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Fingers Crossed

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Posts posted by Fingers Crossed

  1. Bill, I can definitely relate! I sacrificed getting a new car as well and future payments for graduate school. I paid a lot of money for my one hair transplant and if everything pans out like I hope, it will be well worth the money. I haven't told too many people about my HT, but the one's who know are supportive and they knew how I felt about my hair loss. I also distanced myself from friends that know nothing about my HT...we have more of a "phone relationship" now. This was really tough at first but I figured it would only be for the first few months after my HT. I contemplated whether or not I truly wanted a hair transplant for about a year. My advice to anyone who is debating whether or not to go through the HT process is don't rush into it; take your time, do your research, know what you'll be sacrificing and once you made a decision, do more research.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  2. hairshare, you might not know the answer to this question but I was wondering, of the 2,400 grafts that you received for the second operation, how many of those were used to restore the temple points? Dr. Hasson restored my temple points and I wish I would have asked him for a rough estimate on how many grafts were placed in my temple regions and how many grafts were inserted in my frontal 1/3. thanks



    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  3. Bleach, I went through the same exact situation as you. I graduated from college (undergraduate) in 2007 and I told myself that I was going to work for about two years and save up for a HT. I start graduate school (physical therapy) this coming fall and I'm taking out loans to pay for the schooling. My thought process was this... with any profession you want to exude confidence and with my current state of hair loss there was NO WAY I would be able to do that. When I worked in the hospital for the past two years, I had to work with patients individually, or converse with patients / family members of that patient; and I always had to deal with drifting eyes towards my hairline, which not only affected my self confidence but my focus as well. I need to be focused at work, and not worry about what my hair looks like, or stress out about whether or not somebody can spot Toppik or Dermmatch in my hair. My hairloss has held me back SOOO many times in my life, personally and professionally. That's why I decided to get my hair transplant when I did. I figured that this would probably be the only time in my life that I would be able to go through this whole HT process. Hopefully it will all pan out in the long run. Good luck at school and with your decision making.

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