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Fingers Crossed

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Posts posted by Fingers Crossed

  1. This might be a stupid question, but as expected a lot of my transplanted hair has fallen out in the past week and a half or so. I've noticed that some of the hair that has shed is completely straight and others are straight with the one end bent at a 45 degree angle (sometimes 90 degree angle). Is it normal for the one end of the transplanted hair to be bent like that? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question...


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  2. Eman was nice enough to speak with me over the phone a few times when I was undecided between Dr. Rahal and Dr. Hasson. I spoke to him about a month before my HT with Dr. Hasson, and he said that he was extremely happy with his results. At that point, he was 10.5 months post-op and he said that his density was excellent and all of his friends who were bald are now jealous. I agree with you Raphael, his hair loss website helped me a lot too...it was very informative and I learned a lot by just reading his blog.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  3. Thanks guys! Bleach thats a well thought out plan...I think you're right about the 300 grafts. I'm pretty sure that's not going to make too much of a difference like you said. I was actually in the same boat as you in regards to deciding between Dr. Hasson and Dr. Rahal. It took me a full year to decide. Either way you made an excellent choice.


    Megatron...thanks for the compliments! I was beginning to thin in the midscalp but I found this shampoo a few years ago called L'Oreal Vive Pro Daily Thickening Shampoo for Men. Dr. Hasson actually complimented me on doing a good job "masking" my thinning. I told him it was from the shampoo, and perhaps a high protein diet. Looking forward to viewing your pics!


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  4. megatron,


    no not really...the whole "pulling" sensation subsided about 3 weeks post op. I'm able to lift heavy right now but I decided to just take it easy for about a month. I'll start training heavy maybe around 2-3 months post-op. As far as jogging, I don't jog. I walk on an steep incline on the treadmill and had no pulling sensation at all. Hopefully you'll be able to return to jogging without any discomfort in the coming weeks.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  5. Dr. Hasson's post-op instructions regarding exercise related activity is: Mild/Moderate exercise can be performed 2 weeks following surgery. More strenous activities can be performed 3 weeks following surgery (lifting, running, etc). No swimming for the first 2 weeks following surgery.


    My question is...when is someone "safe" from running the risk of widening their donor scar following surgery? 2-3 months? Thanks guys


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  6. Bleachcola,


    Yes, both of my parents were shocked when I told them about my plans on getting a HT. My mom seemed a bit concerned; I told her about H&W and I was going to travel to Vancouver to get it done. She took it upon herself to research...she said "Who is this Hasson & Wong? I never even heard of these guys. Why would you travel that far when there's a Bosely about 30 minutes away?" Haha! I see my parents about twice a week and they are already use to seeing me with a shaved head and a scar running across the back of my head. Bleach, don't let your parent talk you out of it!


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  7. Phil, I second that! I hate windy days with a passion because it would mess up my 1 and a half hours of work trying to cover my thinning; plus with the Toppik I used it would go all over the place, regardless if you use hair spray or not. I'm looking forward to swimming once again, and walking around outside not having to worry about what my hair will look.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson


    WB good luck with everything!

  8. Hey guys, I just wanted to give everyone an update. I'm currently 23 days post-op and I would say about 2/3 of my transplanted hair have fallen out thus far. I stopped the use of the vitamin e oil because i think it was actually irritating my skin. My scar is healing very nicely and I no longer have any discomfort with sleeping; I still use the U-shaped pillow because I find it to be very comfortable and easy on the scar. I finally went back to the gym on Monday, it has been a very long 3 weeks and I couldn't wait to start working out! While I was warming up on the treadmill, my whole entire scalp became extremely itchy. It drove me crazy but I sucked it up and finished my workout. I will update my hair loss website next Monday with 1 month post-op photos.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

  9. WB...i would say the social shut down is probably the hardest part of the whole sacrificing process, depending on how close you are with your friends. Every day I ask myself if I made the right decision or not because I could have used all of that money towards graduate school next fall. However, I had full trust in the doctor that I chose and I believe that I truly did make the right choice. Good luck with your decision making.


    My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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