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Everything posted by farmcat

  1. I can't believe that anybody is trying to even somehow "explain" these results. There isn't one individual on here who would be satisfied if those were their results. 5400 grafts should have shown marked improvement and Joe commenting on only showing the hairline? Most HT's I have seen seem to focus on the frontal third first as far as density goes so if anything his hairline is probably the best portion of his result! Not using meds? Of course that doesn't help his situation, but his DHT resistant 5400 grafts should give much better coverage, even if he lost all of his native hair on top. I really feel for this guy, 5400 grafts that he can't get back. :mad: This is VERY disappointing
  2. I am no expert, I have had strip surgery (in the 1990's), never had FUE. I am not sure why you believe that FUE isn't a viable option from the start. I have read some of the "debates", but have seen quite a few before/afters of advanced norwoods who only had FUE and they had great results. 1). Im not sure I am understanding your question, but I think the scalp laxity is what really makes a difference on how the scar heals. If your scalp is very tight I think your scar could stretch and give you a wider scar (not certain on this?) 2). You can have more than one strip surgery (I did), again, probably depends on scalp laxity.....but I feel FUE allows you to take from the sides of your head as well, strip really doesn't. 3). I have seen SMP into scars that looked pretty good (in pictures) but realistically, that scar is from ear to ear in a semi circle shape, I bet once you have it (like me) shaving your head isn't really an option I will say I had my strip a long time ago, I would bet technology is much better. I will also say that I think strip is much more traumatic to the scalp and can cause numbness that lasts quite a while and my hair below my strip scar is much thinner than above, and I do believe that the surgery is what caused that. I don't know if the surgery affected the blood supply in that area or what, but it is definitely thinner. I have never had FUE so I can't really say much first hand about that, but if/when I do anything in the future, FUE is the only way I will go. Like I said, other members seem very knowledgable on here, I would take their word over mine, just make sure you are not taking advice from someone who is pushing any particular doctors as they will obviously be biased.
  3. This is the thread 1966: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.co...disclosed.html FUE2014 posted it above......it would be great to include this information in the cases presented, would be peace of mind to prospective patients
  4. Thanks FUE....just read through that thread, many good ideas! I think it is a great idea to be able to find info about the techs on the clinic's website, but would also like to see the tech's information and involvement listed in the description on each transplant case presented to the forums. I realize that the tech involvement is probably crucial to the transplant doctor (for fatigue, etc) but feel that as a result, tech involvement can affects outcomes as much if not more than the doctor's work.
  5. I understand that most clinics are using techs in a lot of the procedures being performed. Although I can understand why these doctors want/ need to use techs, it also means when a patient goes to a clinic for a particular doctor's work, they are really only going to this doctor "in name", there is truly no way of knowing who is going to be doing a lot of your surgery. I was thinking that maybe along with the graft count and pre/ post op pics, surgeons should include the names of the assisting techs and a short description of their involvement? I know this could add a lot of work to the documentation, but if techs are going to be doing a lot of the work, it would be reassuring to be able to follow their work/ consistency as well. Then possibly when scheduling a surgery, a patient could be informed of all parties that will be working on them and also be able to search the tech's work by keyword search to see how consistent their results are as well? Any thoughts or ideas?
  6. I think feller is very expensive, especially for fue $10/ graft and the price doesn't drop no matter how many you get 4000 grafts would be $40,000! Also, be skeptical of all before and after photos
  7. Ko.....I PM'ed you....don't know if you got it......just pretty much said I don't know much about his use of techs......definitely something too look into before making any decisions
  8. Thanks for the info hairweare. I would like to think that the techs that Lorenzo uses have been trained by him and are up to his quality of work, and that hopefully is the case, but it definitely does concern me. I would think the extraction process is probably crucial in graft yield and seeing Lorenzo's consistent results was pretty reassuring, but now not knowing who is gonna be doing the extractions is troubling, I don't have enough donor for a bad yield (I guess really nobody does). Unfortunately, it seems as though all HT docs use techs now so its almost as though there is really now way of knowing who is gonna be working on you no matter where you go. I guess I will just have to look at current results from Lorenzo's clinic to see if he can produce a number of home run results as he has in the past. I will check out the European and Spanish forums and see what they are saying. Thanks again Hairweare
  9. Hairweare, I know you had work done by Lorenzo (at Farjo) and you were happy with his work and you have another surgery scheduled with him. I have read on here that he is now using techs more in his surgeries in Madrid, do you know anything about that? His work (and videos) are some of the best I've seen, but now I am concerned that he might not be the one doing the work. Im not scheduled with him yet but seriously considering it.
  10. Definitely coming in, I will admit, I was worried for you.....glad to see this major improvement
  11. Thanks for the response Pma. Nice to be able to hear from a real person who has just gone thru it. I would haven't thought of having the address written down for the driver (good idea!). I agree with the conservative hairline placement as well, I would rather have good coverage overall than a super low hairline and have to let my crown bald. Excited to watch your progress.
  12. Looks great Pma, looking forward to following your progress. Lorenzo's results are the most impressive I have seen. I have a few questions if you don't mind. 1). Was it hard making payment? I am from the US and worry about carrying a lot of money through customs. How did you make payment? 2). How was traveling from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the clinic? Does the clinic have anything set up with a taxi service to get you back and forth from the clinic to the hotel or do you have to find your own way back and forth? 3). Did you stay in the hotel ibis the entire time you were there? Could you eat at the hotel or did you go out? I read that some people used a cold saline spray for itching, did your room have a small fridge to keep something like this in or anything like that? 4). Did they give you some type of cover or hat to wear after the surgery? Thanks for the thread Pma.
  13. Thanks for the response Pma, looking forward to your updates. Sure you will get a great result, Lorenzo is the best in my mind. Considering going to him myself, just concerned about my (not great) donor.
  14. Hey Pma, did you have your operation yet?
  15. I am wondering what some fue with smp would look like.....you said you already shave your head so it wouldn't be a big step in shaving....the fue (especially in the frontal third) with smp could give you the shadow look. I don't know much about smp, have never had it done....can't argue for or against it....if I were going to do it I would do the temporary smp (that fades over time)....the downside is that you would probably have to get it redone every two years and that $$$ could really add up. The permanent smp isn't good because I hear the ink expands over time and changes color so you could end up with one big blue blob of ink on your head (from what I have read).
  16. These are the prices I have seen, but I would suggest you contact their clinic to be sure: The first 1000uf is 6€ ($7.58) per unit The second 1000uf is 4€ ($5.05) per unit And the rest is 2.5€ ($3.16) per unit Injerto Capilar Like I said, I haven't been to this clinic, I am only going by their videos, their results look good.....make sure to do your research first
  17. Not sure if your willing to travel, but Dr. Lorenzo has a lot of great results. He is located in Madrid, Spain and might be a little more $$ but its the result that really matters. I haven't gone to him but am considering it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZReMHLJtrmN2DPZWsP98-A
  18. I think your result looks great, especially considering the area covered and the low number of grafts
  19. Im not sure what site I read that on topside, I go on a few. I think it might have been on one of the threads on this site about bad results from Rahal, but Im not sure?
  20. Was it techs or the doctor that implanted your grafts? Did the same person implant both sides? I have no idea why one side would grow better, but someone posted somewhere that if you have two techs implanting the grafts on different sides its possible that one didn't as good a job. Good luck with your recent transplant, hope all grows well!
  21. Meshak, were you told by a doctor that you don't have any donor left? Its just my opinion but your donor doesn't look that bad. You could possibly get an fue instead of strip for a second transplant and get smp (tattoo) to fix you scar and as filler on top. You look good with the buzzed cut. This is just my opinions, I hope something works out for you. Plus I know VERY LITTLE about smp (tattoo's) but I would probably go the temporary smp if I did get it done.
  22. I am wondering what is a decent density considered in terms of grafts per cm2 (considering a medium caliber and average 2 hairs per graft)? Does anybody know of any pictures where you can compare 10 grafts/cm2 vs 20 vs 30, etc? Thanks in advance for replies.
  23. Great Result, I am wondering how he has "come about" the 100% growth rate? Did they really count each graft or is that some computer software? Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I have seen Dr. Erdogan show that before and not sure how he proves it. Its awesome to see those yields.
  24. Thanks for that link KO.....very much appreciated
  25. Thanks BUSA for the suggestions, I will look into those doctors.....greatly appreciated
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