shock loss happening in an area where he didn't have the HT done? I'm very surprised in seeing this; I'm no expert but I've seen plenty of results on this forum and have never seen shock loss happening in area where the person didn't even have the HT. I'll agree with you when you're saying there's some thinning; do you have any pictures to compare it to? Maybe consider taking supplements such as Biotin and possibly consider Propecia. Hopefully this is just a phase or something and it'll start thickening up.

  4. zaxter,


    I'm completely amazed by the pictures I've been reading your thread since the beginning and just wow! You're healing very nicely and the results nothing less than amazing. May I ask are you using fin/propecia or minoxidil? Honestly, I keep seeing results like these in this forum and it encourages me every day that the best decision is Hasson and Wong.... I'm getting pretty close to making my appointment for my first HT; so maybe you can help encourage me while I go through all the tough phases. I appreciate you being so persistent in positing your pictures and your thoughts it really helps in my decision making. Thank you

  5. 451stroker ,


    I had the same quote from Hasson and Wong except for 5,000 grafts and am in the same dilemma as you. Like Hsrp10 suggested I also agree to a 2 procedure approach. Im not sure if you mentioned your norwood pattern but Im a norwood 5. I want to be as conservative as possible because most people have only 10,000 grafts in their donor area. I would like to only use 5,000 grafts, look some what decent and forget about this whole male pattern baldness thing. :P I've been pretty set on Hasson and Wong but I really should get some more quotes. Let us know what you find out from the rep ; I didnt even think about the 2 technicians or 1 technician working on the hairline.

  6. Hello all,


    Long time lurker first time poster. I am 29 years old and have been dealing with this whole male pattern baldness for about 5 or 6 years. I didn't really mind it until 2 years ago which at this point I don't have much to work with :P. I've only considered FUT since I usually wear my hair long; however, let me know what you think. Should I still wait? Also, lets start a top 5 HT doctors I should consider. The doctors I've considered are : Hasson and Wong , Alexander, Bhatti, and Cooley. By the way I live in the US on the west coast.


    I've only done a sit down with Dr. Hasson and Wong's rep Mike ; he recommended 5,000 grafts. I was thinking that 5,000 might be too much at one time. Maybe take a slower approach such as 3,000 grafts for the front and middle and then 3,000 grafts again for the crown and what ever is left over that needs touch up.


    Currently, I only use lipogaine instead of generic minoxidil since it's not as greasy. I only do it once a day because I'm too lazy to put it on at night. I've been back and fourth thinking about using fin/propecia but maybe it will help?:confused: (I'm kinda embarrassed to ask the doctor) Should I be taking fin/propecia before a HT doctors sees my situation? Also, I started taking a generic biotin 1000mg. I'm going to attach pictures so you guys can see what I'm dealing with. Thanks for your help and reading my first thread.



    1. FUT? Should I wait

    2. Top 5 doctors I should choose

    3. Slow approach or mass with FUT

    3. Should I start fin/propecia





  7. Wow! TheEnd890, these results look great! I just read the beginning of your story and I too share the exact same problem. I am 29 and am a norwood 5A as well; I also agree that it was the stress of school and life. I am contemplating Dr. Wong to do my first procedure; I dont have a date set though. I'm looking forward to your next ht ! Looks amazing so far.

  8. Wow looks amazing! In the 16 week pictures you can't even tell there's a scar! I just started reading your whole HT experience and now I'm really considering Dr. Alexander for my HT. I work in the same environment as you which has kinda scared me but your story is very encouraging. I was thinking of taking like 3 weeks of vacation time to heal. Thanks again for your updates; I am really excited to see month 5. Happy growing!

  9. HTsoon I've been following your thread for a while now; your results look amazing and they definitely have given me courage to get started on my journey soon. It's so embarrassing when the older guys at the office have more hair than the youngest guy in the office. :( I'm really considering Dr. Bhatti this coming year since tickets are the cheapest during the Spring time.

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