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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. I ask because I am currently taking the following: Dut 0.5mg daily Niz 2% eod Minox 5% (just added) I'm doing fine with these treatments at the moment. However things will change once I take "supplements" that increase the test in my body. I'm thinking more test = more conversion to dht, which means more hairloss. So in theory I figured if I increased the percentage of test from converting to dht by combining more drugs then it will balance things out. I am also considering increasing my dut to 2.5mg while on the supplement to suppress over 95% serum dht and almost 80% scalp dht. That should combat the increase test production in my body. Adding saw palmetto, I figured will also help suppres more serum dht. I hope you understand where I'm coming from now.
  2. No you had it correct the first time. If suppose dutasteride inhibits "serum" dht (approx) by 90%, and u add to your regimen saw palmetto which inhibits serum dht (for example) 10%, does that mean ure inhibiting near 100% serum dht? I can't understand the lack od responses to this question. I personally think its a very rellivent and good question. Same goes for scalp dht. If one is taking dut where it inhibits (approx) 55% scalp dht, and ketokonazole 2% where it inhibits (for example) 10% scalp dht, does that mean the combined treatments together will inhibit near 65% scalp dht?
  3. it's called a neck lift and the outcomes are usually good. try googling necklift and before and after photos to give u an idea
  4. If you combine drugs for hairloss treatment, does that mean you have combined their percentages as well? For example: Drug A = inhibits 80% serum DHT Drug B = inhibits 15% serum DHT Drug C = inhibits 5% serum DHT Will taking all 3 drugs mean that there will be approximately 100% chance of inhibitting serum DHT?
  5. Nothing wrong with putting your faith in god. But if i recall correctly almost every faith asks you to put faith in god, make or state your wish, but then u need to go out and do ure part. u cant just pray to be successfull and sit around watch tv all day. go out and try and maybe if ure prayer is heard He'll do his part. If your opinion is correct then even the most relgious individuals of each religion would never take medication, or get a job. They'll just sit home praying their illness goes away on its own or sit home praying for money to come their way without any effort on their part. I'm not religious but i do believe in god and i have studied religions. make your prayer, then act on it.
  6. Only time will tell. But prior to the shed, dut did regrow new hairs on my crown and vertex. So if even they regrow, it will still be considered regrowing my shedded hairs along wit new hairs. But time will confirm this.
  7. Thanks man. I thought about that Maxxy, but it's just too many hairs growing in at one time. And not only in the transplanted area (only in front) but all over the top of my scalp. I'm 8.5mnths post-op. Ofcourse, there may be some hairs growing in which may be the new hairs post transplant, but if they are they're growing in in conjunction with my shedded hairs too.
  8. Severn I hope you read this. I want to thank everyone who responded with imperitive imformation and insight, especially severn. You guys were right. My hairs shedded ARE starting to grow back! THe only thing I did differently severn, was I didn't stop using the dut. I continued because for some reason i had hope that it was just a shed and regrowth will follow. For 3 months as you know my hair was murdered and stabbed to death. THen the shed slowed down, then it halted for about a month, and now I see a lot of regrowth terminal hairs and my hair is exceptionally thicker. Thanks everyone. This site rocks.
  9. Time out for a second. A few questions please: Regarding the photo Pats just posted of Balboa... 1) Is that 5 months post op? 2) Is that the latest pic balboa posted? 3) How many months post op is Balboa now?
  10. If the hairs have broken through the skin why wouldn't they be visible? Not even in a magnifying mirror under harsh lighting? Or even felt with the tips of the fingers?
  11. i honestly hope and wish i am wrong. there is nothing more hurtful than a cosmetic procedure gone wrong. i would personally not be happy in his shoes, but good to see he is satisfied. B Spot, what are the realistic chances of new hairs growing in after the 8th and 9th post-op mark?
  12. I'm sorry to say but this procedure looks like a failure to me. My heart goes out to you. At 9 months it is very very rare you will see newly sprouted hairs. Thickening will occur for a few more months, but very rare new hair growth. I wish for everyone's sake that after the 9th month post-op mark there are still many more new hairs to grow in.
  13. Sonic you have "shill" and "spy" and "twoface" written all over you. In fact, you have "hidden agenda" stamped right across your forward. Your pathetic attemts to discredit balboa are bringing you out further and further into the light. If you're wondering why nobody has exposed you yet it's because you're doing a fine job of it all by yourself. Don't think for a split second you're on a roll and fooling the readers. You know the say "give someone enough rope, and they'll hang their self".
  14. Hey Bill, congrats on the day and night transformation. That's some good crown work there and I think crown work is the hardest. Any monkey can take the entire donor area and stuff it into the hairline but it takes real skills for crown work. Did you find that the crown grows in very slow? Because if that's you at almost 7 months, then you're not even at 40% thickness.
  15. When did you try to contact them?
  16. Telling from the team involved it actually does seem to have some hope to it. I wouldn't necessarily say it's shady or it's not legit based on its website. It's a straight forward message being conveyed. No need for fancy colorful website. Leave that to the likes of those who are desparately trying to lure $$$ or people to them.
  17. You only know this and I only know this to be true because we are familiar with the multiple forums online for hair transplants. If you tell the novice to trust the forums and read the forums prior to deciding he still won't have a good idea of which clinic is what. You and I know this forum by Pats and Bill to be the most trusted forum without any hidden agendas because we're really familiar with the online forums and games. The new untrained eye doesn't know that certain surgeons, certain clinics pay those a few of the other forum moderators under the table to have posts and threads deleted that expose their butchered patient's results when they cry for help and delete those who expose their dishonesty. Certain Hair transplant clinic(s) even go as far as "compensating" individuals to make a few accounts on the forums and do nothing other than make their "average" transplants portrayed as a work of God, attack anyone who questions their work, and cheerlead day and night. Or what we call "paid shills". What do I mean by compensating? Free hair transplant (usually in the 2000-3000 grafts #'s and all in the hairline) for their (how they word it in their agreements) "partnership" or "individual contractor" efforts. I've been around for many years on these forums and can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that brandnew has a hidden agenda for his posts. I know this. You may know this. And I'm sure the veterans of this forum knows this. It gives me a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach to know that I was once in his shoes. I'll leave it at that. Someone mentioned something about a clinic sueing their patient and threatening to sue their patient when they speak up. This is nothing but to scare them and it actually works. The irony here is that that same threat to shut them up can and will actually hurt the clinic/surgeon in court. Without getting into any legality terms right now, no surgeon and/or clinic has any right whatsoever to threaten their patient when the patient speaks out against them for wrongful malpractice by the clinic/surgeon, REGARDLESS of what agreement they signed. Any agreement they sign that states they may not speak against the clinic after the hair transplant has scam written all over it. Any agreement that states the patient can be sued for "$5,000,000.00" if they speak against the clinic has scam written all over it. Not only are scams fraud but they will make the judge sick to their stomach. And any agreement made with the intent to scam and/or fraud is nullified (void) immediately. Any monkey can put an agreement together with the intention to scare the living shit out of someone if they don't abide by it, by they will never be held up in court. There's never been a case in history where a surgeon takes his patient to court for speaking against them because they were unhappy with their results or they were butchered because it DOESNT EXIST. Im sure its been tried but you'll never hear about it because it's BS. You have however heard of thousands, if not millions of patients taking their multi-million corporation surgeons to court and 9 out of 10 times win. And they win big. hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. How do I know all this? Everyone is going to find out real soon depending on the resoponse I get from my clinic. You can bully hundreds of kids for their lunch money, but one you'll just bully the wrong kid. Every empire has its fall and evil will one day compensate for all its bad.
  18. I spoke to H&W clinic 2 days ago (man, its eating me alive that I didnt go to them in the first place) and they suggested I stay on dut. They don't think dut was any reason for the loss of my transplanted hairs because they are "supposedly" not prone to dht and dut only sheds hairs prone to dht. They said getting off dut will cause more shed. They also suggested that it can be possible shockloss, and that shocklos rarely comes back. They were however troubled by why I have bumps in my temples and hairlines! The irony here is that the transplanted hairs and my natural hairs shedding began all at the same time, same day.
  19. Hey Severn and everyone else, Just a quick update. After posting here I thought my shedding had stopped but it didnt. But the los of transplanted hairs don't fall out anymore - I think. My shed has slowed a bit but not stopped. Now it's slowing down and stil not halted still. As far as my natural hair goes, it's significantly lesser than before. My crown loss has expanded drastically and the top of my head and right behind my hairline has thinned significantly as well. My transplanted hairs are...well...very sad. I honestly remember looking thicker than this at 3 months post-op. This morning I reached to scratch my temple and in my nail caught a scab. In the scab were tiny hairs on one side and bulb on the other side. Looks just like the hairs shedding with the scab a few weeks post transplant. I saved it for a photo. Since my surgery I've had bumps on my hairline and temples, visible scars/bumps from either the insicions they made or from the needles (consulted with H&W and confirmed these scars/bumps are permanent). I wasn't concerned about them after 4months post-op because hairs covered it. But now that most of the hairs fell off the bumps are visible and ugly. I've decided that this weekend I am going to make an effort in post detailed pictures: pre-tranplant, graft placement, immediate post op, 2 months post-op, 3months post-op, 5 months post-op, and recent ones. I even took pictures of my crown just to document dut's progress.
  20. I have further researched the administration of ketokonazole and dutasteride usage together and found that the two drugs have a "moderate" drug interaction. How bad is this? And can this be the cause of the fatal hair shedding? If so, why would it be almost all transplanted hairs?
  21. thnx again seven. scorpian i hope for both our sakes the hairs regrow. i'm baffled by it. i asked many people who started dut after a hair transplant (most of H&W patients) and none of them confirmed that their transplanted hairs shed.
  22. chanyouzhe, did you lose hairs recently to make it look thin at the 8th month mark? Or is it thin even at the 8th month mark? How soon can and how late can shockloss take place post-op?
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