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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. ^ this. Systems rarely look natural in the front. The ones that do are called “Hollywood systems” you have to get them replaced every 3 weeks, which adds up in the long run.
  2. I have never heard of this doctor, the work looks pretty clean. Was the doctor involved in the surgery or was it mostly technicians?
  3. I think getting a system as a Norwood 3 is unnecessary. Are you really a Norwood 3? Or a Diffused Norwood 7? I too thought I was a Norwood 3, when in reality I was a diffuse Norwood 6/7. Can you share some pictures?
  4. The topical finasteride is available now. It was officially launched. You can access the website and sign up. For those of you interested in the free trial, I will be creating a separate thread with more details soon. Here’s the free trial thread
  5. Thanks I really appreciate it 🙏🏼 Let me see if they will let me post the slides here. I believe they will put the studies on their site.
  6. We have our list of recommendations from all over, this is a fairly straightforward case. I suggest looking at the link, researching these doctors, and then submitting some consultations. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  7. I will for sure ask, be sure to join the podcast as well. https://www.clinicadefreitas.com/trasplante-capilar-bht-espana/
  8. If you can’t afford decent surgeons save up, or don’t get surgery. Looking for doctors based on cheap cost is a sure way to get botched. Doing nothing is never a bad choice.
  9. They are good surgeons no doubt. Chest hair is last resort donor source. Dr. De Freitas has done chest hair before, but only on certain patients and cases. BHT in general requires a different type of punch and technique. BHT is usually only done with surgeons that do extensive repairs or high baldness. From what I’ve seen Cuoto and Pinto do Norwood 2-4 mostly, so there’s no need to do BHT. Doesn’t mean they’re not excellent surgeons. I will be talking to Dr. Bisanga, one of the best in Europe. I will be sure to ask him about chest hair and the survival rate. He has used chest hair a lot on repair cases.
  10. The research is only as good as the surgeon. That’s my point, while one surgeon may only get 29% another may get 80-85%.
  11. I wouldn’t touch the front. The back needs 100% full attention. The crown is particularly difficult because of how the hair is angled, and the sheer size. You also need a fair amount of grafts in the middle. It’s by no means a small or easy procedure. The surgeon should invest their attention to the crown the first round.
  12. I know chest hair isn’t as good as beard, but the survival is definitely much higher than %5. Even Dr. Camacho noted that they can get close to a 100% if they do a small number. My biggest issue with medical literatures is that you’re relying on one surgeons expertise and experience, as we know. Surgeons are not created equal, their talent and results vary widely. 10 years ago there was a study that showed FUE grafts skeletonized. The grafts barely grew. Everyone referenced this study as proof that FUE was inferior. Well, now we know that isn’t true, and that particular surgeon wasn’t very good at FUE.
  13. Wow you’re looking really good man, I can see the hairs aren’t even mature yet. This is going to be a home run.
  14. If you make denigrating comments as an attempt to be funny, that to me is trolling. If I say HLC are butchers, but then say it’s a joke, that’s trolling.
  15. PRP has been said to stimulate hair growth. Some surgeons include it with a hair transplant, as a way to improve growth. I can’t say that it makes a difference if I’m being honest. But I will say that it doesn’t hurt.
  16. I have seen some excellent results in the crown particularly from Dr. Arshad. I think you should plan for two-part procedure. First procedure should address the crown and upper midscalp, it’s the biggest area of concern. Second procedure should address the frontal third, to reinforce it with additional density. The crown/midscalp will require at least 3,500 grafts minimum. You have a large degree of hair loss. You will need a lot of grafts especially in the crown. Here’s the area I would have mapped out.
  17. There’s no way you can fully eliminate hair transplant scars. You can laser of transplanted hair, get smp to your donor, but you will never look 100%. Hair transplants are a serious lifelong commitment. If you have the idea of shaving in your mind do it first! If you don’t like a shaved head, chances are you never will. If you do like a shaved head, well there’s your solution.
  18. I haven’t seen any repairs from that clinic. My advice is to use our advanced search page and look up repairs.
  19. You have hair mills and one good doctor. Affordable doctors are Dr. Bicer, Dr. Turan, and Dr. Camacho. Stay away from hair mills with no doctor involvement.
  20. Stabilizing your hair loss should be your number one goal. Have you considered topical finasteride?
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